The suppression of dissent within the United States has been a crucial component of the rise of bipartisan fascism. I say this having led the Bill of Rights Defense Committee (now known as Defending Rights and Dissent) from 2010 until 2015. Folks concerned about this disturbing trend can get involved by supporting the work of organizations like it. https://www.rightsanddissent.org

Even though restrictions on domestic dissent have included state violence, state surveillance, and profound pressure from a labor market that prefers to silence workers, it is important to note that Americans of conscience have remained undeterred. I wrote last year about grassroots mobilizations around the world challenging the continuing Israeli genocide in Gaza (https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/an-escalating-uprising-demands-human), and again earlier this month about a particular direct action aiming to shut down a Lockheed Martin facility in California, 21 years to the month after we did so back in 2003 following the invasion of Iraq. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/history-might-not-repeat-but-it-certainly

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To associate the current globalist corporatist power in the Western world to the "far right" is so damn intellectually dishonest I don't know how anyone gives any credibility to this piece. The "far right" in this current political era is committed to destruction of that cabal of monied power that connects with the American Democrat party.

Jesus you people are fantastic in how you cultch at your old "look at me, I am against the man and for the little guy" political identity while you also clutch all your real estate and Wall Street wealth and protect the corporatist cabal for your own selfish reasons.

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Speaking of Ukraine, you seem to forget the far-right element in the American-sponsored coups in 2004 and 2014.

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Yanis Varoufakis never caved in Greece. He walked rather than give in to the elites, unlike the guy he ran with who became president and caved within two days. I watched it myself. Please interview Varoufakis, Chris.

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Very interesting, and a bit depressing. Turns out, we do have to do our homework...have some theory behind us, some historical analysis, and a clearer vision of what we want instead of what we so far have. The idea that fighting neoliberalism is going to be hard if we've internalized neoliberal, individualized ideas and lifestyles is key. Too often, that's what we've found on the ground.

Lots of good people who know we need change....but who don't understand or critique the degree to which they are personally inscripted in the individualized and somewhat privileged lifestyle of the neoliberal world order. We NEED those jets to fly, that plastic to be produced and those restaurants to be affordable....while we fiddle around on weekends trying to make the social system more just..........or maybe just more accessible for our friends and relatives.

Time to read a little Marx and Lenin??? And turn off most MSM commentary while we do so?

Perhaps all the hard work of fixing what ails us isn't all going to be done on the mean streets.

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Let’s get the Biden Administration to focus on the criminal charges they so rightly deserve. 18 U.S. Code § 1091 is the statute that incorporated the Genocide Convention in US criminal law. Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, since they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives. Let us find the way.

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Not only will "We the Peoples of the world" lose whatever remains of our "freedom of dissent", given the new, draconian, hate,dis, mis, & mal, speech, laws recently enacted in Canada, Scotland, U.K., etc. but, if not stopped, the W.H.O.'s new ammendments, & their revised I.H.R. Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, will strip ALL sovereign rights from member countries. Evidently, once enacted @ the end of May 2024 (a few weeks away) the new, W.H.O. dictats ( supervised by th W.EF., will be legally binding for all member states w/NO opt- out possibility thereafter.

James Roguski has been sounding the alarm on this "One World" takeover by the global corporate, military, establishment elites for some time now. I am hoping Chris Hedges can arrange to interview Mr. Roguski to address this "event" before it is too late. The obliteration of personal rights that was tested during the C19 pandemic years was a dress rehersal, the real global coupe will be far more devestating.

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You might not agree, but we cannot know the potential for true evolutionary progress, which always takes place by leaps and bounds, not gradual meanderings. We also cannot really prepare for creative energy upheavals, in the way humans act. Miracles may still occur! The pressure cooker of our time is causing us such terrible anxiety, and yet, there are still "cracks where the light gets in." The last 20 years of the life of the poet Christian Wiman have been said to "outstrip knowledge". He keeps getting rescued from the edge of death by new medical experimental treatments that have worked just in time. The horizon of what is known gets moved outward just a bit. Let us keep praying for that infusion of energy and try to accept that we cannot control it.

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A lot of this discussion was over my head, especially the multiplicity of uprising, but I appreciate the tackling this important subject.

The good news is that I could access this in place, or along side of the Sunday morning CNN shows - Fareed Zaharia and the others.

I think it was in Black Elk Speaks that he visioned a time when "the center was everywhere and the there was no circumference" which Joesph Campbell picked up in his Inner Reaches of Outer Space. This is "horizontality" w/o boarders, and it is always the boarders that cause the conflicts, IMO. And that cause hierarchy domination rather than democratic representation.

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate Let us do it to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Let us call for a No Fly-Zone over Gaza!

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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One more failure by Obama. No wonder he looks so sheepish. I can't stand to look at him now.

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“These ‘TIMES’ they are a-changing” in a Revolutionary way on Tuesday April 16th 2024, by FSTV, regarding “The Quiet American” EMPIRE — and not in a good way for: Google, Amazon, the ‘TIMES’ censorship of Free Speech regarding The Intercept’s reporting of censorship of these terms: ‘genocide,’ ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘occupied territory’, along with the megalomaniac sociopath Trump and all along with my newest double-sided, ad-hoc, focus-group tested demonstration/protest signs which simply say:









All of which ANTI-EMPIRE deceits and crimes can be clearly diagnosed and solved with an, overdue from 1944, new Revolution of a:





and with the seminal focus of:





Instead of “The Quiet American” Empire, of our children being most likely to be killed by GUNS, the real problem is not guns, but the GLOBAL WEAPONS Industry (including Anti-Social Media).





BTW, all of this insane money making can be easily explained by, the cheap dirty trick of ‘Negative Externality Cost’ looting and lying, instead of ‘Positive Externality Profits’ for “we the people”. ‘Negative Externality Cost’ looting certainly can, and is, far greater than any FAUX-Profits that the looting OIL Industry, WEAPONS Industry, and anti-SOCIAL MEDIA Industry will ever be able to repay to our only fragile little planet.

BTW, FINALLY this system's HUMAN ENGINEERING is sort of working, but not anything like STEVE's goals with Visual Programming in 1980, IMHO, Chris

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PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE! I am thirsting to understand. I am politically conservative in my heart, but I was never a TRUMP SUPPORTER. I truly thought that he was an embarrassment…but then I witnessed the effect he was having on the permanent political class and I was stunned. Trump was like garlic to a vampire, if you will allow the analogy. Trump now strikes me as THE ONLY OUTSIDER who can change the system by burning down the corrupt elements. PLEASE help me to understand why I am wrong.

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There's no hope, really, since we are dealing with brains that resulted from hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in the natural environment, and they now have to function in a completely different human-made environment. The theories and intellectual thinking displayed here encompass a minuscule measure of what our brains accomplish. In short, we don't understand what we are and no amount of armchair theorizing can amount to what would be necessary to invoke societal change. The society our brains invent cannot be understood by select parts of the brain.

If you want to hope, then hope that our brains will change in a way favorable to truly act civilized in the so-called civilization we live in. But that would take many years, too numerous to even guess.

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I marched with protestors in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in 2016, protests ostensibly in opposition to the US backed Juan Orlando regime.

The group I was with met with US embassy staff and it became clear that USSD was doing everything in their power to coopt the movement, paying it lip service but undermining any effort to truly engaged in coordinated analysis of the impact of neoliberalism.

One of the most telling images I recall was a flatbed truck hauling in portable toilets for the crowds. The military also looked on with indifference, even mild amusement.

We met a day or so later with students at the national university who were engaging in a non violent protest of efforts to privatize higher education. JOHs thugs were there in force ready to beat the shit out of the students, who unlike the "protestors" we'd seen earlier really did have specific demands rooted in analysis and an understanding of class struggle.

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Stop peddling pessimism, Mr Hedges! ...

Is this all ya got, is this the best you can do?

Please tell us, exactly how do your dark perspectives on our present issues of life, death and freedom empower us? ... how?

Why have you failed to mention the threat posed to our freedoms by the amendments to the WHO International Pandemic Treaty ... why?


I no longer consider Chris Hedges to be a true activist because of none of his content here is actionable ...

I miss the old, pre-pandemic Chris Hedges ... there was a time when he would not have dodged commentary on hard news here in the U.S. ... he would have called out the culprits out by name, set the record straight and pointed us in the right direction ... but not anymore ... 

Here's an excerpt from the intro to his March 8th interview with author John Valaint: "... if left unchecked, (the excavation of the Fort McMurray tar sands) will SOON render the planet uninhabitable" ...

Oh really? ... how soon Mr. Hedges, WHEN? ... handicap it for us, give us a time window ... you've actually said this many times Mr Hedges, but this old world just keeps on turning! ... yes, we are in fact in the midst of a climate crisis, but Hedges continues to push a hoax on us that global warming poses an existential threat to our species ...

Why was Hedges diverting our attention to a Canadian fire that occurred 8 years ago while Texas is in the midst of the worst fires in its history?

GO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pz9gvdvWmU&t=334s

CBS reported 7,000 cattle had been killed, so we know that figure is probably larger ... this area accounts for nearly 90% of the beef production in the U.S ... the WEF is on record as saying that the global livestock population must be reduced because of its supposed role in global warming ... ya see, TPTB are just trying to save us, right? ...

10 Reasons Global Warming is a hoax ...


This one is even better ...




Chris Hedges has deserted the U.S. working class! ...

HEDGES: "Let us stand up and resist so future generations will at least say ‘they tried.’ We cannot do this alone ... together we have a chance" ...


But he has refused to comment on THE GREAT RESET, The World Economic Forum and the proposed tyrannical amendments to the WHO Pandemic Treaty ...

Hedges abandoned the U.S. working class and the U.S. Constitution in an AUG 27, 2021 interview with Jimmy Dore, and he has now brazenly hidden behind ASSANGE and Gaza for the past 6 months ... his predictable decision to once again leave us all hangin' here with no hope on GAZA has become his trademark ... Chris Hedges is deliberately misdirecting our attention here ...

His relentless recounting of the horrors of the Gaza genocide for the past 6 months has passed the point of diminishing marginal returns for the marginalized millions in HIS U.S. working class ...

I now count over 70 pieces he has posted here since OCT 7, with only 8 addressing issues OTHER THAN the Gaza genocide, and only his recent interview with Les Leopold striking at the heart of the problems now facing Americans ... we are the people who bought his books, attended the his public signings, smashed THUMBS UP and always commented accordingly ... and we deserve much, much more from this once good man ...



Hedges is deceptively divisive and he obviously has no problem with it ...

Rather than comment on the ominous threats posed to our freedoms by the WEF and the WHO, he would also have us believe the problem is TRUMP-MAGA ... just listen to the extremely divisive, out-of-context comment he makes here in his otherwise terrific AMERICAN SADISM speech ... listen as he blames the MSM for splitting us into "warring factions" and then demeans those of us who question the motives and tactics of our elected officials as "members of the lunatic fringe and conspiracy theorists" ...

Start at the 43:10 mark and then listen very closely to him at the 44:32 mark:


Many times, Hedges has been quick to point out the problems of our binary reaction to political reporting but once again, he chooses to deftly demonize and conflate law-abiding Christians with fringe MAGA types ...

Hedges' words do not empower us, his pessimism demoralizes us ...

Here's a few more head-scratching comments that now have even more meaning since the March 2020 lock downs:



He says all the right things here:

“We cannot be paralyzed by fear. We will be stripped, if we do not resist, of our few remaining rights. To resist, while there is still time, is not only the highest form of spirituality but the highest form of patriotism. It is, if you care about what is worth protecting in this country, a moral imperative."

And on another occasion: "The Constitution remains a sacred document."



But then, after the lock downs ...

He threw us AND the Constitution under the bus with COVID in an interview with Jimmy Dore ... just listen him equivocate and watch him dance to avoid a direct answer when asked about the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports before sheepishly blowing it off by saying: "that was a decision that I made."

AUG 27, 2021 ...

Go to the 8:12 mark ...


Jimmy: “I’d like to get your thoughts on the vaccine mandates and passports”:

Hedges: “So I got the vaccine … the fact is these things were rolled out without proper vetting, that’s real … but I understand how people are weary about it, because they were turbo-charged … but that was a decision I made to get it … I am quite certain, in the history of pharmaceuticals that they work very hard to bury the negative consequences … that was a decision that I made”

TRANSLATION: He temporarily suspended his principles because things just got too hot in his kitchen.

And on USEFUL IDIOTS on SEP 21, 2021

Go to the 1:50 mark ...

Another less-than-passionate, half-hearted response ...


“It’s a hard question, I guess”



On DEC 2, 2021 ...

The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years! ...

This proved that the COVID vax was not "safe & effective"!


But then, just 30 days later ...

On JAN 1, 2022 ...

Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):

Go to the 1:08:47 mark:  


"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ...

Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ... most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative on us anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment during the interview above, Hedges rubbed our nose in it by openly admitting that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... livelihoods and lives can hang in the balance of reckless, irresponsible comments like this but clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences.

Of course, Hedges is free to write about any topic he chooses ... but although the 2024 PRES election is 8 months away, we've only got 2 months to stop the WHO from implementing those scary amendments to the pandemic treaty ...

Read about James Roguski and the Amendments to the W.H.O.'s International Pandemic Treaty here on Substack ... Hedges should be front and center on this ... in tough times like these, why won't he even mention this topic? ...

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