I’m a huge fan a subscriber to Lee Camp’s content. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview but have a comment regarding the Dave Chapelle critique of the LGBTQ+ community. Dave’s comedy does not demean the community or encourage abuse. The humor is an important strand of argument utilized in his bits about the Me too movement, Fans vs Celebr…
I’m a huge fan a subscriber to Lee Camp’s content. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview but have a comment regarding the Dave Chapelle critique of the LGBTQ+ community. Dave’s comedy does not demean the community or encourage abuse. The humor is an important strand of argument utilized in his bits about the Me too movement, Fans vs Celebrities, and Trump voters...making fun of the absurdity of third rail (untouchable topics). If communities subject to discriminatory abuse are exempt from comedy than African-Americans, Hispanic, women, and religious minorities would not have been the subject of some of the greatest comedy in American history. An example of Dave’s LGBTQ+ comedy that makes my point is the bit about the road-trip car ride where the passengers are members of each segment of the community. The bit illuminates the comedic distinctions within the community in the similar fashion cultural, racial, gender, and religious distinctions have provided a rich source of comedy. At the heart of his critique is no part of the human family is beyond good humor. Lee has built his career on exposing third rail topics in the realm of politics and economics. Dave’s primary focus is culture, which broadly includes politics. I would love to see Lee interview Dave Chapelle. For a long form preview, check out Dave Chapelle’s interviews with Joe Rogan.
I’m a huge fan a subscriber to Lee Camp’s content. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview but have a comment regarding the Dave Chapelle critique of the LGBTQ+ community. Dave’s comedy does not demean the community or encourage abuse. The humor is an important strand of argument utilized in his bits about the Me too movement, Fans vs Celebrities, and Trump voters...making fun of the absurdity of third rail (untouchable topics). If communities subject to discriminatory abuse are exempt from comedy than African-Americans, Hispanic, women, and religious minorities would not have been the subject of some of the greatest comedy in American history. An example of Dave’s LGBTQ+ comedy that makes my point is the bit about the road-trip car ride where the passengers are members of each segment of the community. The bit illuminates the comedic distinctions within the community in the similar fashion cultural, racial, gender, and religious distinctions have provided a rich source of comedy. At the heart of his critique is no part of the human family is beyond good humor. Lee has built his career on exposing third rail topics in the realm of politics and economics. Dave’s primary focus is culture, which broadly includes politics. I would love to see Lee interview Dave Chapelle. For a long form preview, check out Dave Chapelle’s interviews with Joe Rogan.