I might add that there are other reasons beyond Russian ineptitude and the resistance by Ukraine forces for the slow, but not negligible, advance by Russian forces in Ukraine. Some experts have surmised that one reason is that the Russians wanted to delimit the damage and casualties that could have been wrought by a much stronger Russian mlitary campaign. Only future results will tell.

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I consider this discussion abysmal. Bacevich does not deal with the ongoing U.S. demand for global hegemony by its so-called leaders, MICIMAC and its dismal administration. Does not emphasize that the U.S./NATO is now an active participant in the Ukraine conflict what can well erupt, despite ineptitude(?) of Russia, into a much wider earth-killing, conflagration, especially if Russia feels it faces defeat. He seems to believe in the goodness of U.S. intentions! He does not understand that Russia,, considered as a US adversary, indeed enemy, provides a major brake on U.S. policy, which the US leadership cannot swallow, abhors. That is the reason for the war. Bacevich is superficial, and immoral, in my view. Putin as demon is not mentioned. The Billions spent on war is a subject bascally dismissed here.

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

If there are no direct costs of the Russo-Ukrainian civil war to the U.S. (why should there be--except for those imposed on ourselves by our government in the form of misguided economic warfare--otherwise known as sanctions), as the retired colonel says, then why have we slung $13.5 B dollars over there...with another $40B now on the table to follow?

Also, why should there be American casualties in the Russo-Ukrainian Civil War at this time? This comment by the retired colonel seems very odd given that we are not at war in Europe at this point We have not declared war on either party, nor has either party declared war on us...yet. If we continue to provoke the Russians, that may change. Again, to reflect on why the lack of U.S. body counts fails to grip the imagination of the U.S. public in that Civil War is very strange.

Bottom line is this interview should have left many listeners shaking their heads in disbelief at the positions of this retired military official. And he is now teaching our young people in a University setting? Troubling.

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The United States of America is the biggest socialist country in human history if you just consider their single-payer war for all system! Largest most expensive socialist construct in human history! Also the most worthless!

War, good God, y'all What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it, say it, say it War, uh huh, yeah, huh What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

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Bacevich postulates that the neocons believe they should bring "democracy" to other countries.... I'm sure that's what Victoria Nuland had in mind when she enabled the 2014 Ukraine coup that installed neo-Nazi Azov Battalion into power in Kiev. The U.S. could have supported the Minsk Accords authored by Angel Merkel, which would have been fair and given the Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine their own autonomy. Instead, we overthrew fairly elected Yanukovich and now have funded the mass murder of thousands of Ukrainians in our proxy war against Russia. No politician really gave a hoot about Ukraine, except that it was next to Russia, where we could base camp our nukes aimed at Moscow. Now Nuland is in Brazil, giving US aid and support to fascist Bolsonaro against progressive populist Lula de Silva. We need regime change at home!

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We, the greater WE, as Americans are woefully appalled by militarism, Pentagon and national security state budgets. Dissent is frustratingly suppressed and censored.

Respectful of professor Bacevich but I believe him to be out of touch with the beyond many who see the scheer madness of our hegemonic ambitions.

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DNC and Biden cabal claims that a biggest domestic threat are “white supremacists” – while financing and arming Ukro-Nazis !! What a FRAUD…

Your taxpaying money is paying for salaries of card carrying Ukraine Nazis – THINK about that !!

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DNC and Biden cabal claims that a biggest domestic threat are “white supremacists” – while financing and arming Ukro-Nazis !! What a FRAUD…

Your taxpaying money is paying for salaries of card carrying Ukraine Nazis – THINK about that !!

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

I worry that if the war machine is not stopped and corporate/military socialist state is not overthrown by exercise of rights of people in govt though those rights have been done in by the state - we will eventually will have another American Revolution because the homeless, poverty and disappearance of middle class and overworked working class without homes and the dismissed unemployed and underemployed - at some point people will challenge the power base that is so disgusting in their want of power and wealth at the expense of the American people. I wish not to see such a revolution but what I witness daily on the ground and the horrible violence perpetrated by our country - one day will come that the American people stand up and right our country or we will all suffer for the sins of the wealthy which has been our history as well going back to countries inception and dealing with slavery and the genocide of indigenous people. So sad for most Americans is my experience now and study of history and family genealogy, most Americans are kind and loving and want peace for all.

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Bachvich may be getting his info on war from mainstream media. Independent journalist reporting that Russian military controls about 25 percent of Ukraine, and are achieving their limited objectives.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Totally disagree with guest - there are Americans disgusted by our military spending while our people have growing issues to have a roof over our heads and children growing up in poverty - we are unaffiliated and sick of two- though-really-at-times-one political party because we hate the lack of the basic ethics of our leaders in both political parties while dealing with a political structure that changing it so honest people can be lifted up - impossible and I have been in movement to try to lift up others and the laws in place to prevent change and dishonest leaders flourish in the parties are elected- very hard to stomach the presidential elections since Al Gore conceded before African American voters were allowed their votes to count and it has only gotten worse. For the common thing that those parties come together on is preserving this two partyy system with the current leadership with both sides about war all the time. Chris nailed it about ridiculous military spending.

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The current stage of the war is happening in the Russian speaking areas. In 2014 people in Kharkov, Mariupol, Kherson, Odessa voted against Maidan and for an autonomy. New Kiev government had to send patriotic militias to keep the population in check. While American way of war involves massive civilian casualties, Russia might be trying to avoid harming the civilians, which may slow the action.

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Bacevich seems unaware of Russia's limited goals for this excursion into Ukraine. They did not intend to conquer Ukraine or take it over (no "shock & awe"). Putin stated at the outset that their goals were to de-Nazify Ukraine, subdue its militarism against Donbas residents, make the Donbas safe for Russian-speaking Ukranians and secure Ukraine's neutrality via a signed treaty. For these reasons they attempted to leave structures and non-Nazi populations intact. Russia basically views Ukrainians as relatives, so they proceeded relatively gently and carefully - at least at first. Bacevich interprets this as weakness or ineptitude.

I don't think Putin realized how energetically the U.S. and her NATO allies would dive into the conflict. Imo, that was Putin's major oversight.

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I read Colonel Basevich’s book some time ago and wasn’t aware he’d written another. Thanks for this interview with him.

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Why don’t you goddamn “independent fearless investigative journalists” get it?!

It’s your responsibility to help expose the crime of the century! Perhaps the most blatant, brazen, horrific and successful crime against the United States of America in its history!!!: PNAC’s powerful catalyst of 911, unabated 20 years on! It’s high time to flip their catalyst! It’s high time to change the tide! The stakes have never been higher! America is well on its way to becoming the most fascist country in human history! with no bill of rights no healthcare no education no livable environment no security no freedom! No life!

FLIP THEIR CATALYSTS! Use your freedom of speech While you still can! Simultaneously declare your solidarity with the 3500+ Architects & Engineers for 911 truth! Sign their petition! Write an open letter! There is strength in numbers! The Official Story Mafia will instantly be rendered powerless! Academically, 9/11 truth has already won! Now it’s your turn! We must have brave free fearless independent investigative journalists, our 4th estate, to expose The United States of America and it’s Bush-Cheney Administration for committing the most destructive dastardly unimaginable horrific evil crime of 911! ASAFP!

We have met the enemy and he is us.


Inside out:


Number one documentary in human history! Fahrenheit 911:


15 years later: on the physics of high-rise building collapses


The web traffic to this story crashed Europhysicsnews website! Still their number one story in their history!

Biggest arson insurance fraud in human history!

911 - WTC7 - Larry Silverstein says “Pull it”


Building 7


Towers exploding


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May 14, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

Everyone should watch Ukraine on Fire by Oliver Stone. It was made in 2016 and exposes the fascists. I think it’s still on YouTube. Sadly, the folks who need to see it most won’t watch it.

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