United States actions which have destabalized many counties is responsible for the existence of probably the majority of these displaced people. The United States has aresponsibility to take in a large number of these people who are fleeing from dangerous and economically harmful situations. As a son of immigrants, I welcome immigrants to our country and the interesting cultures and diversity they bring to us.

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Although your points are valid - you neglect to include the vast percentage who vehemently refuse to assimilate! What excuses might you have for what has become of Sweden and Germany? What excuses do you have for the crimes/brutal rapes and murder they commit? No one denies them anything - in fact just the opposite holds true which is why they seek refuge here! In return they demand we cater to their needs - refusing to learn the language and adapt to the customs!

The Europeans who came to America got down and their knees and kissed the ground - they learned the language and never ever took a dime of government handouts! Comparing the immigrants who arrive today versus those who arrived previously is a slap in the face! You want to come to a different Country then you better learn the language and assimilate rather than expect us to do MORE for your culture!

I'm sick and tired of people that come to America and refuse to adapt and learn the language! I live in an area where they have taken over entire towns - the attitude is profound - this is now all theirs! In our State of ten million residents two million are illegals! The signs on the shops are no longer in English and they certainly have no respect for our culture! Although I am no fan of Orbin per se - he has the right idea when it comes to protecting the Hungarian culture!

I'm sorry they've been displaced because of the US but they need to respect the Countries who grant them refuge! Instead, just the opposite holds true! A sense of entitlement!

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From a European standpoint I really have trouble with this immigration (most of it young males, sent by their poor families to get a job in Europe and send money home), these foreign cultures do not fit into ours (which leads to terrible problems with our population, I think it is the main reason that Europe is drifting to the far right or populist side of the political world). I did not vote or support any wars (and I do not know anybody that did), but Europe is still overrun by refugees from all the wars (started by the US and NATO and few supporting warmongers). That people drown in the Mediterranean is horrible, but they pay money to 'schleppers', throw away their passports, are taken over by Frontex ships and delivered to somewhere in Europe (the drag on the social systems will get so big it will bankrupt us - healthcare, housing, food). Europe has never before had a crime problem like in the US, it has now!! This is no solution - aid has to be given in their home countries, for me it would be: spend the military budget of the US and all the Western warmongers on this project (I know, will not happen, but when I think of going home to live in Austria - which I planned to do - I despair!! I never thought that I would agree with Mr Orban of Hungary ...). And sorry to blame Greece for bad treatment, is unfair, they are poor and bankrupt. Asylum can only be given for a short time, but Europe cannot even get rid of criminal immigrants (the worst offenders in the old days were Chechens and Afghans, now it is all over the place and the recommendations our politicians have for females is: stay home or wear a scarf). Most immigrants will not find any jobs, as there are too few for the citizens, so as said this kind of system can only ruin us all. This theme is an endless string of problems, unfortunately politicians do not care and corporations just want to make more profits. But I would say if we cannot solve our REAL problems (wars, now the threat of nuclear war, the climate crisis) we are doomed anyway and we of the 'rules based order' will join the miserable refugees (best case scenario)

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"No man is an Island entire of itself--


For whom the Bell Tolls

it tolls for thee"



John Donne


"Works for me"

Elon Musk 12/28/2022

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I hadn't been invited, called and perhaps like you,?, perhaps not,

didn't notice, then through a series of 'events' that today 'blow my mind', I was.

'to as many as received Him', so we know not even all invited went ahead.

That's why Abraham is called the 'Father' or originator, he DID know His God.

And this is where I'm headed.

You're respectful, rational.

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Yes, tye w9rds of Yehoshua are excellent. Some others too.

Too bad you didn't ask your wife first.

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The world. Must control BECAUSE they've got NONE.

So, they enFORCE.

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This recording is tragic

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Firstly I would like to thank 2follow him for this revelation.

Irving Layton's For my Brother Jesus sits beside my computer. Today it is joined by Louis Ginzberg's Legends of the Bible 1905 Jewish Publication Society.

Chapter V Abraham The cities of sin.

I am not Chris Hedges I am Moe son o0f Louis a lowly Israelite not the Messiah son of David. I am my father's son Absalom was David's seed. Hope is what gives life its meaning.

I got the book long after I knew the legend.

It wasn't the Donald Trumps that destroyed Sodom it was the Mitt Romneys, Joe Bidens and Bill Clintons.

Sodom was destroyed because it blamed the Donald Trumps instead of the Kings and princes who taught us to lie cheat and steal and gave us the excuses for the crimes against ourselves.

Of course Donald Trump is a thief and a liar but he didn't say I am not a thief he said I am a thief because it is good to be a thief in Sodom. It is our culture and our calling.

The real thieves steal our souls not our money.

"WE hold these truth to be self evident that all men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights among them life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Our legends teach us Sodom was destroyed because its leaders said Sodom is good and it is God that is Evil. The people need us we don't need them.

I remember Bishop Romney; telling the leaders of Sodom laws are not for them they are for us.

It was ever thus from the beginning when we crawled out of the sea and claimed the land as our own. We are Christians, weare Jews, We are followers of Mohammed we are law givers not subordinate to the laws of men.

'It is the eve of the eve of a new year. It is never too late to learn that all men are equal in the eyes of the Creator.

The leaders call it Armageddon . I call it the Exodus and a journey to the gates of Heaven.

We studied Darwin we understand we belong to the sea and the sea is inside not outside.

And the Evening and the morning was the sixth day.

Sodom is alive and well and the people are in pain and Jesus still weeps.

Thomas Jefferson wrote America's Bible he sits beside Jesus and weeps.

There is Jefferson's Bible on Amazon it is less than a dollar for the Kindle edition.

It starts

" And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed."

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

The Holy Bible is the written source of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and thus is the standard bearer for ethics, morals, integrity.

The verse "Let God be True, and every man a liar", applies especially to anyone who refers to scriptural Truths as spouting nonsense.

Such a comment comes from one in a small, dark, place.

It is evident how that is working for that one.

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Thank you

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You lost me at ‘climate crisis’

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