how interesting that these 2 rogue countries, Israel and USA, are pretending to be Democracies. The enormous propaganda machines of both countries are devastating to chances of peace in the world and too bad the gullible, uninformed, misinformed, disinformed and the extremists believe it all.

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I would like to say one thing here and I think it is important.

I am still on Washington Post mainly because I can comment and ask questions to people who have NO idea what is going on.

It 'hurts' going on there because most of the news/editorials are lies.

I think if you want to fight MSM you go on there and comment until your fingers drop off!

I watch each week to see if my comment has been deleted....mostly they have not done this.

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Much of the MSM know full well that what they write is lies, but they also know what kinds of "reporting" will further one's career and get you plum assignments, and what kinds of reporting will get you assigned to cover allegations about corruption in the bidding of latrine cleaning services in North Dakota or something.

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Very enlightening interview, especially the sections in which Abunimah discusses specific examples of how "hasbara" influences US media like the NY Times, ensuring readers receive a grotesquely-distorted image of reality.

The question is how to fight back against such a monster ...

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For goodness sake, we must all know by now how Israelis lie. Nothing they say can be trusted and it is a terrible shame on those countries who believed their lies about beheaded babies, about raped women, about tunnels, about Hamas infiltration without proof in UNWRA, and whatever else they use for an excuse to kill the people who have rightful ownership of the land Israel occupies. Not to mention the right to fight against occupation of those lands and being called "terrorists" for doing what is their right in international law. Here's the truth: Israel + Zionism + USA = TERRORISM. Agree or not, read enough to know it true.

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Thanks, for very informative, interesting interview concerning Israeli misinformation methods!

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A very important and depressing interview....and it does underline the situation we find ourselves in today........in the imperial west, and in the world at large. Unless you seek out uncontaminated sources, and there aren't that many, and they are in many ways also under fire, you may have no inkling of the degree to which our democracies are failing or have already failed.

There are many dots we need to connect, and quickly. That Hilary Clinton is backing Israeli propaganda...even when it is patently unbelievable, says something I didn't realize in 2016.......about one more reason why Trump won. Trump makes up the truth as he goes along.....but there may well not have been any real truth opposing him.

When the elites in the first world are so into foreign policies that justify all kinds of lies...the lie about the Venezuelan election a few years ago.....the nonsensical story of Juan Guido being the legitimate president of a country that had just elected Maduro with a majority western leaders can only dream of.....comes to mind, what is an ordinary citizen to do??

If you only read msm...and then often only the headlines....how would you ever discover the duplicity that masquerades as media coverage ....or the economic imperialism that passes as concern for victim countries such as Haiti???

What's worse, once you do begin to see the pattern behind so much of the proxy wars and ideological lies that pass for news, how to you begin to counter the official narratives.......or continue to live comfortably in what looks to be the belly of a very nasty killer whale???

Thank you Chris and Ali. I don't know how you get the courage and energy to continue telling truth in the face of all this horror, but I'm glad you're there. And you're right about the CBC.......if I hear one of our broadcasters say "the Hamas run hospitals' one more time, I might have to shoot my television. Everywhere, dead eyed spokespersons for the Israeli position get interviewed.....everyday Neten yahoo promises to keep seeking vengeance for Oct 7, the innocent people die and nothing changes.

We likely already live in a police state, we may learn to what degree that is so sooner than we imagine.

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There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza in order to comply with the ICJ ruling. Not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate Let us do it to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Let us call for a No Fly-Zone over Gaza!

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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It is such a pity that we have to spend (waste) time listening/viewing activities of low-level non-humans who have claimed for so long that they are on top of the pyramid of humanity. We believed them and bought their salad. We even allowed them to steal beautiful Palestine.

Today we see that they are not who they claimed to be which allowed them to continue their abominations to this day for the world to see.

Only now is the planet awakening to the lies, cheating, dyshonesty of these fake jews.

I had the good fortune to live in Israel for a few years some 40 yrs ago and was honored to get to know Palestinians & Israelis and I don't believe any of the atrocities the fake journalists/soldiers are reporting about the Arabs.

I strongly believe in reincarnation as I have enough proof of it. I have had a few lives in the Middle East (which has worsen for the past 80 years because of the Israelis). It should be promoted more. You kill someone, you will come back again in a similar environment to give your life to save that life you destroyed previously.

A soul is pure and is in the image of the All Mighty. It starts its many incarnations at the bottom of the ladder and climbs up life after life learning, growing, shining towards the All Mighty because we are in his image.

Killing innocent people the way so many Israeli soldiers relish doing is the worst and lowest crime anyone can do. And those journalists that relish in exagerating and making up atrocities just for a bit of notoriety, I shudder just knowing what they will have to go through to correct their original gestures. For a lot of them they will be born on another planet that is not as evolved as Earth.

Our beautiful blue/green planet will not allow any of them to be reborn here until they have repayed those lives they had taken un-necessarily.

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Paragraph 4 - "vicious" not "viscous".

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One of the best programs normally but this one is "the best of the bests". I was absolutely amazed listening to Ali Abunimah, his fluency, coordinated facts and the depth of his knowledge were just amazing. If you want to know the truth then this program is a must.

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This has to be discussed and known to us citizens

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All the "tactics" used by Israel to discredit and sow doubt are plays from the Honest Don method of discourse. And, no, I give DJT no credit for any original thought, just making a point that there seems to be a lot of "accuse 'them' of what I just did before they get the jump on me."

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I love Ali Abunimah and watch anything he is on because he can give an analysis on anything in a very clear way

One aside: I don’t understand why Chris Hedges have to put The Intercept in the same basket as the Times, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Jeremy Scahill and Murtaza Hussain have been doing great reporting and interviews. In the same way that Chris spent all those years in the Times still being a great journalist, The Intercept also has great journalists doing great work

Really disappointed on his generalization, seemingly based on his own personal relationship with one or the other journalist in that publication

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I just want to report that your interview with Noura Erakot has been blocked for weeks by the process you describe here as part of Hasbara. I would love to see it if you could repost it.

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US Liberty FINALLY Explained – the false flag attack was organized by the US government -- to blame Egypt and its president Gamal Abdel Naser whom CIA hated passionately !!

BUT the heroic sailors prevented ship from sinking – Scott Ritter – Ask the Inspector – March 15, 2024:


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