The American MSM has shamelessly showed indifference to one of their own (journalist) being illegally arrested, detained, and tortured for speaking the TRUTH. Meanwhile MSM lies for the CIA all the time and they walk freely as if nothing happened. Ironically Julian is more of a journalist than any of the other journalist shits that serve the American oligarchy.

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It's not an oligarchy if business leaders do the government's bidding. The Twitter Files show how the government's integration with and control of big-tech works. It's not good for tech business bottom line and their leaders hate such constraints.

The Assange case is part of the same story. It is one of the occasional cases of public floggings that the government uses to impress on the media (including social media) that there are limits. The extent to which the media is frightened by this case, and falls in line, is evidence that power in the USA is not strictly oligarchic.

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@Tom Worster - Indeed you have a point. However, when I say oligarchic I really mean the 1% that freely come and go between govt regulatory jobs and the corporate world. Twitter censored because if they said "no" they would be regulated and/or taken to court for some kind of violation. I submit to you it was govt. oligarchy going after corporate oligarchy. Corporate oligarchy won the rail strike by using government power (which they fund) to crush the unions. It goes back and forth but your point is noted. Thanks for pointing that out.

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You're right that there's an important collaboration between the government and corporations. It's especially obvious with the banks. But I struggle to find suitable language for it.

The revolving door is big and fast, so that suggests integration of corporate and state power, which sound fascist in a certain way but none of these organizations are ideologically fascist. They aren't right-wingers, they are simply into their own institutional power. (Besides the word has become useless as a throw-away insult in current popular usage.)

Sometimes I like to think of corporate class as mafia families, competing, cooperating, and even syndicating where and when it makes sense. And the permanent government agencies certainly operate like that, often more than private sector firms do. The analogy works nicely except for the loyalty that's common in organized crime families while those at the high levels in our ruling class are typically much more mercenary.

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To your point, remember the mob and the CIA had cooperated with keeping Cuba oppressed under Batista. Bay of Pigs was a joint mob-CIA operation to remove Castro. In fact, what you said reminds me of a quote that I have heard...I may have mangled it but the point is still the same...

The government is a legalized version of the mob. In fact, the government took out the mob via RICO statues as they could not stand the competition!

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In rather the same way that the LAPD is a legal street gang.

Edited to add that use of the word "legal" here is a bit confused. Let's say the LAPD is a street gang with a union, health benefits, and pensions.

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Our Presidents and Congress(s) have no respect for democracy. for championing free speech for advocating dialog and compromise and deplomacy over "the war machine....every single one of them.

Please name an exception.

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Julian couldn't ask for a better, more informed or invested pair to outline this travesty. <3

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Julian Assange is a hero in our local press of course this isn't America. Our local Press is a co-operative and I am a member. Corporate media is about profit co-operative media is about democracy.

In Quebec Julian Assange is a Saint and Greta Thunberg is a Saintess.

America never had a free press. Never ever from Poor Richard (Bonhomme Richard) to FOX NEWS?.

Somewhere between Public and Private is a proper balance.

Quebec is doing a pretty good job finding a balance. We have so many bad examples to see just over the border.

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The climate change lobby is using Greta Thunberg as a tool to push their agenda. That is fine..people do that all the time. However, as a disabled person myself, I find it reprehensible that they are using someone who is has autism and probably does not fully understand what she is saying and what she represents. People talk about how minorities and women are used and abused to further agendas. What about disabled people? Bottom line is Greta is no saintess...she is just a disabled woman being used to further a cause. It really brings disrepute to the climate change community to use a disabled girl to push their agenda. Is the science of climate change so shaky that no other person will do? This is just simple exploitation.

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First I am autistic and almost 75. I am certainly not handicapped intellectually.

Secondly Greta Thunberg is not intellectually handicapped we are wno we are.


Greta Thunberg is disparaged because she speaks the truth and isn't a hypocrite and a self aggrandizing insecure twit.

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You do realize that she reads speeches which are carefully prepared for her by some of the world’s leading propagandists. She is a mouthpiece and yet you attribute to her some kind of intellectual prowess...sure...believe what you want.

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I can't read a speech. I speak extemporaneously and always have. I started learning write 20 years ago. There are things I cannot do but I don't assume anything about anybody. I have seen her speak. She does so with conviction. What she is saying I read in The Ecologist 50 years ago. I live in ski country. There is five inches of snow on the ground where there was five feet during my lifetime just 20 years ago.

I don't trust BIG OIL. I know them. They are totally amoral.

Who do you think taught propaganda to Goebbels?

American History.

Woodrow Wilson The Committee on Public Information. George Creel. Madison Avenue

The Commission was commenced in 1918 by John Creel to brainwash the American public into supporting a war against the Axis. By blood and initiation the rites of the original commission were passed down through several generations into the hands of several young men who found that the sands of time had destroyed their link with government.


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Meanwhile, you may find this instructive:


To summarize:

*After years of denials, the FBI has finally admitted that Seth Rich is directly linked to the “hack” of the Democratic National Committee email servers in 2016.

*The FBI has been in possession of a report about Seth Rich’s work laptop for nearly five years, yet purportedly it did not discover that report in response to FOIA requests.

*The FBI had yet another technique, heretofore undisclosed, for hiding records from FOIA requesters.

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I still listen to Kinky Friedman. My wife is finally able to do what she always wanted to do. She is reading for her own entertainment. She loves Kinky Friedman mysteries. She finished The Love Songs of J Edgar Hoover in a couple of hours.

My wife is brilliant and she loves writers who assume their readers are well read.

I am just learning to write and I love writing I just never learned a methodology for my abilities.

It is funny watching MSM from America.

I remembered the Marx Brothers who were silly when I was a child and 90 years later Duck Soup is playing out in Washington and Horse Feathers is playing out in Congress. Talk about DARK COMEDY they make Leonard Cohen a Broadway Musical.

Meanwhile my wife is reading Orwell and Orwellian is the exact opposite of Orwell His essays on how to write about politics are truer now than they have ever been.

Woodrow Wilson's Committee on Public Information never ceased and Citizen Kane moved to Wichita.

As Ambrose Bierce used to say. "That's What's the Matter with Kansas."


Reading with understanding is a privilege very few enjoy anywhere in society.

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Am I being too harsh on humanity? If people have the choice between wisdom and stupidity: Isn't stupidity the logical choice?

If you want stupidity you may never be alone.

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I am sorry, just checked, this seems to be a deep fake (I would really wish it was not, but ...). Have a look at that site and compare it with your link (it is strange), if I am wrong, would be interested to hear from you - Thanks!


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I haven't had time to review Pacer in its entirety with respect to the case at issue, but the link you provided appears to be an earlier response to a different procedural motion.

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The only (official) link I could see is this: https://www.justice.gov/oip/huddleston-v-fbi-no-20-00447-2022-wl-4593084-ed-tex-sept-29-2022-mazzant-j

(for my English too much gibberish, so I give up) BUT I certainly would hope that this 'fishy' case of Mr Seth Rich will see the 'sun' (this 'mugging murder' was certainly suspicious from the beginning)

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I didn't feel like incurring the download charges on PACER (Official US court website), but on the date indicated in my link, a 21 page document by the name cited in my original link and with the exhibits cited in my original link was filed in the above-captioned case.

So, if this is a deep fake, they did one hell of a job, especially as the website I cited appears legit, in that you can access other PACER filings in this case.

Agreed that the circumstances surrounding the Seth Rich murder stink like a wet sack of wet shit.

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Thank you, I will check too ...

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Thank you for the comment but apropos nothing I could help but remember this scene from 90 years ago.


There is no sanity clause

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In the USA, those who are trying to make the world a better place who are seen as a treat by the deep state are either thrown into jail such as Julian Assange or are assassinated such as MLK or Malcolm X.

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I have lost faith in Big Pharma completely.

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Kevin could have easily filled an hour. You could have part 2 with him Chris. He has dedicated a long time to helping whistleblowers remain in the the public mind. National Security owned MSM sure won't do it.

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I'm not a lawyer so I have no idea if this type of questioning works in court but I would love to see people hackling big names, or simply asking anyone who believes Assange is a criminal this question: If I, as an American citizen living outside the US (in a country that will deport anyone, anywhere, for any reason, even if violating their own law) have secret Chinese/Cuban/Russian information that shows the crimes of those governments, and I release those secrets to the press/publish those secrets, should I be deported to any of those countries to face espionage charges?

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Great show Chris and Kevin getting your book ASAP! It sure puts the Nuremberg War Crime Trials to mind. I think Chomsky pointed out when they were prosecuting Nazi's that the allied Generals would say "we did that too so don't prosecute them" cherry picking the ones they "may" not have done. Soldiers couldn't hide behind "I was following orders" has been flushed down Orwell's Memory Hole at least in the USA. Assange's whistle blowing should be championed by all the media and promotion of a real liberal democracy! Lets face it the west has ignored all Nuremberg laws from the carpet bombing of Germany, Japan with napalm and 2 nuclear Holocausts on a civilian population. Failed States abound from North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Indonesia, Philippines, Central and South America and on and on! Revealing war crimes like Mai Lai in the 60's would never come out now with the putrid journalists in the MSM. Even then it was just "bad apples" or a one of, when all who knew the facts on the ground knew it was just the tip of the iceberg! When Assange goes on trial I fear a show trial like the British Star Chamber and the legal scholars that corrupt the system as patriotic freedom fighters. AHHHGGGG!!!

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Press freedom is like academic freedom in that it's perfectly safe to give it to people who will never use it. That's why the process of getting tenure is so elaborate, highly selective and punishing. If you were to give it to courageous and free-thinking teachers, scholars, thinkers, and experimenters then the academy would look a lot different, wouldn't it? We occasionally get to see how this works when an exception comes along to prove the rule, for example the attempts by his colleagues to oust Mark Crispin Miller. Why? Because he makes their disciplined conformity look bad.

So it is with press freedom. If journalists want to advance their careers, get assigned good stories, have friends and a reputation more than they want to tell the truth then we can safely give them complete press freedom, knowing they won't use it.

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"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." Mark Twain

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This is a pattern we are seeing in all of the big legacy media like the New York times or Washington Post or the Atlantic. Complete indifference to the principles of journalism.

We are seeing the same disregard for the Twitter Files -- government intervention in social media--published by Matt Taibbi and others.


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I just started reading the American Claimant. I just now understood why America gets Twain so wrong. He thought and wrote in Russian and translated in to Hannibal Missouri.

The humour is Zelenskiy but he spoke Russian and American. But after 1864 he wrote Russian in Roman phonemes.


It is Gogol with a drawl.


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Thanks, Chris and Kevin.

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I was speaking generally because certain conditions require present day medicine. BUt with stem cell tech insulin may become a thing of the past and I have hope for such remedie. My focus was on the people trying to avoid BP med etc like I have to because my doctor dropped me when I was caring for my father dying of cancer and I lost my prescription. A wake up call so I'm on alternatives to pharmaceuticals and they work as does weight loss.

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