As an Albertan for the last 40 years it was great to hear how John sees Alberta and agree 100% with his analysis of the people and the economy and how entrenched the golden handcuff psyche is embedded across all industries and professional organizations. I would add also that Alberta with all its wealth over the decades never truly tried to diversify its economy which needs decades to build and mature and is only now waking up to this mistake. You won’t see a lot of forward thinking coming out of Alberta. Apologies

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Well we're Albertan, solarized and driving an EV. We also worked hard for the NDP in the last election and will do so again for the Federal party.

There are alternatives available now......hope to see you at future organizing events. We can't afford even 4 years of a PP government.

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Oh wow!! You know how to virtue signal. Driving an EV is like what...makes you special?

The pollution to create one of those batteries and burn coal to charge your EV...and yet you look down on those with ICE. You sound so silly!

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Pretty standard rage farming here Matt. We charge our EV from solar panels we put up in 2009...and again in 2017. We're well aware of all the BS fossil fools use to diss alternative energies..........but when you implement the transition Matt..................you aren't virtue signalling.

You are leaving the Age of Petroleum behind..........and moving toward the Just Transition. Later this month, we'll put 5.35 killowatts of solar on our son's roof.

It isn't Virtue Signalling to want your grandbabies to survive. And shame on you for imagining it is.

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I didn’t read anything where the poster disparaged ICE owners. In reality, EV’s are still in the Model T stage. Hopefully, battery research will develop cheaper energy storage easier to recycle. Personally, I am more interested in densified living arrangements which would get us back to feet and public transportation with light low range EV for local movement. EV’s are still expensive but ICE cars have become unaffordable as well.

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My experience is EV folks are anti-ICE - not all but most. That is the assumption I made but maybe I am wrong in this case. EV's are great for some things and not great for others. I think EV's shine in urban situations but ICE is better for the countryside and long trips. I am all for choice but I do resent the EV's saying ICE's should be banned. The rationale for banning ICE's also applies for EV's as well. There is no such thing as consequence-free energy.

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Voted NDP as well and thought Knotley did a great job but the party is not very deep in capable people unfortunately and policy at times seemed muddled on some issues. The UCP are a dangerous conglomeration of careerist weirdos with irrational agendas. But in the end the general population are typical head in sand types much the same as any bell curve around the western cultures. Even the comments on this thread about climate denial are laughably ignorant and show how helpless our species is to Upton Sinclair quote - you can’t help someone understand if their paycheque depends on not understanding.

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It can get pretty depressing when you read how ignorant are some of the commentators most certain that they have the word of the Lord at their fingertips.

However, I think every period of rapid change brings out these archetypes: Those who read widely, and have a nose for none sense, Those who keep repeating the old mantras of their youth, Those who follow the loudest voices in the room, Those too timid to disagree with TBA types...........

Yes. We're addicted to fossil fuels and fossil fools in Alberta. But I was shocked to hear in the interview how much of Canada's petroleum comes from the Tarsands. We really are at the bottom of the barrel in Alberta.

WHICH LIKELY EXPLAINS WHY THE UCP ARE SUCH A GAGGLE OF IGNORANT AND ARGUMENTATIVE KNOW IT ALL, KNOW NOTHINGS. Things are bad already and going to get worse. All they can imagine doing is shouting reality down......threatening the timid, taking over school boards and forcing those woke teachers to go back to sleep and hand out last centuries work sheets.

If we let them run things, our grandbabies have no future. So let's roll up our sleeves and keep on trucking.

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best ever interview.

Between this interview and our upcoming election and our forever wars

could we get even more neurotic...don't think so....where going batty nuts as a species...and taking all live on earth along with us.

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But we can cross over.......if we have a bit of luck and money. There's no time to lose. We all have to do every thing we can.

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No science. A few examples of fires. But no logic or facts connecting them to a pattern. No science about how CO2 causes global warming. No statistics which actually show wild fires are not running away. Ignoring the failures to clean out the undergrowth due to policy changes made by Green alarmists. You usually do such a good job at details and logic. Not your best piece

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The science "about how CO2 causes global warming" is well established and settled. The science and data connecting global warming to increased severity and frequency and earlier seasonal onset of wildfires is amply demonstrated. "Clean out undergrowth"? Like Trump suggested, do you think we need to "rake the forest"? The science about "fuels management" as a strategy to reduce wildfire risks is weak and suggests that "management" (thinning and prescribed burns) make the wildfires WORSE.

You need to do more reading and stop the climate denial crap.

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Science is NEVER settled - that is why it is science - always subject to investigation. Plate tectonics was called wrong, that the science was settled. Germ theory was called wrong, settled by science. The list of settled science that wasn't is long. Your mere dismissals of everything else are what deserve to be dismissed. Where is your science to back it up?

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Climate and the role of CO2 is as settled as Newton's gravitation - you used cheap talking points. Settled means "overwhelming consensus, extremely high reliability, 9 standard deviations certainty" and you know it.

I have zero respect or tolerance for assholes.

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Newton's gravitation was disproved by Einstein. You have introduced your own personal definition of "settled". Science is Never consensus. As Einstein said, it only takes one person to prove me wrong. Show me any part of your alleged "settled science" that has "9 standard deviations of certainty" - you just made that up. Name calling is ad hominem, and childish

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You are incorrect: Einstein's relativity did not invalidate Newtonian physics. A hypothesis only becomes a theory when it is sufficiently validated to be accepted by consensus. You have no idea of what science and uncertainty and statistics are. There was no ad hominem as the criticism was based on and grounded in your own errors and bad faith. Be gone, this is not worth my time.

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You are twice incorrect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_relativity

A hypothesis becomes a theory when it has been extensively tested, as Einstein's has. It has also been accepted by a large part of the community, though parts are disputed by significant scientists.

Consensus has Nothing to do with it. Science is Not a democracy. As Einstein said, "it only takes one person to prove me incorrect". I have several degrees in science and statistics. Again, you ad hominem me instead of debating, providing evidence, disputing and proving your assertions.

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Here is the physical explanation for the warming of earth’s surface due to increased CO2 in the atmosphere. It was written by Raymond Pierrehumbert, Halley Chair in Physics at Oxford. and possibly the foremost climatologist in the world. It is based on established physical science and observation over the last 200 years since Joseph Fourier conceived the “greenhouse effect”. If you can find the flaws in this paper based on physical argument, please proceed.

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I read it. Entirely theoretical. Does not prove we are heading into a catastrophe.

https://i0.wp.com/climatecite.com/wp-content/uploads/ghgasnotequal.jpg shows the limits of Greenhouse gases, of which water is the elephant, the rest are mire mice in comparison.


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“Entirely theoretical”? Is that supposed to be a pejorative? Everything there is established science, and vetted through measurement and experiment. What is the problem? The Planck blackbody spectral distribution? Atomic and molecular spectroscopy? Any other foundations of modern physics? Indeed, your approach can only succeed by rejecting or ignoring nearly the whole body of physics knowledge and also the geophysical history of the planet. The objection of water vapor being a more important greenhouse gas was perfectly answered in Pierrehumbert’s summarization. Water vapor does not reach the stratosphere due to precipitation at low temperature. It does not play a part in the depth in the upper atmosphere at which far infrared radiation leaks into space, that extra blanket. There is no other science contradicting the warming effects of CO2. It is futile converse with anyone denying the basic science of CO2 and its immediate atmospheric effects. I’ll agree the effects on the Earth’s systems and cycles is another question. That IS another thing. But if the basic physical argument is rejected, it’s of no use moving to the next phase.

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What you allege has Never happened before. Therefore, it is entirely theoretical. Pierrehumbert's "summation" is theoretical. Your Ad hominem attacks at me are illogical and dismissed. You completely ignored the chart and site I provided. While you claim none, there IS other science contradicting CO2. CO2 has been much higher before. After each warming period after a cold cycle, the the temperature drops while the CO2 remains high. Therefore, CO2 cannot be dominant. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/12/27/vostok-and-the-8000-year-time-lag/

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Do you know how they "clean out the undergrowth"? They let it burn. The PNW used to have the best summers, not too hot and no rain. Now they have periods of extreme heat and the smoke from the fires make life unendurable.

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Yes, controlled burns worked for centuries. Every warm climate has periods of extreme heat throughout the ages - human history is a blink of an eye. Every warm climate place has periods of not too hot and less rain (never no rain unless it is a desert, and even deserts get rain.) If it is "unendurable", how come everyone is not dead? Rhetoric is not an argument

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Don’t know for sure of course, but sometimes I think we all may be on the brink and the earth will majestically continue on.

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Dear Stephanie,

The earth recovered from so many extinction events in the past, I am sure you are right. I think that some humans will survive since there are 8 billion plus of us, all over the world, including in the Space station. It only takes two.

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If you think it only takes two to repopulate a species you're no scientist. The Garden of Eden story is all very well.............but there wouldn't be enough genetic variation to repopulate from a single couple.

We know this from the 'islands of extinction' in which our cariboo are blinking out..........up in the boreal where tarsands and clear cut logging is cutting the herds off from each other...........and a robust genome.

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How would you suggest those two survivors will feed in a planet devastated by hurricanes and fires? I'm old and ready to leave this world but I wish most people would listen to the climate scientists and save our planet for future generations.

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I've just replied as well to that none sense about two people being enough to repopulate our species.

The degree of scientific ignorance in people bright enough to listen to Hedges is shocking.

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Well good heavens James.....if we wait until everyone is dead' to declare a situation 'unendurable'............the climate denialists will have won. It's what I think they call a Pyric Victory.

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Read the book James. I have. The science is still doing catch up....but those houses did burn to the foundations in 5 minutes.........and the new fires aren't like those of 30 years ago.

We white eyes learn slowly. We just figured out that letting forests burn might be a good thing.........at the point where its not true anymore.

A little burn in the backcountry can grow to a monster in a few days and devourer your town. It's what happened in Fort MacMurray. It's what happened in Paradise, Calif. Just short of a nuclear bomb, according to the level of heat and combustion. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE...is about all you can do once its got its steam up.

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Ad hominem. I have read many books. Many more articles. "We white eyes" is racist. You take an example, and without any science explode them into, alleged, proof positive.

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So, James, what is your solution to the climate crisis? I'm not happy at all with the bad quality of air and water we have to endure today nor with the triple increase in my home insurance rate and higher A/C bills.

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We white eyes have been racist for centuries. Read Edward Said's CULTURE AND IMPERIALISM. It opened my eyes....and was saddening. I spent my youth studying English Literature.

Reading what men of privilege and learning thought....and said....about darker skinned people was shocking. But let's no pretend we aren't most of us children of Empire........almost as busy denying our racist past as we are denying anthropogenic climate change.

But sure: no one should use racist language against US....even if she is a white woman. Hahahaha.

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Yes, we need giant rumbas in all the forests. That will fix it.

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This is really over the top stupid and the reason I stopped supporting you earlier. This is not "science." This is politics or religion and you a fooling nobody. Give it a rest!

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You couldn't be more mistaken if you'd voted for Trump and were now supporting a genocide in the middle east.

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I'm pretty sure it's all you people who voted for Biden that support the genocide. He's YOUR guy.

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I'm not American, but do feel for you. America's support of Israel, no matter what......has put many Americans with no one to vote for.

Luckily for me, in Canada, we have a social democratic party that's been calling for a Cease Fire almost from the beginning.

Right or left in your country, a military industrial complex makes policy.

And for the arms industry...........a genocide is a money making proposition.


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No yo. I'm Canadian and thankful. You don't have good choices down there this election......but it could lead you to do a bit more thinking and a lot less bashing of supposed opponents.

We are standing with the Palestinians and learning things we had no idea about before this current Israeli genocide. I had no idea there was a real estate company going from synagogue to synagogue selling lots in the occupied West Bank.

I know that now, thanks to some intrepid protesters in Toronto. I do know its illegal to sell lots on occupied territory...........its against international law. But it's been going on in your country and mine for some years apparantly.

We all of us need to give up our need to rage against 'the other side'.......and start learning what's been going on........whether your Dems or your Repugs are in power...and whether our Liberals or Conservatives have the majority.

On many things, both old line parties seem to toe are corporatist line....but if the billionaires aren't running things, who will??? They've taught the people to waste time and money fighting each other.........might be too late to learn solidarity now.

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I share your feelings on this!

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Chris - How did you manage to bring out the climate deniers? Are these people regular readers of your site?

I thought this was one of your most powerful pieces, so the denial trolls are out after it in force. Surely an indicator of nailing it!

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Fear porn!!!

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Reality is there for us to learn from. If you're afraid............do something to make it better. The Fort MacMurray fires were real............and its a miricle everyone got out.

Not so lucky in Paradise, were they?

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If you are referring to Maui, climate change is a cop out.

You realize the government prevented folks from getting water to put out the fires.

Also, escape routes were blocked due to government incompetence.

The EASIEST thing in the world is to blame climate change and tax people more to pay for more government malfeasance. That's the reality to learn.

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Blaming the government might buy you some time..........but the climate disasters we are experiening now can only be taken to the door of government if we acknowledge they've been too much in the pocket of the FossilFool industry...........and afraid to face the reality of Fire Next Time.

As Valiant says.......the petrochemical industry is about burning..........Fire is Petrochemical heaven.


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Great interview. I groaned through the whole thing. And then bought the book.

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It's a good read...........he isn't an abstract theorist. He actually talks to the people most effected.

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So many right wing anti climate activists commented negatively on this wonderful interview about the petroleum industry, fire, and the economy. Everyone should listen to this interview!

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I believe that there is history of larger fires in Canada long before the cult of climate crisis began.

And we have the added problem of environmental activism blocking foresting and also the use of biofuels... which helped the logging industry dispose of all the underbrush.

I call this fear porn propaganda serving the globalist great reset agenda and elite's luxury beliefs.

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Nothing like answering scientific fact with conspiracy theory. Shilling for the logging industry?

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There is NO scientific fact presented in this article.

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Intriguing, notions of climate cult and fear porn. Constitute forms of denial. Most of the world’s scientists conclude that weird, exaggerated climate events and their ever increasing preponderance/ frequency is related to human activity. And having lived the climate for many decades, my common sense tells me that we indeed have been causing the bad trouble. Odd the compartmentalism. Trust in science for many things ( doctors, dentists, fire retardants, internal combustion engine, airplanes, medicines), yet skeptical of and outright rejection of science when its conclusions implicitly involve profound changes in life style.Interesting, too, the white generations living today seem pretty chicken hearted, unlike all our ancestors who left the “familiar” (etymological root is of the family) and dared cross oceans to a relatively unknown destination. Many of them had faced intolerable conditions. Better dare for life than die by status quo. It as if we have become benumbed to the evolutionary instinct/impulse seeded in us by which our ancestors managed to survive for thousands of years, adapting and changing. Today, Mother Earth is challenging us to rise to meet her in her distress. Maybe humanity is so self centered today,, grandiose, narcissistic that we have lost the capacity of humility to love a force greater than ourselves. The creative force inside all life. Mother Nature on whose teats we are and will always be dependent.l

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Goddess Bless Selina and help you find the work you are meant to do now........in this pivotal time of awakening.

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Thank you a ti - Ingamarie🌺For such a blessing - especially “the work I am meant to do now” - the yearning to learn of is strong. I appreciate your wisdom - clear in each of your replies. Grateful for your being here on earth at this tipping point axis. Love y Paz.

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May you live and work for decades after I'm gone....there is only one race...and its human.

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You say "we indeed have been causing the bad trouble." What have we caused?

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Our choices have caused all our human miseries. Our choices to avoid truly being alive in favor of being comfortable and safe. Great art, great science, great music, true and great loving, great discoveries and inventions come from holding the tension of opposites to invite the nothing that wants to become something into manifestation. Curiosity, openness to the unknown, willingness to put your all into the dance, the question, the pursuit of some thing that matters so much your being vibrates with desire. To surrender ego with its horizontal drives for comfort, pleasure and avoidance of pain…Like the indigenous one pointed hunter becomes the antelope he’s hunting until he finds it or the antelope finds him and the ritual death is enacted as in a sacred dance. Humility and a sense of the sacred. The sacrifice. Just like the young open hearted military man who self-immolated as a sacrament honoring something greater than himself. Today all great things are material. Big money. Big Super-bowls. Big mansions. Empire. Life dominated by the hollow comfort of materialism insults the precious gift of creativity inscribed in all our atoms and corpuscles. No exquisite light thrums a life with awe and gratitude when we choose Netflix over exploring our creativity. Such dullness allows ecocide.Allows the corruption of everything. Especially one’s self. And The Why Bother Fraternity. Misery.

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Allows Genocide. Allows the looking away from Gaze and the realization that in the west for decades now, we haven't cared about 'human rights'....only 'White western human rights'.

Soul death is easy in the west: soul growth hard...lonely, and at the same time, full of a kind of energy fossil fuels don't have.

Stay the course.

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For the love of the goddess Matt Do you know how stupid you sound???

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For the love of whatever you believe in...all I asked was a question. And yet you have to insult me? Nice.

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Of course there are. You just don't want to recognize facts that go against your preconceptions. Posterity, if there is any, will not look kindly on this kind of willful ignorance.

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Ad hominem attacks are proof you are losing your argument. What I said about this report is entirely factual, regardless of which side of the science you are on. I made NO statement on whether the science of either side was right or wrong. And You have no freaking idea of what I have read, from both sides, yet you know I am willfully ignoring incontrovertible proof. I have read hundreds of articles and books over decades. I was once a freaking advocate for global warming. The science changed my mind. Proving the assertion is the responsibility of those who make the assertion.

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You've done a freaking lot of reading. Congratulations! I see no point in arguing with someone so much more learned than I am. Again, congratulations! Enjoy always being right.

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Perhaps you could read books that don't reflect your points of view and try to see if they present compelling arguments or not? Reading the books presenting arguments you agree with only reinforce your bias...

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Perhaps you don't know the meaning of Ad Hominem: "Fallacious argumentative strategy that avoids genuine discussion of the topic by instead attacking the character, motive etc. of the person(s) associated with the argument". I never said I was always right. I fairly demand that you back up what you assert.

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For all your study, you're still on the wrong side of history.

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Empty rhetoric.

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Says Ingamarie!! She knows it all! Do you know how silly you sound?

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It has been documented that the WEF and other elites created the climate hysteria to divide and conquer. If they truly cared about the environment, they would stop all wars, the biggest polluters on the planet; stop flying in private jets; and focus on clean air, clean water and clean earth to grow healthier crops.

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The WEF is certainly an active player in the fraud, but it was Margret Thatcher, may she rust in piece, who started it in order to subdue the coal miners and to promote nuclear energy. And guess what, unsafe Nuclear energy, a real ecological threat, is now reborn

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True. But Anthropogenic Climate change isn't a creation of the elites..........its a scientific consensus...being proven, daily, on the ground.

The elites now feel they have to acknowledge it...........but they didn't create the science.

Their addiction to fossil fuels created the reality....and let's be clear. MOM NATURE DOESN'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS FOR YOUR 'ELITES' OR FOR THE ALT RIGHT EITHER. She operates in the real world.

Where fires are getting hotter, floods more common, and climate disasters a daily occurrence.

Tune into the tely Annmarie

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James, what is the prove of your assertion? I don't need any, I just have to look at the decay of our planet and that is enough to me.

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Science doesn't takes sides. Only "scientists" that are paid to manipulate certain "facts" for their employers.

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@Alan Wallach - Please share with us "conspiracy theorists" the facts that go against our preconceptions. Posterity, if there is any, will not look kindly on those that preach ignorance without facts.

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B.S. Though perhaps it seems that way if you get your science from Exxon Mobile.

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Ad hominem, empty, unfounded accusation

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Not really. Exxon Mobile wouldn't be facing all those court challenges if it hadn't known the climate science in the 70's and spent the next 40 years denying what it knew. I didn't flesh our the 'argument' because I rather assume even the deniers know it.

But the facts about Exxon's merchants of doubt are well known....and its not an ad hominem to reference them. It's an argument against specious claims about what constitutes science.

In an age of rapid climate change......calling what you want to believe 'science' can't be tolerated. the Science is Clear on our rapidly warming planet. And I don't have to insult anyone to bring it into the conversation.

What you do have to do....is present an argument. Not simply throw off 'one liners' discrediting the arguments of those you disagree with. When that happens.......we begin to suspect you either didn't listen to the interview....or prefer to think John Valiant is a liar. But trust me: the Fort Mac fires were real.

Though possibly passed in magnitude by those Texas blazes you Americans have been witnessing lately.

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The reason we have courts is to determine guilt. You have convicted Exxon Mobile for being charged. You do not believe in Constitution. You present no facts, just accusations.

Since I have not made assertions, I do not have to present facts. You, Chris Hedges and the Global Warming zealots in these posts have presented NO facts, NO science, No logic. They are the ones that must present arguments and facts. I have presented facts about the 97% lie. No one rebutted them

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You have proved our points. Duh.

Science will say whatever you want it to say if you give a "scientist" enough money. You are an idiot if you do not think the opposite point of view from Exxon Mobile is also rigged and biased.

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Ad hominem is always part of the rebuttal of the climate deniers. Imagining all 'scientiests' can be bought puts you on Exxon Mobil's payroll perhaps.........but not on James Hansens'

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Do you not understand what Ad hominem means? Ad Hominem: "Fallacious argumentative strategy that avoids genuine discussion of the topic by instead attacking the character, motive etc. of the person(s) associated with the argument". When you attacked that person by mentioning Exxon Mobile -- you did the same thing you accused me of. Do you not have the ability to self-introspect?

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We are in a pivotal time..........denial is all some old white guys have got.

I hope a great many of us have something more substantial to offer......because without a lot of action.........the end game is well underway.

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Nothing like criticizing people who know things because it conflicts with your cult beliefs.


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This pamphlet by Holly and Wood (where did they get those names?) is published by the PERC--the Propane Education and Research Council, which "has published articles trivializing and denying the scientific consensus on climate change." I take, Mr. Lee, that this is not a "cult." But perhaps you could enlighten us by describing the various cults you seem to be referring to.

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Thanks for this. I've too much to do to follow the links of people who've already demonstrated their ignorance of climate science....but I often wonder what it is they're sharing. THE PROPANE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH COUNCIL???

That's a fossil gas outfit. And when you know that fossil gas (especially if obtained from fracking) is as dirty as coal.......you get rid of your gas range, your barbeque....and start looking into heat pumps. THE LIES THEY TOLD ABOUT METHANE BEING A CLEAN TRANSITION FUEL SHOULD GET THEM A FEW DECADES IN THE SLAMMER.

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Drop it with your 'cult of climate'.

The science is clear. Try reading some of it.

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I read it all. It is a farce by the WEF globalist to justify more central authoritarian control of the economy like they did with the pandemic. They are aided by luxury virtue signaling by those lacking enough productive life meaning. Put your mask on now!

Last 8 years until 2022 has been a global cooling trend.

Read the historical Farmers Almanec for information about severe weather events.

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You're wrong Frank. I'm sorry that its so, but it is.

Some parts of me wish you weren't............but business as usual and all kinds of conspiracy BS around the pandemic wastes time we don't have.

Climate Change is coming on fast..............you may be able to celebrate it soon, at a spot near you. If so, try to have some empathy for the people who have lost everything.

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Agree - I was so infuriated by Hedges perspective here that I just made another post at the top in which I mentioned the WEF ...

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Frank..........you're a bit of a caution. "The cult of climate crisis"????

Read the book. I'm an Albertan, and have read it. It's a good read....John is a humanist and doesn't put down the people of Fort Mac.......

But the houses did go up in 5 minutes or less. And you can call that fear porn or whatever you like. You weren't there............and perhaps don't have the imagination to get what it means to lose everything.....including the pictures of your kids.

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The time has come to truly begin to imagine a realistic and humane, even gentle, process of transition for everyone. Meaning: A transition that doesn’t hurt much and that sustains a decent level of prosperity for everybody, except the very wealthy. Humans are smart enough to socially design for this outcome.

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Fuck religion, and fuck the media....the old Biblical warning, FIRE NEXT TIME...is here...and it isn't as difficult as many imagine for a lot of us to get off the addiction.. Stop living beyond your means, learn to cook, save money, put up solar panels, buy a heat pump, and EV saves money.............

And for the love of the goddess, don't vote right wing demogogues...there are good social democrats out there. In Canada, we have Charlie Angus....with a bill to stop fals advertising from the fossil fuel industry. He's receiving death threats....we can send him our support...........and vote for parties that aren't into fossil fuels, unaffordable housing, genocide and ecocide...........

The future exists now, in the present..........but too many of us continue to keep our kids in houses that will burn in five minutes...when we have the money to start building, buying and living sustainably.

Thank you Chris for featuring this wonderful Canadian. I've read his book.


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Excellent report on a topic that is little covered by main stream media which provided a lot of informative insight about what is occurring in a remote area of Canada that is greatly contributing to global warming and the destruction of our world. Another example of capitalism run amok and the great and timely journalism of Chris Hedges!

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Terrible perspective, terrible report ...

Hedges has morphed into spineless cherry-picker!

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Trudeau supports the genocide. I'm 80 years old and I have opposed the occupation of Palestine since I was 20. You have no idea about me and your nasty comments just show what kind of a person YOU are. I also know a LOT about climate science which I have studied for over 50 years now. I wonder where you get YOUR information?

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Chris, a March 8th article by Peter Baker in “these ‘TIMES’ they ain’t a-changing” was excised from the initial article — which seems to me as being enforced self-censorship or top-down excising of the news regarding Nutanyahu’s underlying continuation of war at any cost:

“It is precisely when the international pressure increases that we must close ranks among ourselves,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a speech Thursday. “We must stand together against the attempts to stop the war.”

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Shame on you Mr. Hedges!

There was a time when we could count on you to set the record straight and point us in the right direction ... but not anymore ...


Why on earth is Hedges diverting our attention to a Canadian fire that occurred 8 years ago while Texas is in the midst of the worst fires in its history?

GO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pz9gvdvWmU&t=334s

CBS is reporting that 7,000 cattle have been killed, so we know that figure is probably larger ... this area accounts for nearly 90% of the beef production in the U.S and the WEF is on record as saying that the global livestock population must be reduced to save us from the phony existential threat of climate change that Hedges continues to push on us ... this story is obviously too hot to handle for Hedges, so it seems he's doing his best to hide the Texas fires from us ... and his guest author is an accomplice in diverting us away from another major story.

10 Reasons Global Warming is a hoax ...



This one is even better ...



I'm also calling out Hedges on two more points:

My research suggests he now has 85k SUBS here, up from 60k since OCT 7 ...

1) Why can't Hedges drop the names of several GAZA support orgs? ... why not?

He's in a perfect position to extend his influence by simply mentioning these orgs OR even better, leading an effort to establish a support fund in his name ...

2) Why can't he alternate his writings between Assange/Gaza and those issues that are now crushing "his" U.S. working class? ... I now count 70 pieces he has posted here since OCT 7, and all but 6 addressed issues other than the ISR-Palestinian conflict ... we the members of Hedges' U.S. working class have fallen off of his radar.

Chris Hedges refused to stand with us against the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports, pushed the "safe & effective" narrative on us just 30 days after the explosive, court-ordered FDA FOIA release and continues to protect the phony climate existential threat narrative.

In 2009, Al Gore predicted the polar ice caps may disappear in 5-7 yrs ...



In 2022 Hedges referred to the now easily-disproven global warming narrative as ...

"the greatest existential crisis facing the human species."

SALON: https://www.salon.com/2022/07/26/dawn-of-the-apocalypse-existential-for-our-species-is-right-here-right-now/

There was a time when Hedges would set the record straight, but not anymore.

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YouR comments are so predictably negative that I don't even read them anymore. Your need to continually attack Hedges reminds me of stalkers and those so disappointed in love they can't move on.


IT'S A TRAGIC BUT TRUE STORY. And a curse be upon those coming on here for vindictive or political reasons that have nothing to do with the truth.

READ THE BOOK.. I have, and it opened my eyes.

We are currently destroying the lungs of the planet..........and still having to waste time on know nothings who need to deny what this man is reporting on.


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CORRECTION: We the people are not destroying the lungs of the planet, the corporations are ... but as bad as things may be, climate change does not pose an existential threat to our species ... and Hedges knows it!

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Ever consider the possibility, that even if you are right about Chris.........both of you may be wrong.

I think Chris gets climate change. I think you're still caught in that old patriarchal war of the wits. Let me help you get past it: Just as both of you could be wrong.... a little girl like me could be right.

Once we ditch the Great Men theory.........anything is possible.

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I love and respect Mr. Hedges (thus I support him), but I don't have to agree with him on everything. I am sure that his (perceived) errors are honest errors.

But, as you are such a fan, you must know what he said about the "corporate coup, in slow motion" and that he concluded that the corporations succeeded taking over.

Thus, whenever you hear the government talking about taxation or new laws, you MUST look around and figure out which corporate entity is pulling the strings...

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My comments are predictably negative because Hedges has consistently broken his many implicit promises to fight the good fight us since the MARCH '20 lockdowns ... he repeatedly urged us to directly confront fascism and tyranny, even when things look bleak ... but when things got dicey with COVID, he snuck out the back door on us ...

I am NOT here for you Ingamarie ...Hedges has 60-80k SUBs here and if you don't agree with my viewpoint, there are plenty of others here who will ... I stand for the integrity of the spoken and written word ... Hedges went back on his word and I for one will not forget it ...

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Thanks for the background. But I'd be more illuminated if I knew how Chris went back on his word.

Here's what I suspect: You confused anti fascism with anti vaccers and Chris didn't???

Up here in 'socialist' Canada, its easier to thread that needle, so here goes:

In a public health emergency, everybody obeys the best available public health policy.

A majority of Canadians agreed with that policy...and as a result I read that we saved 70,000 lives by doing better than Free Market Capitalist America.

Manditory Public Health Policy in a Pan-Demic is absolutely necessary. Canadians followed it, and more of us, per capita lived............then down south where you reside.

Down there.........freedom is confused with no government interference. But I don't think Chris Hedges agrees with that position. Nor do I.

So if he 'betrayed you' by arguing to mandates and restrictions on personal liberty because of a global pandemic', Suck it up.

There's more than one way to stand against fascism. Sometimes its communalism.

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Before I reply, please tell me ...

What do you think of Trudeau?

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Still waiting for a reply from you Ingamarie ...

I found this story so infuriating that I just made another scathing post at the top of this article ...

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Unfortunately there is so much fear mongering, this is not climate change, the climate is and will be getting colder, as the sun's radiance continues to diminish. The link between the installation of wireless devices (smart meters) and Power supply leads to uncontrollable fires. this was seen across California and continues in all neighborhoods where houses have smart meters..wireless is the problem, not climate, and this must be reviewed for restoring health, and preventing these fires..they are Man Made, climate is not the SUN determines the climate, and we are in a grand solar minimum. www.gsmsolar.com

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None sense my dear. But a novel distraction....so thanks for that.

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The link goes to a page which offered to sell me the domain name. Care to correct your link? Or was it a ruse used on the assumption that no one would check it?

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