There are scores of Palestinian writers and photographers, many of whom have been killed, who are determined to make us see the horror of this genocide. They will vanquish the lies of the killers.
Wow, tough crowd in the comments. Maybe some bot, propagandist agenda, or maybe someone too angry to see suffering everywhere deserves attention.
The author is not perfect - but I don’t read in his books and articles that he claims that status.
I do see empathy. It is abundantly clear Mr. Hedges is humbled by the utterly insane carnage of human folly. Can our government leadership from the past decades claim such ground?
I've followed this man as closely as ANYBODY this past decade ...
I used to love the guy, but not since the lockdowns ... I'm a true independent progressive just like Hedges once was ... I did not vote for either of those sexually-obsessed bullies in the 2020 PRES election ...
And here's one of Hedges' more revealing comments:
Did you know ...
On DEC 2, 2021 ...
The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years! ... and with this development, it was proven that the COVID vax was NOT "safe & effective" ...
And then, just 30 days later ...
On JAN 1, 2022 ...
Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):
"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ... Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ...
Most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment during the interview above, Hedges openly admitted that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences ...
And here's where you and I disagree most: I do not believe people like Hedges should be forgiven for looking us all in the eye and lying to us ... Hedges has been afflicted with the same poison that drives the globalists ... I call it the "primacy virus" ... more people rely on the principles of primacy of profit, primacy of self in our everyday decisions ... Hedges has a spouse and a family and ideological soulmates, but anybody outside his immediate circle is now fair game, including his followers ... he should be condemned for this!
Go ahead Susan, set the bar as low as possible for St Chris ...
Praise him, tell him that only his words matter, make it easy for him ... you may be content to hear him put this stuff into words ... but the big challenge is to back up his words with action and as of the 2020 lock downs, it seems he has chosen to just kick back and coast ... and who can blame him as long as clapping seals like YOU continue to show up and say "gimme more'!
I've probably followed Hedges as closely as anybody else here, I used to love the guy ...
But he threw the U.S. working class - "his working class" under the bus with all things COVID and deserted us with the MAR '20 lockdowns ...
In recent weeks he has had much more to say about the plight of the Palestinians than he ever has about those of us here in the U.S. who have been bullied into a state of fear, poverty and censorship by COVID tyranny ...
And here's one Hedges' more revealing comments:
Did you know ...
On DEC 2, 2021 ...
The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years!
and then, just 30 days later ...
On JAN 1, 2022 ...
Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):
"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ... Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ...
Most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment in the interview above, Hedges openly admitted that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences ...
And here's where you and I would probably disagree most: I do not believe people like Hedges' should be forgiven for looking us all in the eye and lying to us ... not when lives and livelihoods hang in the balance of his words ... Hedges has been afflicted with the same poison that drives the globalists ... I call it the "primacy virus" ... more people now rely on the principles of primacy of profit, primacy of self in our everyday decisions ... Hedges has a spouse and a family and ideological soulmates, but anybody outside his immediate circle is fair game, including his followers .. he should be condemned for this!
I've got more direct quotes for you proving his duplicity ... all ya gotta do is ask ...
Just for starters, he's actually taken sides with the globalists on the issues of climate change and vax-related bodily autonomy ... hey Yvonne, do you even know what a globalist is?
But ya see, there is a war raging here in the U.S. between the working class - "his" working class and the DS ... and he is acutely aware of it! ... he has now devoted many more words over these past few months to the ISR-PAL conflict then he ever did for those of us under thumb of COVID tyranny ... read my other comments here ...
For years, he has urged us to confront tyranny and promised to be there with us ... but when things got dicey with the lockdowns he changed and deserted us ... lucky for him, I'm the only person in this hemisphere who notices such things ... I've followed him VERY closely for the past decade and my beef with him extends beyond COVID ...
So go ahead, you can chuckle but I'm not laughing ...
I just don’t think the propaganda agenda is going to affect how we feel about Mr Hedges. Of course his stance is an unpopular one if you aren’t willing to touch the third rail in American politics. I think he and Cornell West show great courage on this topic.
Feel free to go off on the pandemic and vaccine - many of us were misled there. But that doesn’t mean we should tolerate adding exponential war crimes on top of war crimes.....unless you are going to go with the playbook on war propaganda: ditch the truth and ditch the morals.
But don't forget that the global agenda of systematic mass censorship had its birth with COVID ... and in spite of the many times Hedges has urged us to confront tyranny, he chose to stand down at a time when we need him most, as he now hides behind his words ... it's easy Paul, it's so fucking easy!
Baring witness to the atrocities of war is one of the bravest acts one person can do for their fellow man. The cost on the witness is a sacrifice I am indebted to because it is the capturing of truth that will help us move forward.
The first Amendment is held in high regard in this country, as it should be. So I will not tell the Pita brain in these comments to STFU. At what point do we allow our empathy to turn into proactive rage? Does overt unchallenged genocide justify an equal reactionary genocide? Jesus said, turn the other cheek, according to mainstream Christian doctrines. The only reason the satanic nazis succeeded in exterminating millions of innocents is because they didn't fight back. There are deadly ways to fight back that doesn't require even one loss of life. Even a dimwit old lady like me can see it.
Hey Kathleen ... all of my commentary is simply based on benchmarking Hedges lofty words against his actions ... my commentary is not so much about opinion as it is analysis ... I've got many more instances of Hedges betraying the implicit promises he's made ... all ya gotta do is ask ... But I will admit that my motivations are also somewhat personal ... let me assure you that the experience of watching video testimonies of the vax-injured is nothing like seeing it happen to somebody in your immediate circle!
As my double-sided, ad-hoc, focus-group tested, and highly approved demonstration/protest signs, which I employ twice a week to folks in the streets of Portland Maine and Portsmouth NH. simply say:
Congrats ... you've been sucked into his vortex ...
Hedges has done a masterful job of piggy-backing his career upon the fate of the Palestinians ... Hedges recently made a speech at the Media Sanctuary in which he said: "... I salute anybody who stood for the Palestinians" ... when in fact, he quietly refused to stand with the U.S. working class against illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports ... not a peep out of this man, other than to say "it's a tough decision" ... thx for nothin' Chris!
Thank you so much Chris and Eunice. You are among the poetic, powerful and persistent voices of the old human ethic that has never entirely died. A moral ethic that is on the verge of global collapse, as horrible catastrophes continue to expand into endless nightmares. You are among the few true journalistic and prophetic voices crying in the wilderness. You are both now a shining light of hope where there soon may be none left at all. It is up to all of us to share your wisdom, art and experience, and continue to carry the torch through our words and actions for peace on earth, no matter the cost. The alternative is unspeakable, even on this Christmas Day.
When reading or witnessing such horrors how does one not end up hating the perpetrators? Yet we can not stoop to hate - there is already too much of that in this world .Hate is what allows humans to commit such atrocities against other humans. How do we love at times like this?
Thanks you Chris even though this was hard to read.
There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.
Wow, tough crowd in the comments. Maybe some bot, propagandist agenda, or maybe someone too angry to see suffering everywhere deserves attention.
The author is not perfect - but I don’t read in his books and articles that he claims that status.
I do see empathy. It is abundantly clear Mr. Hedges is humbled by the utterly insane carnage of human folly. Can our government leadership from the past decades claim such ground?
I am not a propagandist!
I've followed this man as closely as ANYBODY this past decade ...
I used to love the guy, but not since the lockdowns ... I'm a true independent progressive just like Hedges once was ... I did not vote for either of those sexually-obsessed bullies in the 2020 PRES election ...
And here's one of Hedges' more revealing comments:
Did you know ...
On DEC 2, 2021 ...
The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years! ... and with this development, it was proven that the COVID vax was NOT "safe & effective" ...
And then, just 30 days later ...
On JAN 1, 2022 ...
Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):
Go to the 1:08:47 mark:
"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ... Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ...
Most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment during the interview above, Hedges openly admitted that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences ...
And here's where you and I disagree most: I do not believe people like Hedges should be forgiven for looking us all in the eye and lying to us ... Hedges has been afflicted with the same poison that drives the globalists ... I call it the "primacy virus" ... more people rely on the principles of primacy of profit, primacy of self in our everyday decisions ... Hedges has a spouse and a family and ideological soulmates, but anybody outside his immediate circle is now fair game, including his followers ... he should be condemned for this!
Thanks, Chris. You put the savage truth of colonialism into words.
Didn't Jews and Muslims live I peace before Israel was formed? Who wants a nation that is all one religion?
Myself, I would rather be the sinned upon than the sinner. The blood of the innocent does not wash off IMHO.
When Israel faces what it has done, there will be no need for terrorist attacks. It will deatroy itself and die out from corruption, guilt and shame.
Go ahead Susan, set the bar as low as possible for St Chris ...
Praise him, tell him that only his words matter, make it easy for him ... you may be content to hear him put this stuff into words ... but the big challenge is to back up his words with action and as of the 2020 lock downs, it seems he has chosen to just kick back and coast ... and who can blame him as long as clapping seals like YOU continue to show up and say "gimme more'!
oh please
Here ya go, Laine ... I dare you to read this!
I've probably followed Hedges as closely as anybody else here, I used to love the guy ...
But he threw the U.S. working class - "his working class" under the bus with all things COVID and deserted us with the MAR '20 lockdowns ...
In recent weeks he has had much more to say about the plight of the Palestinians than he ever has about those of us here in the U.S. who have been bullied into a state of fear, poverty and censorship by COVID tyranny ...
And here's one Hedges' more revealing comments:
Did you know ...
On DEC 2, 2021 ...
The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years!
and then, just 30 days later ...
On JAN 1, 2022 ...
Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):
Go to the 1:08:47 mark:
"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ... Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ...
Most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment in the interview above, Hedges openly admitted that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences ...
And here's where you and I would probably disagree most: I do not believe people like Hedges' should be forgiven for looking us all in the eye and lying to us ... not when lives and livelihoods hang in the balance of his words ... Hedges has been afflicted with the same poison that drives the globalists ... I call it the "primacy virus" ... more people now rely on the principles of primacy of profit, primacy of self in our everyday decisions ... Hedges has a spouse and a family and ideological soulmates, but anybody outside his immediate circle is fair game, including his followers .. he should be condemned for this!
I've got more direct quotes for you proving his duplicity ... all ya gotta do is ask ...
Wish you well Laine ...
Powerful. Thanks for your witnessing and testimony.
He's playing you Yvonne! ...
You're just a pigeon in his world ...
Just for starters, he's actually taken sides with the globalists on the issues of climate change and vax-related bodily autonomy ... hey Yvonne, do you even know what a globalist is?
Eagerly awaiting our reply ...
Ha! Ha! What threatens you about Chris's report that you have to be so belligerent?
Nothing per se ...
But ya see, there is a war raging here in the U.S. between the working class - "his" working class and the DS ... and he is acutely aware of it! ... he has now devoted many more words over these past few months to the ISR-PAL conflict then he ever did for those of us under thumb of COVID tyranny ... read my other comments here ...
For years, he has urged us to confront tyranny and promised to be there with us ... but when things got dicey with the lockdowns he changed and deserted us ... lucky for him, I'm the only person in this hemisphere who notices such things ... I've followed him VERY closely for the past decade and my beef with him extends beyond COVID ...
So go ahead, you can chuckle but I'm not laughing ...
Bethlehem’s bombed-out nativity sculpture sends a powerful message
I just don’t think the propaganda agenda is going to affect how we feel about Mr Hedges. Of course his stance is an unpopular one if you aren’t willing to touch the third rail in American politics. I think he and Cornell West show great courage on this topic.
Feel free to go off on the pandemic and vaccine - many of us were misled there. But that doesn’t mean we should tolerate adding exponential war crimes on top of war crimes.....unless you are going to go with the playbook on war propaganda: ditch the truth and ditch the morals.
Your points are well taken Paul ...
But don't forget that the global agenda of systematic mass censorship had its birth with COVID ... and in spite of the many times Hedges has urged us to confront tyranny, he chose to stand down at a time when we need him most, as he now hides behind his words ... it's easy Paul, it's so fucking easy!
Baring witness to the atrocities of war is one of the bravest acts one person can do for their fellow man. The cost on the witness is a sacrifice I am indebted to because it is the capturing of truth that will help us move forward.
The first Amendment is held in high regard in this country, as it should be. So I will not tell the Pita brain in these comments to STFU. At what point do we allow our empathy to turn into proactive rage? Does overt unchallenged genocide justify an equal reactionary genocide? Jesus said, turn the other cheek, according to mainstream Christian doctrines. The only reason the satanic nazis succeeded in exterminating millions of innocents is because they didn't fight back. There are deadly ways to fight back that doesn't require even one loss of life. Even a dimwit old lady like me can see it.
Hey Kathleen ... all of my commentary is simply based on benchmarking Hedges lofty words against his actions ... my commentary is not so much about opinion as it is analysis ... I've got many more instances of Hedges betraying the implicit promises he's made ... all ya gotta do is ask ... But I will admit that my motivations are also somewhat personal ... let me assure you that the experience of watching video testimonies of the vax-injured is nothing like seeing it happen to somebody in your immediate circle!
When is Enough Enough?
There are no Waters of Consolation
No Balm in Gilead
Where can salvation be found
When Death reigns from on high?
Buildings crumble
Bodies break
And bleed
In the dust
Pain fills a child’s pink shoe.
Beneath the twisted rubble
No humanity can be found.
As my double-sided, ad-hoc, focus-group tested, and highly approved demonstration/protest signs, which I employ twice a week to folks in the streets of Portland Maine and Portsmouth NH. simply say:
Thank you for being in the streets Alan. It takes some guts these days.
Cried so much it took me 45 tries to read this.
Congrats ... you've been sucked into his vortex ...
Hedges has done a masterful job of piggy-backing his career upon the fate of the Palestinians ... Hedges recently made a speech at the Media Sanctuary in which he said: "... I salute anybody who stood for the Palestinians" ... when in fact, he quietly refused to stand with the U.S. working class against illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports ... not a peep out of this man, other than to say "it's a tough decision" ... thx for nothin' Chris!
I sent this to friends who replied, "it's too hard to read", toodepressing" etc.
THAT'S THE POINT!!! It is heartbreaking and it IS HAPPENING!
Please keep writing about it, those of us who are reading and listening need to know what you are telling us, and spread the news.
Your critics, one in particular, whose comments sound unhinged, don't deserve to be listened to.
Thank you so much Chris and Eunice. You are among the poetic, powerful and persistent voices of the old human ethic that has never entirely died. A moral ethic that is on the verge of global collapse, as horrible catastrophes continue to expand into endless nightmares. You are among the few true journalistic and prophetic voices crying in the wilderness. You are both now a shining light of hope where there soon may be none left at all. It is up to all of us to share your wisdom, art and experience, and continue to carry the torch through our words and actions for peace on earth, no matter the cost. The alternative is unspeakable, even on this Christmas Day.
When reading or witnessing such horrors how does one not end up hating the perpetrators? Yet we can not stoop to hate - there is already too much of that in this world .Hate is what allows humans to commit such atrocities against other humans. How do we love at times like this?
Thanks you Chris even though this was hard to read.
I had to stop reading. It’s all too appalling.
There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.
Please sign the petition and share widely.
Other petitions, including
Ceasefire Now:
Signing petitions is one small thing we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.
Thank you sir. Yes I actually believe that one day this will be a very famous piece.
Not if I can help it!