And legalization of drugs would put an end to much of this mayhem. Recall when prohibition ended in the US, Capone and his ilk were out of business. Taking drugs is not a crime in the true sense of the word. There is no victim other than oneself. I am sure I will get a lot of hate mail for this but the reality is the war on drugs is lost because it is being fought the wrong way. Maybe trying to figure out WHY folks are taking drugs would be the better approach?

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Agreed. It will also help to jail the bankers that clean the dirty money of drug traffickers and stop the traffic of guns from US to those cartels. Perhaps we should not call our efforts in that respect any more "War on Drugs" because we definitely have a propensity to loose our wars. Have we incarcerated the pharma owners that poisoned American with opioids?

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Um the border agents and the dea were caught selling drugs to the cartels across the border. They are employed by the same government trying to build the wall. Also, most people crossing with coyotes are coming to work. The drug dealers have much easier ways because they have plenty of money and US government connections.

Building the wall is what is called a red herring and it worked well as a distraction technique from our massive government corruption, regardless of which party is in power. Much like in Mexico, the government, military, police, CIA and the press collude to hide this corruption.

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If you listen to the author, Ms. Cochran, you'll hear that even she cannot separate the drug cartel actions from those of government officials. She identifies them interchangeably with the risk of coercion and violence that every reporter (and indeed, every citizen or visitor) is routinely subject to in these lawless societies. This is what happens when citizens become uninvolved and seek no accountability whatsoever from their "elected" officials. It's happening in most of the world at this point--including the U.S. What we are devolving back into is a world of animal tribalism where only might makes right. This is why governments want to take your guns away...yet buy and sell weapons of mass destruction themselves all day long. This is a strategy that will never work...and signifies an absolute race to the bottom.

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Those in the US that supported stopping the US from building the wall share responsibility for the death of these Mexican journalists and many others. The reason that this Mexican corruption exists is the money from illegal drugs and other cross-border illegal activity that the US attracts. Building the wall and tightening border protection would starve this corruption and force Mexico to look inward for economic health and activity.

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A wall like trump built was very easy to go through. A wall like the dmv zone in Korea is needed. And the churches need to push zero population growth. Raising children in poverty is child abuse.

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I find very difficult to understand why these reporters risk their lives in doing so. What’s the psychological reason behind. The adrenaline rush?

Maybe truth is more valuable than gold.

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Capitalism (unlimited greed), and democracy are not compatible. It looks like the people with the money are rigging the markets, whether cartels or corporations, regardless of which nation. That was a flaw our founding fathers made. Not installing a max. wage to keep the rich dictators from seizing power. Having the government, and organized crime working together leads to a lower standard of living and much suffering. It looks like America will become another failed third world nation and China will be the world ruler. The new world order Bush sr. was talking about, looks like a dictatorship in charge of every nation and China ruling the world. It started when Nixon normalized relations with the dictatorship China. Bush sr. may have played a role with the JFK assassination? All the useless eaters may be given covid or a new fungus or sent to the front lines. A war with Taiwan, sending a bunch of criminals and homeless and welfare recipients and old people and disabled and intellectuals to the front lines without any weapons like Russia is doing now is where the obese trump supporters will land also. And it looks like Biden is not prosecuting the gop leaders by enabling Garland. to not prosecute the leaders who refused to certify the election and even sent in phony electors. This looks like the goal of the new fascists. Rob and loot America to get revenge for world war 2 and go back to the dark ages.

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How would the legalization of drugs put an end to much of the mayhem?

Many semi-synthetic opioid drugs (derived from poppy plants) such as Tylox, Percodan, Oxy Contin are prescribed by doctors and purchased at the corner drug store everyday. Perfectly legal. Are you proposing that these drugs, somehow, be MORE legalized than they already are-- in order to solve the issue of drug induced societal mayhem? Are you proposed that we cut the doctor's prescription process out all together and dispense these as another menu item accompanying a McDonald's Happy Meal? Or maybe you are proposing that we legalize only illicit forms of these opioid derived drugs in order to solve the problem (thereby mothballing the term illicit drugs from our social lexicon forever due to lack of relevance).?? Does that mean the illegal street corner drug dealer would become licensed and compete with the legalized street corner pharmaceutical industry drug dealers ( like, say, Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, etc.)? How would that work? Or maybe you are proposing that the poppy plant, somehow, be eradicated from the planet all together? Your proposal raises so many questions; all of them associated with such lack of plausible answers.

Please, enlighten us to your unique and curious form of logic that allows you to propose such an ostensibly fallible solution.

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This reporting has eerie parallels to the type of journalism evolving in the neoliberal sphere of influence we currently see unfolding in American main stream media

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Mexican president calls out America’s BS – March 22, 2023

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