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No truer words were ever spoken! Living 10 minutes outside of NYC - the blaring screams of antisemitism is pure unadulterated bullshit. The Jews have always been revered. Like you say so much native talent - there isn't anyone that doesn't say use Jewish doctors, Jewish lawyers, Jewish surgeons - the best because they have the best education! I am middle aged and the only thing we ever heard growing up is that they were cheap! That was the entire extent of this alleged antisemitism bullshit!

Here in Northern NJ there are dozens of Yeshiva's and synagogues - we have one of the largest Jewish populations and there has never, ever, ever, been an incident of anything! Ever!

What Chris just said could not be more true - Israel is solely responsible for wiping Israel off the map! To be a Jew today will become like Nazi Germany déjà vu. And as you just also stated:

"Pissed away by monsters lacking human decency or morals, and hiding behind the skirts of a hegemon, corrupted from within"

I just can't help but wonder if this was all deliberate because this suicide mission it is just so blindingly obvious - is this actually about eradicating the Jews? Chris could not have stated it more accurate when he said - they have signed there own death certificate!

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I’ve looked hard at the bleating about anti-semitism. First off the data come from or via, or have been finagled by the ADL. A very suspect organization claiming to defend rights when in fact its Jewish entitlement that they are about. They never give control numbers , ever! Like blacks or Asians, unless forced to.

One way that circumvents their finagling is to look at murder. Even the ADL can’t fudge that.

So in the last 5 years there has been one, I repeat one Jew killed in the US for being a Jew. This is dwarfed by blacks murdered for being black for example.

Anti-semitism lost its veneer for me when they claimed Mandela and Tutu were anti-semites when they expressed sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians.

It’s such a scourge that according to Forbes, only 40% of American billionaires are Jews! It’s such a scourge that voters elect 3x as many Jews to Congress as their ovulation numbers warrant. Has there ever been a big time Jewish crook or sex pervert who did bleat anti-semitism when caught?

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{I’ve looked hard at the bleating about anti-semitism.}

I was listening to my local "college" radio station a few weeks back and a young Jewish woman came on and spoke about fearing to be a Jew for the very first time at her college - afraid to walk anywhere on campus!

Are you sitting down I hope?

NOT I repeat NOT because of anti-Semitism but because of the Pro-Israel movement and security on the campus was so profound she feared for her life supporting the Palestinians!

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There is a Jewish mafia....and it seems to have its finger prints on a lot of anti-free speech shut downs.

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Fearing is hardly an objective outcome. For the most part in the present context it depends on how neurotic you are.

I recently experienced having a young well-nourished Jewish woman announce herself as a granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor. She seemed to be boasting. It did not occur to her that she might be talking to someone, both of whose parents did not survive WWII.

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Yes. My Jewish family members and friends in the US oppose the genocide in Gaza. My Israeli relatives I am not so sure.

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Thank you . . . .

You're watching this huge exodus of Israel's to the USA and throughout all of Europe. They might say one thing but they know the truth hence the massive migration. No sane human being could possibly condone this.

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Totally agree. I'd rather be sinned upon than the sinner. The blood of innocents doesn't wash off. Shame and guilt will destroy the nation from within.

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Jan 2, 2024
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Sadly you are probably right

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I don't men to lessen anything you said - but it's akin to claiming the economy is booming and then televise mall parking lots filled with cars - Walk inside however to see how many are actually carrying bags?

Lets face it - truth now completely ceases to exist

I use to think I was going a senile with all the talk of racism - but that too was another lie as least here in the Metropolitan area. You can't have it both ways claiming America was built on immigration and then go about spouting we're racists, antisemites, bigots and xenophobes. I grew up in the 60's - we didn't see color race creed or anything else. Not saying our elders didn't put from the 60's on - our generation formed it's own opinion. We all had friends from different cultures and races and never thought twice about any of it.

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I think the gist of Chris' article is that a colonial nation that chooses apartheid followed by periodic bombing of the population kept locked up in a small part of the nation....followed by what is absolutely a sustained act of collective punishment to the point where there is no safe place in Gaza....or clean drinking water or food..........that colonial nation is signing its own death warrant by pursuing genocidal violence to solve its security problems.

The State of Israel is being turned into a monster...by the fanatics at the helm. Try imagining what the Islamic population of the middle east is feeling as they watch Gaza die.........on the telly. Imagine what any part of the world not blinded by American exceptionalism is thinking about the USA....as it doggedly continues to sent Israel the weapons needed to destroy an essentially unarmed civilian population.

If I were a citizen of Israel right now.......I'd be planning to emigrate......to where ever I could find refuge.

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I concur with everything both you and Chris said. This was the nail that nailed Israel's coffin shut. The question is why? For over 75 years they reaped the sympathy of the Holocaust and now, they've become Nazi's. Why not a ground invasion why total destruction?

It's about about land, the gas fields, the new canal, shipping lanes, trade and the worlds next super power. You can kiss Israel's and the US asses buh-bye. Russia and China have both moved six war ships in the area and Iran sent war ships into the Red Sea today!

I still think Netanyahu made a deal with Putin - take Israel down I wonder if he can seek political asylum in Russia - of course he would eventually fall out a window but Putin is a brilliant strategist. I also believe he lured everyone into Ukraine when he deliberately invaded them. Everyone ran, everyone partook and everyone is now sans artillery while Russia is headed off to Israel. You know 10-07 was an excuse to commence all of this.

And look who holds all the cards? The entire Middle East is backing Russia.

Close to a million Israel's have all fled Israel - every plane coming to Europe and the states is full!

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What makes me most sad, is that none of this would have been possible without armaments from the wealthiest, most entitled, and I'm sorry to say, most ignorant Empire on the planet. As a Canadian, I don't feel superior to any of this.....just scared for my grandkids for the day you decide you have to ingest us....

My partner learned this morning that South Africa has succeeded in getting the charge of genocide before the International Court of Justice........and there are hopes that the case will be heard in the near future. We should keep our eyes on that.........AND on the role of America in trying to shut it down.

I keep wondering when the real revolution will begin in America...as more and more people of good will start to actually see themselves and their country in the mirror of growing world opposition to the unquestioned support for Israel.

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I concur with all - we can only hope the revolution is finally imminent! Most experts feel there will not be an election and or if Trump doesn't win - that will solidify just how corrupt the process is. I don't vote and only that his lead is so insurmountable and therefore impossible to beat. It would require far more malfeasance than previously and would blow the lid off everything. Finally resulting in an overthrow of the government!

Thank God for South Africa - but as I say/think there is far more complex than what people are seeing. The Middle East is about to explode now that they assassinated Saleh al-Arouri, who was the deputy chief of the political bureau for Hamas - this is all planned.

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You may think the warlords attempting to rule the world are smarter than I do. Yes. They have schemes...ways of meddling...but when it blows up in their faces, do you think they took that possibility into account from the beginning???

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I personally believe politics is all about superlative strategy and undoubtedly there's been many an imbecile

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