As horrific as Washington's endless war and destruction has been over my lifetime what we are witnessing now in Gaza is beyond unimaginable.

Every Member of Congress with windfall profits in defense contractor stocks needs to be charged with genocide along with Israeli partners.

God Bless Yemen and resistance fighters, every voice of event disruption and pair of feet in the street against the eugenics cult who rule us.

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Include every member of the US State Department, Department of "Defense," and the President of the United States.

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For the first time, I can’t read beyond the first few sentences. This weekend I listened to Ralph Nader’s interview with Dr. Tariq Haddad, (everyone should). I need to dose my reading for my own sanity. It’s not just the atrocity and brutality, but the helplessness I feel which leaves me staring at the walls in frustration and despair.

“Don’t you realize that the Nazis killed six million?”

“Yes, I do. And I also know that records were made to be broken.” Said Woody Allen in “Deconstructing Harry”

When America turned away ships carrying Jewish refugees who were then sent back to the camps to die, most people were not told about it. Today we no longer have the luxury of ignorance. Massive civil action is needed. Boycotts, ostracism, even if you get labeled anti you-know-what, even letters and comments in legacy media can have some effect.

My father’s father died in one of those camps. I’ve noted before his view that if the Jews hadn’t been Hitler’s target they would have been his most ardent assistants. That’s no longer speculation.

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Quite a few people are protesting outside Arms facilities.

I like this idea.

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I like it too, but I remember Hedges own repotting at the time of Occupy Wall Street, when smug little yuppies in $3000 suits laughed at the protesters in front of Goldman Sachs as one might laugh at monkeys in a cage.

As Lily Tomlin said of the Phone Company all those ago: “They don’t care. They don’t have to.”

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IF I was a protester I would not care who laughed at me.

Either you get some balls or you sit in your armchair and wait for the US to become History.

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Still have to try Sera?

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Indeed we do.

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This appears to be less about Hamas and more about a purge of the Palestinians (Arabs). The Jews have decided vengeful slaughter is the best road to cleansing Rafah, Gaza, the West Bank of all things Palestinian. That the U.S. supports this murderous rampage shows just how tight the Israeli chokehold on the U.S. is. American Jewry is calling the shots. Biden is not. The U.S.' $3 BILLIION/year plus benefits is a gift to Israel without conditions. Right here "in our own backyard": [Nancy] Pelosi wants the FBI to investigate pro-Palestinian protesters. Nancy Pelosi wants to silence the Palestinian protestors, suggesting they are somehow supported by Russia. WTF?! One can conclude Pelosi is all-in for the 27,000+ Palestinians already killed with more to follow. Add to that Biden's altogether tepid response, and we know who is controlling the outcome. The U.S. is bathed and soaked in Palestinian blood.

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Jewish billionaires and corporations have a chokehold on the World.

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Yes I do believe this which frankly makes me feel somewhat sick.

Whilst the world has been watching other (wars etc) The Zionists have been building a corporate world order. Slowly and creeping their influence throughout the world.

How many country's are owned by Zionists?

Many nations have been STUCK on China/Russia/other States.

It is the Zionists in charge now.

Much as I loathe Biden he is now stuck.........AIPC controls him.

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I am heartbroken and disgusted. Israel has utterly lost the right to exist, and we in the US are horrified and being made complicit in their genocide. Israel is taking advantage of the Hamas attack on October 7th to do what they have always wanted to do...wipe Palestine off the map.

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Feb 13, 2024
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The only mitigating factor is that everybody was doing it to everybody back then. Supposedly we have evolved away from that. Zionists/Israelis seem not to have gotten the message.

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The objective is to push everyone & everything into the Sinai, regardless of how many dead, maimed, etc., it creates. To achieve this, everything on the Palestinian side of the border needs to be levelled to the ground. This is precisely what is happening. The next step involves the Mass Aerial Bombardment of Rafah. At the same time, the Egyptian Dictator 'assists' on the other side by boxing in the Palestinians using his US Tanks, forming a De facto 'Kill Zone' as the Palestinians rush the Border Fence & are slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands (Dresden style) by Zionist Warplanes.

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One of the most depressing things about all this, the Arab states seeming to be indifferent, some actually complicit.

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My mother used to say, "The Lord helps those who help themselves."

Instead of waiting for a flock of archangels to descend and save us from ourselves, we need to take steps to stop this or we are silently complicit.

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So how do we begin a step by step coordinated solution to the root causes of these continuing atrocities and devastation. Is there a step by step list? Maybe One website for coordinated standardized information?

1. List AIl Israeli lobby’s, Like AIPAC, controlling US and other elections as a foreign lobbyist entity

2. Clearly List and standardize an accurate list of all companies, their brand names, CEOs, subsidiaries, and colleges with classes enabling this genocide, devastation and misinformation

3. List of all definitions like anti semite, genocide, holocaust, ICJ, etc to accurately standardize definitions and why these definitions are credible.

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Please look into the work of the late Dr Gene Sharp. He wrote From Dictatorship to Democracy and there's a documentary about him called How to Start a Revolution (not what it sounds like). It used to be on YouTube but it was taken down.

If you can't find them in your local library (try Interlibrary Loan), you can buy them on eBay or from the Einstein Institution in Boston MA.

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I was able to find this ! Thank you. I will read it

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After reading the comments I have to agree with Sera, so will not bore you with my repetition. But I will add this. There are by far more "Christians " in full support of this genocide than Jews. I personally know a large number of them. Remember when Jesus was confronted by Satan in the dessert? Remember what he offered to Jesus? Here we are.

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When you speak about the universities that have been destroyed and the academics who have been murdered, I can only think about the contributions that Arab scientists, mathematicians, and medicine have made to world knowledge.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Excellent point. It's fairly well established that Hitler took the genocide of indigenous in the Americas as blueprint for the Holocaust. It's not too much of a stretch to assume Zionists/Israelis are likewise taking inspiration at least in part therefrom in their genocidal criminality now.

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The Israel — Hamas War, should more accurately be called the Israel — Hamas Slaughter

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Too mild. Must be Israeli GENOCIDE of PALESTINIANS. Also, change IDF to IGF: Israeli Genocide Force.

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I would like to first extend our deepest condolences from our whole community to Dr. Ahmed Alhusseina and to all the Gazans and Palestinians for the unthinkable scale of their terrible losses over these endless last months and year after year. There are no longer words. Only unbearable heartbreaking images and stories of grief burned into our hearts and the hearts of millions of caring human beings (whatever their governments choose to do) around the world. Forever. Just as the Palestinians and their beloved families, the land they love, the olive trees, animals, pets, the universities and hospitals, their art and poems and teachers, doctors, ambulances, reporters and all the created structures and works of love created in that tiny space, reflecting their resilience, their beauty and faith will live forever in our hearts, minds and imaginations, to be tenderly held for the people of Gaza and Palestine during this long dark terrifying night and always.

The Israelis and Allies who have lost their own sacred roots and who are committing such sacrilege against all Life may believe they are "erasing" all signs of Palestinian life and culture, but this can never be. They are only killing and erasing their own souls for generations to come while pursuing power and resources and poisoning the Earth they are stealing. Palestine will Live. Their deeply rooted faith and love for all life will not only be forever held and recorded in all of us who have grown to deeply love them, but across the very Heavens, reflected and witnessed in every passage of the Moon, Sun, Planets and Stars.

We don't know how this terrible genocide and ethnic cleansing will end, how many Palestinians will be left, where they will go, but they have become not only martyrs but the greatest of teachers for our Earth at this time. I think of the Tibetans and their diaspora, in their case never to return to their beloved Tibet. But they brought out of Tibet and shared with all the world the depth of their faith and their profound teachings. They carried always with them, in them, their wounds and sadness, yes, but their profound wisdom and love for all living things could never die and in fact grew and has been bestowed upon the entire world. I pray for the Palestinians that they will by Divine Grace return to the land and homes they so love. But whatever the future holds, they are already expanding what it means to be brothers and sisters and children of this Earth. We have all already been changed forever.

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Hopefully someday artists will bring the Death and Destruction of Gaza to the public, like Picasso did in his Master Piece GUERNICA! The blank canvas would "come to life", the mind swims with the possibilities of horror! What would an artist do to show 20,000 women and children arms and legs sticking out of the rubble in Gaza? What would a painting of the 6 year old girl on a cell phone calling for help amongst 7 dead relatives and an IDF "Tank of Death" machine gunning her, bring to their mind? What would a SAFE ZONE look like with bombs, drones, tanks and snipers slaughtering them in plastic tents and sheets for homes? The Bleak Barbaric INHUMANITY of Zionist Fascism may well start a new art from! The names of which, make the head spin i.e. "Dead Baby of GAZA Dadaism", "Burned Nudes of GAZA Surrealism/Cubism", "Stripped Tied and Blind Folded Brutalism", "IDF EXCESSIVISM". Add to that Aestheticism, Gothic, Abstract, Impressionism, and Avant -Garde! Best of ALL "BRUTAL REALISM" relabeled "ZIONIST SHAME-ISM" !!!! The art galleries await! Along with the public hue and cry and shame and support on opening night! And of those who are marching in the streets, denouncing Genocide Joe and Zionist Fascism with a clear conscience and not one anti Semitic bone in their being!

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The Jesuits are responsible for the whole decimation of earth 🌍🌎 and Gaia angry

.this has been going on since Atlantis time. Same evil and pharasees

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You're just finding a scapegoat on which to direct your anger, instead of directing it where it belongs: the Zionists (are you afraid of being "anti-Semitic"?) and your own government.

It's true that the Jesuits have done several horrible things in history but they also have had many schools and universities. They are responsible only for their own actions, not the actions of others.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Where did you get your figures? Documentation please

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I read somewhere that V.I. Lenin stated, in 1917, that he did not expect to see any real change in Russia for decades to come.

No state of affairs lasts forever. Watch and pray.

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Americans have been Propagandized to death — as Neil Postman recognized as early as his 1985 book “Amusing Ourselves to Death”

Peter Baker’s NYT column today regarding, what I would call, a failure to resist the Trumpist poisoning of anything close to anything close to an American Dream of peaceful human cooperation, has surely been strangled in the crib.

At Carolina Costal University — I demonstrated and protested with the few Black progressive students when the cancerous poison of imagined Fascist Global Empire was delivered by the smirking insanity of the viper.

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Jon Carver, I am Jewish and your comments continue to insult me. The judiasm I was raised in was not bigotry and I am not a bigot. Actually you are the bigot!

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