Sawant the best thing that’s ever happened to Seattle.

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Reaching for the highest fruit on the tree shouldn't seem like reaching for the stars. But given how much degeneration has occurred among Democrats and "Progressive" legislators in the past few decades, it takes a Kshama Sawant {and many others} to fight for a future that cares for all of us ; not just mega-corporations, oligarchs, and those in Washington who receive their legal bribes. To be endowed with the capacity to imagine a better future is the first step toward realizing one. But such a future requires all of us.

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What a great name...."Workers will Strike Back"

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I'll try it once more.

What a great name...."Workers Strike Back"

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there is also an Edit* option:

those 3 little (seemingly-

insignificant) dots.


*not to mention:

Delete as well!

oh Joy.

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Had no idea of how to edit..............thank you !

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Hi Chris, this is off topic, but I have just come to your work via Russell Brand and I feel as though I have woken from a trance.

I've been distracted by trying to show everyone that there is no evidence that disease is transmitted via contagions, though if we all understood this lie the WHO's Pandemic preparedness treaty set for 2024, which would take away all our rights as free citizens, would just be laughed at.

However the right to speak up about anything will be taken away if we allow Julian Assange to be extradited from my country (where you rightly point out he's being slowly murdered for publishing the truth) to your's where they'll finish him off. This is the fight of our age, the human spirit against the global industrialists (and the CIA).


We're in an Orwellian age where a boot is stamping, without mercy, on a human face. Right now that face belongs to Julian Assange.


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You lost me at contagions. Did you not go to high school? In the same way Obama might have benefited all had he taken instruction of the legislative style of his predecessor, you might take a lesson from Ayn Rand. Next to anti-capitalism, her greatest fear was germs.

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yes I went to Grammar school (11-18 years), a university for a degree in biology, a college for a diploma in cellular pathology and spent 25 years in pathology and cancer research.

I think we've been taught to fear germs as way to control us. You might like to read this https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing or not if you're not curious as to the evidence.


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I think Rand's paranoia of germs was as ill-conceived as her capitalism. Which isn't to say I think germs are innocuous. We may have been talking about viruses, so apologies if I'm going off topic. I've endured strep throat, a bacterial infection contrasted with a virus, enough to know it is no joke. Were it not for antibiotics, the last bout, judging by its agony, may have killed me. It was amazing though. After taking antibiotics for 4 or 5 days, the infection broke all at once, with the expectoration of its phlegm along with the agony. Bacterial infections have been a perennial killer. Are you suggesting bacterial infections are not transmissible, that is communicable agents of disease?

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Hello, yes I am suggesting that bacteria and fungi flourish, often to our advantage by consuming dead cells, when the human is stressed, but do not in themselves cause the symptoms. Stresses on the body include mental stress, drugs, medications, malnourishment especially a glutathione deficiency (lack of fresh fruit and veg), lack of sleep etc. The phlegm, mucus, inflammation and fever is the body trying to detoxify toxins from the environment or from toxic products of stress. Some may really struggle to detoxify and antibiotics save their lives by controlling the flourishing bacteria. The bacteria implicated are ever and omnipresent in everyone's body so how can they be thought to communicate disease? Antibiotics are pretty instant so it looks like they didn't cure you, you may have recovered without them, of course we cannot know. And we can't discount the placebo effect which has been shown to improve just about every symptom known to humanity in up to 40% of people.

Bacteria on our skin, in our guts and in every organ of our bodies are essential to our health, we can't live without them. Long term antibiotics are very detrimental.

There is no evidence that bacteria from fleas (why didn't the fleas die) from black rats (why didn't the rats die) caused the plague or the Black Death. Bacteria in dirty water, rotting flesh etc do produce toxins that make people ill. But the presence of bacteria does not prove infection or causation. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-black-death-killed-50-of-the

There is also no evidence in the literature that venereal disease is communicable!


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Brilliant and inspirational! As a retiree deeply and personally concerned about Medicare, Social Security, and housing rights, I really appreciated the closing remarks. A worker is never really a "retiree." Thanks, Chris and Kshama.

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This insistence on the totality of the Left's agenda being pursued is what must keep millions of Americans like me from ever affiliating with it. I'm an orthodox Protestant, pro - life, pro - traditional marriage. I am stunned by the madness of multigenderism, twice as stunned by the sheep ( most of the American people, it appears ) who can accede with an unsnickering, uneyeballrolling countenance to the lunacy of "preferred pronouns" and "their" in the place of "his" or "her."

The oldest among us in my generation would have voted for Robert Kennedy or Eugene McCarthy, slightly younger ones, like me, cast our first votes for George McGovern. And we are in all generations, though the tragic dwindling of percentages of us is obvious. Successful politics used to be in large measure the building of coalitions, and you wouldn't have had a chance to succeed twenty years ago. Now? You may. The nation has become that degenerate. We see everywhere in American life intellectual dullardliness, and the mad vulgarity which must accompany decadence.

Are we, the American nation, under the judgment of God? I can't claim to know. I do know we're not remotely the kind of people we were a half century ago, and 90% of the change has been for the worse. As things are, the millions of us who would have been delighted to join with you in the fight for economic equality will give you what you want, are already giving you what you want, our withdrawal from this lost and forlorn country, into thousands of little towns within cities and states within states. Churches are making little neighborhoods of our own, buying three or four falling - downers in old, inner city neighborhoods. My fellowship has been restoring four houses in one of them since 2018.

Many of our young people, most of whom are intellectually adept in ways which are rare in contemporary young people ( homeschooling/churchschooling ), are bypassing college, becoming skilled tradesmen or starting small businesses. We're tending community gardens. We are certainly networking. We're living the kinds of lives Christians should always have been living, in community. As I mull the trashing of America in the last half century, and the great things which are happening in the Church because of it, the whole thing begins to look like God's gift, if a painful one, to the Church.

God may allow you to prosper, but it's difficult for me to grasp how you can survive His sending even more leanness unto your already deracinated souls.

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Does anyone know how we can send Chris questions directly? I have my subscription for that purpose, but haven't seen the opportunity yet.

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So you're saying lower our sights from Article 25 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Then what will we have to aim at? It's precisely because Kshama is unyielding in demanding universal human rights that she is so admirable. And I'm sure, feared by the ruling elite.

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In school they taught us that women do 2/3rds of the world's work and receive 1/10th of the pay. If most of the world's work isn't monetized, reparations are owed to those doing the work. Money's political. I am not saying the current situation should continue. Hard work probably isn't rewarded.

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These ideals are what Cuba has been striving for. Like communism, I would love to live in a world without greed. However like communism, these are aspirations that may motivate change. Detractors better offer viable solutions or capitalism will reach the end of its Monopoly Game.

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Minimum wage laws cannot repeal reality. Anyone with rudimentary knowledge of business should be aware that each new employee hired must increase firm revenue by at least their compensation plus cost of goods sold, or the business will lose money. Raising minimum wage to $25 per hour will completely ban teenagers and first-time job seekers from the labor market, while simultaneously putting many small businesses out of business and their employees out on the street.

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The Poor People’s Campaign is also trying to push for these changes.

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Thank you. Elon Musk is a miracle that happens once in a century.

He single-handedly unmasked the murderous and deeply corrupt US War party – with Twitter Files (J6 choreographed hoax, Russia-gate immense 5-year hoax, has broken total media censorship of terrorist US attack on NATO member Germany and of Covid conspiracy with Pfizer crime organization, of massive crimes by Nazi-dominated Ukraine government which is a mere puppet of US bipartisan War part, etc.).

Elon Musk immense courage and humanity is fully displayed by his one single three-word tweet:

Free Jacob Chansley https://t.co/8BbeXF2Fye

Intelligent, always completely peaceful, childlike US veteran, Jacob Chansley (with documented 15-year innocent mental issues) has been transformed by bloodthirsty and amoral US War party criminals, primarily Democrat leadership and FBI executives, into a symbol of (unarmed) J6 “insurrection” by grotesque lies and evidence hiding.

Peaceful and playful Jacob was tortured by years-long solitary isolation (Tocqueville defined prolonged solitary confinement as instrument of torture) and sentenced to long prison term – despite being now provably innocent of all charges.

https://substack.com/inbox/post/107896276 -- OUTSTANDING

Bloodshed & Bullshit, Part One -- This has to come to an end. Mar. 11, 2023

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Wow. The way she uses gestures compared to AOC speaks to integrity. AOC just flails award like a broadway actress. Kshama acknowledges implicitly and explicitly the primacy of class in the United States. She even dares to use the word class. And more than once. I saw Ralph Nader speak in Chicago during his 2008 campaign run. He oozed integrity and it seemed to me the powers that be would never allow him to get within sniffing distance of the presidency. Kshama seems to possess that same integrity on video. Class? Whodathought?

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Public servant moving out of government, hmmmm! With govt at an all-time high corruption standard (which seems irreparable at the moment) this may be our next way of moving forward. Independent players taking on the leadership. Thanks, Chris, for your reporting.

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