Trump? No! Can't have more women dying without abortions. Biden? Give BILLIONS to Israel to kill people? Nope. What 3rd party has a chance? Who is everyone else voting for?

Plenty of money for war, fossil fuels, tax cuts for the rich, bank bailouts & genocide. None for the people like infrastructure, health care, public transport, education, etc.

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Jill Stein.

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Apr 28
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Your support of the genocidal fascist Biden means that you have blood on your hands.

Own it.

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Thank you for that. Or maybe she wears her blood on her lips like AOC?

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I truly did not need that visual.

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Perpetually electing the lesser of two evils means we will perpetually be governed by evil. Two party system will continue to slowly sink the country.

We need to shakeup the system now before the decay is complete.

This wake up call to the Democrats will result in others throwing in their hat. We may not get a third party president immediately, but we can elect third party candidates to congress. It’s better to have a cohesive third party rather than a few independents.

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Baloney! I no longer support Stein nor the "Green" Party (nothing actually green about it), but these insults of Nader and Stein are no different than corporate/mainstream/establishment propaganda and lies. The problem is the corrupt and rigged system, not that an anti-establishment candidate doesn't have a decent chance because of that system.

The fact that you voted for Biden and call criminals like him "marginally acceptable" shows where you're at, which is just another Democrat. The last decent human being in Congress was Dennis Kucinich, and we all saw how the evil Democratic Party gerrymandered him out. There's NOTHING in any way acceptable about these people. Your TDS and its resultant obsession with Trump here are clear.

You support this lesser-of-evils BS, which is just more evil. I agree that we very badly need proportional representation like just about every other democracy in the world has, along with a complete prohibition on private campaign financing and free TV time for all candidates, but even without any of that, we should NEVER support evil, lesser or otherwise.

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pulling out the Nader was a spoiler troupe , excuse me while I pee my pants laughing. Stein is a Putin puppet, too? Why are you here?

Stick to being a biomedical writer, you are over your head here.

Pod save America is home sweet home for you.

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So everyone but you and your kind, the Ivy D elite, is stupid. Such an appealing strategy to convince us inferiors to stay with the Ds. As for age, I was a blue collar worker for 28 years and also managed local D campaigns when the Ds still cared about their own rank and file. I fought the usurpation of the party by neolibs in the late '70s--who then dumped the New Deal and abandoned labor.

That the Ds could with a straight face say "vote for the lesser to two evils" is bad enough. To witness how they attend only to the interests of their own administrative and professional class has been painful. 1%ers and large corporations so comfortable as to sponsor them is a huge tell.

The Rs are the speedway to destruction. That the elite Ds support an econopathy using up natural and human resources as externalities (i.e. don't count) reveals them as a slow path to the same destination. So does their support for endless wars. Never saying no encourages the Ds to continue the destruction.

At what point will you say NO? Will there be anything left to save?

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You are evidently happy with the corrupt, immoral Democratic Party. Nuff said.

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Wow, you are clueless. Jill Stein didn't lose anything for either party. A party chooses funding WAR. There is NO LESSER Genocide! Sorry you are pro genocide if you vote for any of the three genocide candidates. As Chris said Genocide Joe is not an option. You don't even believe what you wrote.

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Team D apologists love to make themselves feel better by telling themselves that they "held their nose" as they voted for genocide.

Stop kidding yourself. Your vote counts the same as every other vote. So own it. Once again - own it.

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Do you think any 3rd party candidate can win? I've always voted for the lesser of 2 evils. Not going to this time.

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I am not a US citizen and so do not have a dog in this hunt, but for what it's worth I think Jill Stein is worthy of consideration.

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Same here, not an US citizen, but Jill Stein and Cornell West seems to be good choices

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Cornel, while I donated to the min. he announced will only be on 2 state ballots.

Jill Stein will be on 50. She is already on enough states to win 270 electoral votes.

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Third parties never get close to winning by design. So if I vote Jill, it mean Trump gets in. He won last time even though he "lost" by THREE MILLION votes. That is the joy of our electoral college.

Clinton won the popular vote in 2016, taking 48% of the vote compared to Trump's 46% of the vote, but Trump won the electoral vote and thus the presidency.

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It's funny how you americans seems to be under a "spell", thinking that the only choice is between two psychopaths who are supporting genocide. I think if all the voters would say: I will vote with a candidate that doesn't seem to be a psychopath, the 3rd party candidates would definitely have a chance. BTW I think that by voting either Biden or Trump, we are all going to loose (and when I say all, I mean the whole world). In conclusion, I would vote for a decent candidate even if I know that that person will loose and keep a clean conscience.

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You are so RIGHT (not a citizen either) - I always wondered what it will take that the brainwashed masses are finally waking up!

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NOT if you see the WAPO comments...still people know nothing.

I only go on there to read comments. Sick idiots who know no history.

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First sometimes I read this too (DISGUSTING mostly) and 2nd probably I did not state this clearly my personal opinion is that citizens are absolutely brainwashed and have only food sports and of course their job (don't blame them for this, conditions are bad, no safety net, poverty etc. everywhere ...) on their mind, otherwise as Jill Stein said: Pest and Cholera! My hope is gone - as I think BRICS is coming too late, but we will see ...

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Great observation and comment Alexandru! How could anyone in their right mind see these two feeble old corrupt geezers as being a potential for anything other than a nursing home? The situation with Gaza is even more frightening - whose worse? Biden? Trump or Bobby Kennedy Jr.? It just goes to show you the intellectual caliber of this Country! What a disgrace. How anyone even pays attention. I think if they ran Jimmy Carter at this point he too might get votes or perhaps even be elected. It's like that movie Weekend at Bernie's. Biden hasn't a clue where he is, what day it is or perhaps who he even is and yet every single day his name gets mentioned millions of times as if . . . . he actually exists or better yet is in charge. How is it even legally possible he is allowed to serve? It's beyond unbelievable and inconceivable how these people partake in all of it. Could you imagine going into a doctors office and facing either one of these two (as medical professionals) and staying? That's how bizarre this is.

I will say this however Trump was the greatest show that has ever existed in politics - what he did was amazing - basically exploited the low information people because he speaks their language. He's one of them! Just listen to the way he talks - the man is truly an idiot! The hand gestures even more frightening! Obama exploited the blacks and Bush exploited the religious zealots but Trump tapped into something that was sheer gold. He ended BOTH the Bush and Clinton dynasties. That was truly a remarkable feat! But anyone who thinks he too is not bought and paid for deserves what they get. The man walked out of the WH one billion dollars richer. He never had a pot to piss in or window to throw it out of - all part of his alleged billionaire "image". The trial in NY proved everything. It was nothing more than a shell game to given the appearance of extreme wealth robbing from Peter to pay Paul until now that is, that's why they want him back - it's profitable for both. Even Obama only made 680 million and yet they will all tell you Trumps different. Amazing!

The level of stupidity in this Country is omnipresent! I think if the vast majority of voters had two living brain cells they would actually kill each other! I truly believe WWIII is the massive wakeup call.

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Both Parties and candidates exploit low-information voters. This is not new. Liberals like to imagine that they know what's going on and couldn't be fooled. But the fact is they get fooled just as easily as the so-called "low-information voters. What is this "information" that certain groups allegedly don't have? Joe Biden broke every campaign promise he made to working people Anybody who knew anything about Genocide Joe knew he would do this. Yet they voted for the liar anyway.

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Mostly, the D's & R's (along w/ the bought & paid for mainstream news organizations) do an excellent job of keeping the public distracted.

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True Jackie very true. I often think about the journalist, reporter and newscaster today. Talk about prostitution - how they have the audacity to repeat and spew these egregious lies. For what purpose do they knowingly do this? What, so they can hobnob with the elite who're even lower than they are? So they can say they fly on AF1? I recall growing up and how everyone thought so despairingly of lawyers - remember how we referred to them as sharks? Remember all the jokes? I can think of no job on the earth lower than a journalist other than a politician - who is akin to a child molester - it's all about power and control. How do they live with themselves - do they get off on it because people are still dumb enough to believe what they say? Whoopie Goldberg is doing a book signing this week at my local bookstore. I desperately want to attend just to ask her in person if she REALLY really is that DUMB? I'm still contemplating - because someone needs to put an end to these bastards knowingly lying to all!

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Yep. I'll probably do that. But I do fear it'll end with Trump. Both main candidates are terrible!

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Me too.

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Well said!!! Thank you.

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No, if you vote for Stein, it doesn't mean "Trump gets in." How do you figure that?

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If you are American you would get it. 3rd party voters are always shamed and blamed for voting 3rd party. Trump won the 1st time and 3rd party voters were blamed. It's a weird system. But I admit I'm tired of voting for the lesser evil.

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SO be brave and do what your concience tells you.

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There you go, be brave don't vote for genocide. Welcome aboard the NON genocide train. The other trains..................

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Oh please, if Stein is not on the ballot, I'll not vote for president. That's what the CNN exit polls for the 2016 election showed. Biden doesn't "own" certain votes that will be "stolen" from him if Stein runs.

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Jill will be on 50 this time. : )

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It takes time and the will to build an alternative.

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Mitchy I must respectfully disagree - this could all come to a screeching halt this election - boycott voting! There are more of us than there are of them. How many Countries have finally overthrown their governments? I have never in my entire life witnessed more blatant subterfuge. They don't even hide it and yet people swallow all of it up. Nancy Pelosi saying Putin has used rape, kidnapping and murder in front of family members as weapons in his illegal war on Ukraine. The woman is beyond insane! How is she not in a mental hospital along with her buddy Schumer?

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Good points. Do not vote!

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Sorry, that's what both parties want. Not voting changes nothing and puts the blood of the genocide on your hands. I can't sleep with that.

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Sorry, boycotting the election is what keeps the duopoly in power. Vote Jill Stein is a double vote. They know you are voting and they know they must change or die like the Wig Party, Lincoln the first Republican.

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If for nothing more Landru - if the vast majority stay home think how much harder it will be corrupt another election? We already know in many Counties throughout the States there were far more votes than registered voters. It'll be a lot harder and far more obvious this time. IMHO I think you're about to witness the lowest turnout in decades. People have finally come to the conclusion the entirely system is corrupt and you have a better chance of changing the weather by farting than changing government by voting!

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Sorry, but the 'hat is burning' there IS NO TIME LEFT!

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You have had so many chances...you blew them all.

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However you rationalize voting for evil.

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As long as you own the genocide. Voting Genocide Joe is voting for genocide as Chris writes. Sorry, you have blood on your hands. The screams of children dying are on you. I can't sleep with that myself. Jill Stein

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May 7
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Oh I agree. Another 50 BILLION to genocide. So now I have to ask: if not one of the two main candidates, then which 3rd party candidate will you vote for?

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Jill Stein of course - there is no other candidate for President who is both viable and ethical.

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I plan to vote 3rd party but am still researching the big three: Stein, West, Kennedy. Sure would like to see them debate Biden and Trump!

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West is a good guy. They are are 100% better than the octogenarians.

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Sadly, Cornel will only be on 2 ballots. I doanted to Cornel the moment he announced, ask to work and crickets. Cornel has gone nowhere since.

Jill Stein 50 ballots.

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Stein is the only moral, human choice.

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Kennedy he is for Israel!

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Yes. Kennedy's declaration of "unconditional" support for Israel gave me pause, as I personally felt that conditional support was more appropriate under the circumstances. Israel is a key US ally, so I expect the US to continue to provide aid to Israel. However, I would like to see this balanced by advocacy for the rights of the Palestinian people, including a humanitarian cease-fire, and longer term support for something more fair, perhaps a two-state solution?

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Israel does not NEED your aid. They have decent healthcare and housing. What do you have in the US?

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Sorry, that is pro genocide.

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Jill Stein, Pro Peace Anti-Genocide 50 ballots

West, love Cornel however will only be on 2 ballots,

Kennedy, Pro Genocide 50 ballots.

I see no other choice than Jill Stein.

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Thanks, Landru. I was trying to figure out West's campaign. Jill Stein it is.

I can't get past RFK Jr's one-sided and unequivocal rhetoric on Gaza. No one running for president of the USA can be ignorant of the long-standing Israeli policy of apartheid and concomitant denial of Palestinian rights, nor should they overlook the current Netanyahu administration's genocidal statements and hideous proof-of-concept military campaign that clearly targets hospitals, schools, housing, journalists, aid workers, and now blocks aid and threatens military action that impacts starving civilians. In this context, I was hoping to hear RFK Jr make a more thoughtful and aware follow-up statement, but if he has, I missed it. Even the Biden adminstration is starting to question its blind support of Netanyahu's brutish campaign in Gaza (though I suspect that immense public pressure, both international and domestic, has something to do with this).

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May 7
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Plus, RFKjr. is Pro Genocide as well.

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Jill Stein, hands down.

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Jill Stein will be on 50 ballots, the only third party candidate for Peace.

26% will win this election with three Pro Genocide Candidates splitting the vote.

Genocide Joe

Genocide Don

Genocide Robert

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Thanks for giving a platform to DK. On so many issues, his views reflect mine. I hope he wins this race and has a greater national effect.

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Thank you! I would vote for Mr. Kucinich for President in a heartbeat. His strategy as an Independent is hopeful.

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I worked on his presidential campaign when he ran 15-20 years ago. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

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I just wish for a world where we had more candidates like Kucinich in more races. It's pathetic how few options there are for what are very straightforward economic and morally correct stances.

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So-called lleaders of thee western world!

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Dennis back in Congress. What a lovely idea. Thanks, Mr Hedges.

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People have all the power and they don't use it - you saw what happened in Michigan recently and the number of people (reported to be over one hundred thousand) who voted uncommitted. I haven't the slightest clue why anyone has ever voted nor still does. It'd the greatest shell game in existence. You have a better chance of changing the weather by farting then changing the government by voting. Read John Funds books on voter fraud to understand how truly meaningless it is. You want real change boycott voting and then start boycotting all the companies that have bought off all the politicians. I wouldn't shop at Walmart or buy anything on Amazon if my life depended upon it. I support all my local and or private businesses. It can be done but people are to damn selfish.

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Correct: too damn selfish - WHEN will we wake up ... (and what worries me, will we dissenters survive?)

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1. How you vote with your money is much more important than how you vote at the polls.

2. As Game of Thrones pointed out, power is an illusion. It rests with those who the masses think have it, and that's it.

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May 7Edited

OMG! NO truer words were ever spoken Jeff!!!! This is what cracks me up when people complain - not only did YOU HIRE THEM - you enabled the people that made sure they were hired.

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I agree with Kucinich. But when will someone with this ideology become president without the funding?!

Biden is the lesser of two evils but his complicity in the genocide of Gaza is unforgivable. The US government is simply a military apparatus. However, without the US aid in Ukraine the country of Ukraine would cease to exist. The real problem is that a portion of humanity is simply in it (our precious world) for the money and power. “We The People” have the power but too many people are so bloody complacent. Inaction is complicity in our present situation of moral decay.

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US support is PROLONGING the war in Ukraine, it is a proxy US war to weaken Russia. Biden went to kiev to promise more weapons but did nothing to help stop the war, only provoked further conflict. Now the US has voted 61 billion USD to ‘future proof’ the Ukrainecwar so lt continues even if there is a change of president, or a desire to stop funding the war- totally undemocratic

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Biden and the Democrats are NOT a lesser evil, they're just a different kind of evil. Biden is currently fighting a proxy war against Russia, thereby endangering the entire planet with a potential nuclear war. He's also trying to start some sort of war against China, same danger. And of course he's arming and funding Israel, which is committing a genocide in Gaza. If that's a "lesser" evil, I'd really hate to see the greater one, and that's a very short list of evil things that Biden has done.

The fact is that that there is NO ONE worth voting for from either of the two gangs that call themselves political parties in this country. The only chance of getting substantial positive change is a full on revolution, hopefully a nonviolent one (generally better results, and of course no one gets killed). We're certainly not going to get the changes we need by voting in this corrupt and rigged system.

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Excellent comment. Thank you.

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UKRAINE will lose anyway!

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Excellent interview with an outstanding individual who puts an emphasis on helping the working class, dealing with problems at home and is for peace and against war. He is my man! Dennis Kucinich for President!

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In the context of present times, Kucinich is an insignificant figure and far from an agent for change ... of course, Hedges knows this ... that's why he chose to interview Kucinich here ... and Hedges won't touch present day reality here in the U.S. ...

ya see, it's just too risky.

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My guess he has done more significant things than you!

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How would you know Phil ...

You seem to believe that 10 good deeds cannot be offset by 2-3 bad deeds, right? ... I'm older than Hedges, I've also worked with prison inmates but unlike him, my experience is not worthy of writing a book about it ... but I never recklessly risked inflicting harm on friends and supporters as he did with his nasty, insensitive and self-centered statements on the COVID VAX ... Hedges now talks out of both sides of his mouth and after admiring him for the past decade, I feel obligated to let him know that there are people out there like me who are now disappointed in him ...

I find it all rather demoralizing.

Wish you well, Phil ...

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May 7
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But Stephen, he DID NOT question the efficacy of the VAX! ...

I challenge you to read my entire comment here ... like you, I used to admire Hedges, but not anymore!

He actually said big pharma could not be trusted and then rubbed our nose it by pushing the "safe & effective" on us just 30 days after the explosive FDA FOIA release ... so what if he's "well educated and informative"? ... he threw the U.S. working class under the bus with the constitution with the MAR '20 lock downs ... and WAS a progressive, but not anymore!

I've included all the background you need to know as well as links to his direct verbatim comments below ...



Chris Hedges has deserted the U.S. working class! ...

HEDGES: "Let us stand up and resist so future generations will at least say ‘they tried.’ We cannot do this alone ... together we have a chance" ...


But he has refused to comment on THE GREAT RESET, The World Economic Forum and the proposed tyrannical amendments to the WHO Pandemic Treaty ...

Hedges abandoned the U.S. working class and the U.S. Constitution in an AUG 27, 2021 interview with Jimmy Dore, and he has now brazenly hidden behind ASSANGE and Gaza for the past 8 months ... his predictable decision to once again leave us all hangin' here with no hope on GAZA has become his trademark ... Chris Hedges is deliberately misdirecting our attention here ...

His relentless recounting of the horrors of the Gaza genocide for the past 6 months has passed the point of diminishing marginal returns for the marginalized millions in HIS U.S. working class ...

I now count over 70 pieces he has posted here since OCT 7, with only 8 addressing issues OTHER THAN the Gaza genocide, and only his recent interview with Les Leopold striking at the heart of the problems now facing Americans ... we are the people who bought his books, attended the his public signings, smashed THUMBS UP and always commented accordingly ... and we deserve much, much more from this once good man ...

Hedges' words do not empower us, his pessimism demoralizes us ...

Here's a few more head-scratching comments that now have even more meaning since the March 2020 lock downs:



He says all the right things here:

“We cannot be paralyzed by fear. We will be stripped, if we do not resist, of our few remaining rights. To resist, while there is still time, is not only the highest form of spirituality but the highest form of patriotism. It is, if you care about what is worth protecting in this country, a moral imperative."

And on another occasion: "The Constitution remains a sacred document."



But then, after the lock downs ...

He threw us AND the Constitution under the bus with COVID in an interview with Jimmy Dore ... just listen him equivocate and watch him dance to avoid a direct answer when asked about the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports before sheepishly blowing it off by saying: "that was a decision that I made."

AUG 27, 2021 ...

Go to the 8:12 mark ...


Jimmy: “I’d like to get your thoughts on the vaccine mandates and passports”:

Hedges: “So I got the vaccine … the fact is these things were rolled out without proper vetting, that’s real … but I understand how people are weary about it, because they were turbo-charged … but that was a decision I made to get it … I am quite certain, in the history of pharmaceuticals that they work very hard to bury the negative consequences … that was a decision that I made”

TRANSLATION: He temporarily suspended his principles because things just got too hot in his kitchen.

And on USEFUL IDIOTS on SEP 21, 2021

Go to the 1:50 mark ...

Another less-than-passionate, half-hearted response ...


“It’s a hard question, I guess”

Thanks for nothin' Mr Hedges. With friends like you ...


On DEC 2, 2021 ...

The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years!


and then, just 30 days later ...

On JAN 1, 2022 ...

Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):

Go to the 1:08:47 mark:


"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ... Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ... Most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment during the interview above, Hedges openly admitted that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences ...

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If Kucinich is an insignificant figure you must be like Trump and have no heroes. Perhaps if you all gave Mr Kucinich some money he would suddenly become a politically significant figure in America. We have the same problem in the UK. People are persuaded that a vote outside that of the two biggest parties is a “wasted vote”, so they waste their vote on chronically self-serving conservatives, who know just when to pull out the Union Jack once they’ve engineered a military confrontation just before an election. This is why Mr Sunak has gone to a “war footing” and is participating in wars on behalf of countries with which the UK is not in treaty. Just to say: this is no time to be changing horses while we’re charging into battle and you’ve implicitly agreed to spend all your taxes on the products in the weapons brochure. War is as much a racket as catching and killing stories which prevent people from realising what they’re voting for. Although the Electoral College- happy faction had already mistaken the White House for some scumbag’s mischaracterisation of a locker room, when the man had probably never enter a locker room, preferring to stick to bedrooms.

Except that young people get killed after being trafficked into war.

So is America to be run from burner phones smuggled into jail if the Jewish vote is too embarrassed at Israel’s exterminations to vote to support genocide? What do you as the spokesperson of the campaign for not poisoning the working class think?

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I had obsessively followed Hedges for the past decade thinking he was incapable of compromising himself, but COVID really exposed him and his chicken-hearted motives ... and having dwelled in the midst of his mentally-paralyzed cult members, I became convinced that he is in fact an extremely self-centered and cynical prick! ... I began to see through his act in 2014 when he changed his tune on 9/11 ... but he was once a true warrior: 1) he was actually booed off a stage after questioning the the official story of 9/11 in 2002, and 2) he was also a party to a lawsuit against the Obama admin in hope of blocking the amendments to SECTION 1021 of the NDAA ... but I now firmly believe he has had a sitdown with DS operatives because he has not only refused to comment on hard news developments in the U.S., but also because he has actually taken sides with the globalists on the issues of vax-related bodily autonomy and the easily disproved notion that climate change poses an existential threat to our species ... this man now peddles endless pessimism and his commentary is demoralizing ... but other than your decision to lash out and accuse me of being a Trumper, I actually agree with much of what you've said here ... and let me make it clear that I actually think Trump is a complete horse's-ass of a human being ... he actually tried to cancel food stamp benefits for 700k recipients in the early stages of the pandemic until a judge stopped him ... so if you promise not to accuse me of being a Trumper the next time we cross paths, I promise not to blame you for giving us Tony Blair!

Wish you well Roland.

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And one more thing, Hedges should not be interviewing Kucinich ... in the context of our current political climate, he is in fact insignificant ... Hedges shouldn't be interviewing Kucinich, he should be interviewing Whitney Webb!

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Riviting interview! Dennis Kucinich's successful blockage of a concerted attempt to defraud the City of Cleveland out of a billion dollar public utility is like something out of an Elmore Leonard novel. Assassination attempts, sabotage, and paid media shills. Kucinich is that rare bird, a politician who puts country first.

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Thank you for this interview. I have always appreciated Mr. Kucinich's logic, especially now as logic seems to have nothing to do with our government.

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I'm for RFK Jr. as the best alternative choice at this moment.

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Yes, but unfortunately, he's on record as a staunch defender of Israel ...


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You mean you are pro genocide like RFKjr. Voting for him is voting for genocide. I can't sleep with that. Voting Jill Stein is voting for peace, ending ALL wars.

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RFK Jr. is the frontrunner of the three alternative candidates, with a long history of public service.

I investigated his views on vaccines, and they're not as fringe as the corporate news outlets suggest, though I personally think Kennedy might do better to anticipate which sound bites his enemies might pounce on and leverage. Just to be clear, I'm vaccinated. I believe that Kennedy's intentions were good (he was trying to identify the root cause of the surging diagnoses of autism), and a certain amount of skepticism is healthy, but amateurs trying to puzzle out the complexities of modern medical science will soon find that they are in over their heads. I even wonder if RFK Jr's work in this area might have helped to drive the removal of some of the heavy metals that were present in trace amounts in older vaccines? From personal experience, I also believe in spreading out vaccines rather than taking multiple vaccines at the same time, which is something else he advocated. Both ideas seem like common sense to me.

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Of course if you like genocide.

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Moron. You must like the idea of Palestinian genocide?

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Hey Jenny ...

I for one believe the Israelis actually orchestrated a breach of their own security wall to deliberately provoke an attack by Hamas on OCT 7 ... and I also believe Netanyahu knew a genocide would be necessary to grab Gaza land for his own commercial purposes ...

So there you go ...

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PITA. Yes. This is what happened.

I know that the Israeli's supported Hamas at least twice.

Palestinians were screwed by the PLA and others who bowed to Israel

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Ha ha back at you, JennyStokes.

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I agree. He isn’t perfect but he did a lot for the environment. He gave W fits

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One of Pascal Bruckner's characters says that money (and how much money circulates in an election campaign!) can buy consent, but not enthusiasm, passion... How much enthusiasm, how much clear judgment are left for this complicated year in which both are needed?...

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And the winner will be . . . the favorite son of the military-industrial-corrupted politics-Wall Street/Big Banks/Big Corporations-Big Pharma-billionaire class-mainstream media- Big Hollywood-militarized police-gun lobby-Israel lobby-Christian Zionist lobby-American exceptionalism complex.

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I´ll remember your exhaustive, dramatic description.

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People need to demand votes are earned rather than purchased. The entire system is a completely meaningless trillion dollar joke - the advertisers walk away with the most.

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May 7Edited

Kucinich greatly understated the enormous effects that money has on political campaigns. The FACT is that candidates who substantially outspend opponents win 90% of the time. I like Kucinich and I'm glad that he's smart, wise, and clever enough to get around this, but he's one of a kind, not the rule here.

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Damned if you do and Damned if you don't. I feel so angry to be set up like this by the Dismal Dems and the Orange Monster party. I'm so glad you're on the ballot. If anyone can solve these problems at least in your local communities, It is you. Much Love and Gratitude.

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You've interviewed Kucinich before Mr Hedges, so what! ...

He's a good man, but once again you deliberately chose to ignore truly courageous people literally risking their careers and lives on the battle front ... Why not interview your friend Naomi Wolf, Mr. Hedges ... she's actually a party to a law suit against big pharma ... for the past decade, you urged us to directly confront tyranny and fascism, but you changed with the lock downs ... you've now taken sides with the Elites on the issues of COVID-related bodily autonomy and climate change ...

For many months now, I lapse into and out of a state of despair and I know you also do, Mr Hedges ... this is THE biggest thing that ever happened to America ... most of us thought things could not get worse after RINO McCarthy, but they did ... I don't see us making it past the NOV election without getting slammed into an authoritarian state and I've now got some huge decisions to make ... all the things I love - my house, my pets, my property, my connections with friends, my career ... these things will all eventually be ripped away from us ...

But you Mr Hedges, you continue to interview insignificant people to discuss issues which do not strike at the heart of U.S. working class problems ...


I miss the old, pre-pandemic Chris Hedges ... there was a time when he would not have dodged commentary on hard news here in the U.S. ... he would have called out the culprits out by name, set the record straight and pointed us in the right direction ... but not anymore ... 

Here's an excerpt from the intro to his March 8th interview with author John Valaint: "... if left unchecked, (the excavation of the Fort McMurray tar sands) will SOON render the planet uninhabitable" ...

Oh really? ... how soon Mr. Hedges, WHEN? ... handicap it for us, give us a time window ... you've actually said this many times Mr Hedges, but this old world just keeps on turning! ... yes, we are in fact in the midst of a climate crisis, but Hedges continues to push a hoax on us that global warming poses an existential threat to our species ...

Why was Hedges diverting our attention to a Canadian fire that occurred 8 years ago while Texas is in the midst of the worst fires in its history?

GO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pz9gvdvWmU&t=334s

CBS reported 7,000 cattle had been killed, so we know that figure is probably larger ... this area accounts for nearly 90% of the beef production in the U.S ... the WEF is on record as saying that the global livestock population must be reduced because of its supposed role in global warming ... ya see, TPTB are just trying to save us, right? ...

10 Reasons Global Warming is a hoax ...


This one is even better ...




Chris Hedges has deserted the U.S. working class! ...

HEDGES: "Let us stand up and resist so future generations will at least say ‘they tried.’ We cannot do this alone ... together we have a chance" ...


But he has refused to comment on THE GREAT RESET, The World Economic Forum and the proposed tyrannical amendments to the WHO Pandemic Treaty ...

Hedges abandoned the U.S. working class and the U.S. Constitution in an AUG 27, 2021 interview with Jimmy Dore, and he has now brazenly hidden behind ASSANGE and Gaza for the past 6 months ... his predictable decision to once again leave us all hangin' here with no hope on GAZA has become his trademark ... Chris Hedges is deliberately misdirecting our attention here ...

His relentless recounting of the horrors of the Gaza genocide for the past 6 months has passed the point of diminishing marginal returns for the marginalized millions in HIS U.S. working class ...

I now count over 70 pieces he has posted here since OCT 7, with only 8 addressing issues OTHER THAN the Gaza genocide, and only his recent interview with Les Leopold striking at the heart of the problems now facing Americans ... we are the people who bought his books, attended the his public signings, smashed THUMBS UP and always commented accordingly ... and we deserve much, much more from this once good man ...



Hedges is deceptively divisive and he obviously has no problem with it ...

Rather than comment on the ominous threats posed to our freedoms by the WEF and the WHO, he would also have us believe the problem is TRUMP-MAGA ... just listen to the extremely divisive, out-of-context comment he makes here in his otherwise terrific AMERICAN SADISM speech ... listen as he blames the MSM for splitting us into "warring factions" and then demeans those of us who question the motives and tactics of our elected officials as "members of the lunatic fringe and conspiracy theorists" ...

Start at the 43:10 mark and then listen very closely to him at the 44:32 mark:


Many times, Hedges has been quick to point out the problems of our binary reaction to political reporting but once again, he chooses to deftly demonize and conflate law-abiding Christians with fringe MAGA types ...

Hedges' words do not empower us, his pessimism demoralizes us ...

Here's a few more head-scratching comments that now have even more meaning since the March 2020 lock downs:



He says all the right things here:

“We cannot be paralyzed by fear. We will be stripped, if we do not resist, of our few remaining rights. To resist, while there is still time, is not only the highest form of spirituality but the highest form of patriotism. It is, if you care about what is worth protecting in this country, a moral imperative."

And on another occasion: "The Constitution remains a sacred document."



But then, after the lock downs ...

He threw us AND the Constitution under the bus with COVID in an interview with Jimmy Dore ... just listen him equivocate and watch him dance to avoid a direct answer when asked about the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports before sheepishly blowing it off by saying: "that was a decision that I made."

AUG 27, 2021 ...

Go to the 8:12 mark ...


Jimmy: “I’d like to get your thoughts on the vaccine mandates and passports”:

Hedges: “So I got the vaccine … the fact is these things were rolled out without proper vetting, that’s real … but I understand how people are weary about it, because they were turbo-charged … but that was a decision I made to get it … I am quite certain, in the history of pharmaceuticals that they work very hard to bury the negative consequences … that was a decision that I made”

TRANSLATION: He temporarily suspended his principles because things just got too hot in his kitchen.

And on USEFUL IDIOTS on SEP 21, 2021

Go to the 1:50 mark ...

Another less-than-passionate, half-hearted response ...


“It’s a hard question, I guess”



On DEC 2, 2021 ...

The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years! ...

This proved that the COVID vax was not "safe & effective"!


But then, just 30 days later ...

On JAN 1, 2022 ...

Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):

Go to the 1:08:47 mark:  


"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ...

Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ... most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative on us anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment during the interview above, Hedges rubbed our nose in it by openly admitting that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... livelihoods and lives can hang in the balance of reckless, irresponsible comments like this but clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences.

You've morphed into a coward Mr Hedges!

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If you watched the interview, you'd know that Kucinich faced assassination attempts for preserving a billion dollar public electrical utility in Cleveland. Now that's courage!

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Don't you dare put words in my mouth ...

I never said Kucinich lacked courage ... I accurately accused Hedges of deliberately choosing to avoid interviewing "courageous people on the battle front" ... I can't imagine anybody following Hedges as closely as I have for the past decade ... he used to be my hero, but all that changed with the lock downs ... I watched the interview and I'm tired of fucking people like you who are addicted to Hedges' false goodness ... you people are like fucking children ... you're just pissed because I popped your naive little love bubble with the false god of the "play-it-safe pseudo-progs" ... and I now challenge you to read my entire review of this man's cowardly retreat into safe political territory since the lock downs ... I've simply bench-marked his direct verbatim comments against his appalling inaction to prove that he has in fact deserted the U.S. working class since the lock downs! ... but not to worry, I'm the only person in this hemisphere who has a nose for such things!

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Oh dear, how emotionally febrile you are. You should seek mental health support, methinks.

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I challenge you read my entire comment below ...

Links to Hedges' disturbing verbatim comments ... his words, not mine!



Chris Hedges has deserted the U.S. working class! ...

HEDGES: "Let us stand up and resist so future generations will at least say ‘they tried.’ We cannot do this alone ... together we have a chance" ...


But he has refused to comment on THE GREAT RESET, The World Economic Forum and the proposed tyrannical amendments to the WHO Pandemic Treaty ...

Hedges abandoned the U.S. working class and the U.S. Constitution in an AUG 27, 2021 interview with Jimmy Dore, and he has now brazenly hidden behind ASSANGE and Gaza for the past 8 months ... his predictable decision to once again leave us all hangin' here with no hope on GAZA has become his trademark ... Chris Hedges is deliberately misdirecting our attention here ...

His relentless recounting of the horrors of the Gaza genocide for the past 6 months has passed the point of diminishing marginal returns for the marginalized millions in HIS U.S. working class ...

I now count over 70 pieces he has posted here since OCT 7, with only 8 addressing issues OTHER THAN the Gaza genocide, and only his recent interview with Les Leopold striking at the heart of the problems now facing Americans ... we are the people who bought his books, attended the his public signings, smashed THUMBS UP and always commented accordingly ... and we deserve much, much more from this once good man ...

Hedges' words do not empower us, his pessimism demoralizes us ...

Here's a few more head-scratching comments that now have even more meaning since the March 2020 lock downs:



He says all the right things here:

“We cannot be paralyzed by fear. We will be stripped, if we do not resist, of our few remaining rights. To resist, while there is still time, is not only the highest form of spirituality but the highest form of patriotism. It is, if you care about what is worth protecting in this country, a moral imperative."

And on another occasion: "The Constitution remains a sacred document."



But then, after the lock downs ...

He threw us AND the Constitution under the bus with COVID in an interview with Jimmy Dore ... just listen him equivocate and watch him dance to avoid a direct answer when asked about the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports before sheepishly blowing it off by saying: "that was a decision that I made."

AUG 27, 2021 ...

Go to the 8:12 mark ...


Jimmy: “I’d like to get your thoughts on the vaccine mandates and passports”:

Hedges: “So I got the vaccine … the fact is these things were rolled out without proper vetting, that’s real … but I understand how people are weary about it, because they were turbo-charged … but that was a decision I made to get it … I am quite certain, in the history of pharmaceuticals that they work very hard to bury the negative consequences … that was a decision that I made”

TRANSLATION: He temporarily suspended his principles because things just got too hot in his kitchen.

And on USEFUL IDIOTS on SEP 21, 2021

Go to the 1:50 mark ...

Another less-than-passionate, half-hearted response ...


“It’s a hard question, I guess”

Thanks for nothin' Mr Hedges. With friends like you ...


On DEC 2, 2021 ...

The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years!


and then, just 30 days later ...

On JAN 1, 2022 ...

Chris Hedges made this comment on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54):

Go to the 1:08:47 mark:


"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ... Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... He could have said it's a personal decision, but no ... Most people would never tell another person to "walk the plank" if they knew better, but that's exactly what Hedges did here ... he knew the VAX was rushed to market after only one year (the average is 10 years), he knew about the explosive FDA FOIA release and he had to have seen the many videos of vax-injured people ... but he chose to push the "safe & effective" narrative anyway! ... and then about 2m after making that same comment during the interview above, Hedges openly admitted that he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... clearly, this man did not give a hoot about the consequences ...

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So-called leaders of the Western world can't even get an election together without spending trillions of dollars and taking over 6 months to do it!

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Thank you Chris and Dennis... you both have my support.

THE FOLLOWING IS IMPORTANT-- On another topic, are you aware of this? This is the Zionist bible in support of Israel's position on Palestine that wasn't intended to go public... it has all the talking points that Israelis are taught to use in the debate (see the bottom of page 2)--


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