That the MSM and Biden regime went from ignoring the murder until that was no longer tenable, to parroting the Israeli line until that was exposed as so much bullshit, and now back to ignoring everything in hopes that it all blows over, is most instructive.
Yes, that has been the regular procedure like in the poisoning by radioactive material of Arafat when Israel blamed the Palestinians of planting the proof of the crime and then everybody forgot about it. But in the case of Abu Akleh I believe there is something new when an American is murdered and the state which did it openly rejects any investigation: as per
Israel Says It Won’t Cooperate with FBI Probe into Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
The Biden administration has opened an FBI investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian American journalist who was shot in the head and killed last May while covering an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank — even as she wore a helmet clearly labeled ”PRESS.” Israeli officials initially blamed Palestinians for her death, then called evidence “inconclusive,” before once again changing their story in September to say Abu Akleh may have been “accidentally” hit by Israeli troops’ gunfire after they came under fire from Palestinian gunmen. But eyewitness accounts and videos of the area where Shireen was killed do not show a gun battle, and investigations by Al Jazeera, The New York Times, CNN and other news outlets also challenge the official Israeli version of Abu Akleh’s killing.
Abu Akleh’s family called the U.S. investigation an important step toward accountability, writing, “It is what the United States should do when a U.S. citizen is killed abroad, especially when they were killed, like Shireen, by a foreign military.”
Israel’s Minister of Defense Benny Gantz called the U.S. decision to investigate Abu Akleh’s killing a “grave mistake,” adding, “I have made it clear to the U.S. that we won’t cooperate with any external investigation and won’t allow any interference in Israel’s internal affairs.”
Shireen's murder and Zionist lies that cover it it up with childish excuses was built into the DNA of Israel, as warned by Hannah Arendt and Einstein in the 1948 letter to the NY Times signed by a couple dozen Jewish scholars. " Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel is the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut) a political party closely akin to methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. Formed from Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist right wing chauvinist organization." M Begins future Likud. This only three years after the Holocaust they had no qualms using this comparison, today you would be black listed as an Anti Semite. "The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today (1948) they speak of freedom, democracy and anti imperialism, where as until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its ACTIONS that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its PAST ACTIONS we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future." They use Deir Yassin as example. "The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party, thy have preached an admixture of ultra-nationalism, religious mysticism and racial superiority." The warnings were their 75 years ago, Shireen was reporting and revealing the real Israel today and the same fascist Zionist philosophy murdered her in cold blood! As Churchill once said "the Truth is so important it must be locked tightly away and surrounded by lies" Zionist Israel in a nut shell! Shireen is a true Samud ! May her memory live forever!
This seems like the equivalent wrought by the Neo-Nazi Israeli snipers against journalists as the US helicopter gunships mowing down journalists in Baghdad - eventually revealed to the world via WikiLeaks! Thanks for the interview C.H.
Again and again I see the reality: They just don’t mind. They just don’t care. They don’t mind killing. “They” are the Zionists, the zealots, the settlers and all of those getting a free ride on a gravy train made of blood. I sat next to one at dinner recently and thought of the strange missing line from the film “The Conversation”: “They’d kill US if they had a chance.”
Or is it “They’d KILL us if they had a chance.” Parallax? And still, of course, murder. But they just don’t mind.
The good thing is that nowadays the majority of the Jewish diaspora is fully aware of the sins of the Israeli government.
Extract from Los Angeles Times Op-Ed: "Palestinians in Israel have new cause to fear for their future" by David N. Myers and Daniel Sokatch on 02/01/2023
Israel’s Declaration of Independence calls for “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.” It is a moral and political imperative that all of us — and especially Jews who know well the pain of dispossession — insist that the current government adhere to this core democratic principle and prevent any attempt by extremists to force Palestinian citizens of Israel from their homes and country.
Well Pita my first impression of "Doctor" Anna Maria Mihalcea quackery were well founded even before I read your "proof" of Ivermectin. What a laugh of disconnected thought. She is a "faith healer" who claims she cured cancer by touch. She is an "alternative medicine" heal thy self with prayer and meditation. A psychic "healer" like her mother. A proponent of Anti Aging drugs and Chelation therapy. I found absolutely no proof that Ivermectin works in it in her double speak. Many Canadians with incurable diseases have been sucked in to spending thousands of dollars in the US and Mexico with pie in the sky promises. The only results were empty wallets and bank accounts. I stopped reading and listening when she described vaccines as a "Bio Weapon" designed by the military. The only award that could be considered for her is the Darwin Award.
I note that you are making typically wild claims which bear no relation to truth. It IS with impunity, by the way, until long-term gaol sentences are given to the perpetrators on the Israeli side. It never happens, FL
I come from a family of many doctors and scientists, and I agree with you about self determination. But as to responsible testing, it’s well known now that Pfizer never tested their vaccine for transmission. That in itself makes a vaccine mandate moot. Who knows what other corners they cut?
On the topic of accountability, I'd like Chris Hedges to explain why:
1) When the lockdowns were declared, he refused to stand with the working class against the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports ... on this topic he has only said: "it's a tough decision".
2) Why he brazenly took sides with big pharma just one month after the explosive FDA FOIA release:
On DEC 2, 2021 ...
The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's internal vax data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years!
And then, just 30 days later ...
On JAN 1, 2022 ...
Chris Hedges made the following comment right here on SubStack on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54) - go to the 1:08:48 mark ...
"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated"
He could have said it's a personal decision, but he chose to play it safe and stand with big pharma ... and then, about 2m after making this comment, he actually said he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... but for some reason, in the face of hard evidence that the vax IS NOT "safe and effective", he told us it was OK to trust the jab ...
3) Why after abandoning us on the mandates and passports, he made this comment just 3 months later in his "PIMPS OF WAR" post here on SubStack on April 11, 2022:
"Let us stand up and resist so future generations will at least say ‘they tried.’ We cannot do this alone ... together we have a chance" ...
I guess he thought nobody would remember his comments on the vax ...
I remember that time well, and I said many things like this. I never for a second imagined that the pharmaceutical companies were in it for anything but money. That’s a given. But many of us were caught off guard by the depths of their cynicism, the superficiality of their efforts, and their general infamy. As the truth has revealed itself I’ve reversed most of my positions on the vaccines, and I give others room to do the same.
Sera, I've always known that the pharmaceutical as well as the other industries try to maximize their profits and hide their failures and, also, that during trials of any medication there are casualties. The good thing is that sciences have their way to test and validate results of new procedures. For my part, I believed (and continue believing) in the importance of the vaccines to curtail the pandemic and until proved the opposite I'll follow the regular recommendations to avoid to get infected.
This is an adult and personal decision and find extremely puzzling that somebody considers Mr. Hedges or anybody else's opinions an imposition.
It's not about his opinions ... livelihoods and lives hang in the balance when people like Hedges make statements like this ...
It's about him taking a stand on arguably THE most divisive issue of our lifetime: to vax or not-vax ... it's about him taking a stand when he DID NOT have to ... and it's about him standing with big-pharma when their own internal trial data suggested there were (and still are) big risks in taking the jab ... there are one hell of a lot of people on this planet who would never tell another person to walk the plank if they knew better ... but that's exactly what Hedges did in that interview with Krystal Ball and Kyle Kulinski ... didn't you know? ... the average trial period for a vaccine is 10 years and the COVID vax was rushed to market after only one year! ... Hedges knew exactly what he was doing ... he knew about FDA FOIA release, he knew about the unacceptable trial period, he had to see those videos of the vax-injured ... but he recklessly, carelessly, cynically and unnecessarily chose to take sides on this issue anyway ... I used to love Hedges, followed him so very closely for the past 10 years that it was impossible to NOT notice a dramatic change in him once the lock downs were declared ... Chris Hedges threw the working class under the bus with COVID ... and you can bet the ranch he knew the risks ... that's why he continues to glue himself to the Assange case rather than comment on the more pressing issues of tyranny which are now in our face ...
Pita, in another posting before, you told me that you are doing this just for entertainment. That is your right, but if possible change the issue of your objections because this is becoming too boring. Besides, 10 yrs or, as you also mentioned before, 30 yrs, for trying a vaccine would be too long for fighting a pandemic, by then anybody who could have been saved is already dead.
Since my early teens I have considered myself the maker of my own destiny and although I seek advice from the sages I still command my decisions. I believe that most mature adults are the same and will not allow anybody to "throw them under the bus" Thanks for your good will.
I have no intention of accommodating your request to change the subject ...
Look up Steve Kirsch, Karen Kingston, Dr Ana Milhacea or Andreas Ohler right here on Substack and start reading ... the vax is methodically killing people all over the world ... and if you're OK, then you're truly one of the lucky ones ... but unlike you, I never lost the ability to critically evaluate the words of false gods like Chris Hedges ... he was once a good man who no longer has the courage to fight the good fight with the rest of us ...
And while you're here on Substack, I challenge you to read the work of any of the people I mentioned above ... only then, will you realize how lucky you've been ...
Sure Pita your contrarianism could be call absurdity. Chris is not a false God. Full Stop! The Tea Party/MAGA Frankenstein/Demagogue anti-science Trump, is the hands down winner in that department! Which vaccines are you against? If you stepped on a rusty nail, would you take a tetanus shot? How about the old diseases of Polio, Small pox, mumps, measles and whooping cough etc. etc. They have saved millions if not billions of lives. Confused pseudo science Farmers Almanac like snake oil false hope has caused more death than any vaccines ever did! Who was the witch doctor genius who sold Trump's ignorant MAGA Volk on Ivermectin? No Contrarian fears of ingesting a horse de-wormer Pita?
Not a very interesting reply, Jim ... you completely missed the boat ...
You're wrong on a number of points:
1) I am not a "Trumper" ... just like Hedges, I'm a true independent progressive ... I walked away from the DEM party after the 2000 election and I did not vote for either of those sexually-obsessed bullies in the '2020 election ... I still agree with Hedges on many things and like him, I believe Trump is a horse's-ass of a human being ...
2) There was a time when I'd rush to the clinic to get a tetanus shot, but not anymore and never again ... didn't you know, they are now finding THE same literally deadly contaminants that are in the vax in insulin and dental anesthetics ... and the proof is right under your nose HERE on Substack ... just look up Dr Ana Milhacea ... if you got the vax, you should not be demeaning people like me, you should be taking the supplements in her vax detox protocol ... I'd bet that's exactly what Hedges and his family are doing ...
3) After dwelling in the midst of Hedges supporters these past 10 years, I firmly believe his people are in fact cultists ... Chris can do no wrong and you can find no fault with him because you have in fact elevated him to the level of a god ...
4) You're wrong about Ivermectin, it works and has won awards for its effectiveness ... stop watching Rachel Maddow ...
And before you delete my reply from your inbox, I challenge you to sample the writings of Dr Ana Milhacea, Steve Kirsch, Karen Kingston and Andreas Ohler right here on Substack.
Rachel Maddow surly you jest. The quacks you have mentioned are no more than pseudo science witch doctors. Please site the Ivermectin Awards for its effectiveness. Who started the Ivermectin myth, other than a farmer that figured out, if it was good for the horses ass it must be good at killing a virus in humans. P.S. I have been using insulin for close to 40 years and would have died decades ago if not for Banting's gift to the world! As for deleting your response, don't worry I get a kick out of reading misinformed platitudes of absurdities! I have learned that reasoning with someone who got theirs with none is usually a waste of time, but even if one saw the light it would be worth the effort. Just got my booster too!
No permissions required, Pita. I appreciate your interest on my health but it happens that I believe that my doctor knows a little more than you on this matter and so I'll continue following his instructions. Thanks again.
That the MSM and Biden regime went from ignoring the murder until that was no longer tenable, to parroting the Israeli line until that was exposed as so much bullshit, and now back to ignoring everything in hopes that it all blows over, is most instructive.
Yes, that has been the regular procedure like in the poisoning by radioactive material of Arafat when Israel blamed the Palestinians of planting the proof of the crime and then everybody forgot about it. But in the case of Abu Akleh I believe there is something new when an American is murdered and the state which did it openly rejects any investigation: as per
Israel Says It Won’t Cooperate with FBI Probe into Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
The Biden administration has opened an FBI investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian American journalist who was shot in the head and killed last May while covering an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank — even as she wore a helmet clearly labeled ”PRESS.” Israeli officials initially blamed Palestinians for her death, then called evidence “inconclusive,” before once again changing their story in September to say Abu Akleh may have been “accidentally” hit by Israeli troops’ gunfire after they came under fire from Palestinian gunmen. But eyewitness accounts and videos of the area where Shireen was killed do not show a gun battle, and investigations by Al Jazeera, The New York Times, CNN and other news outlets also challenge the official Israeli version of Abu Akleh’s killing.
Abu Akleh’s family called the U.S. investigation an important step toward accountability, writing, “It is what the United States should do when a U.S. citizen is killed abroad, especially when they were killed, like Shireen, by a foreign military.”
Israel’s Minister of Defense Benny Gantz called the U.S. decision to investigate Abu Akleh’s killing a “grave mistake,” adding, “I have made it clear to the U.S. that we won’t cooperate with any external investigation and won’t allow any interference in Israel’s internal affairs.”
I suspect that the investigation is intended to deflect responsibility rather than assign it.
It makes one sick, this terrible killing!!
Janet Brof, member of Jewish Voice for Peace
Likewise, Janet B. (I'm also a member of JVP)
Shireen's murder and Zionist lies that cover it it up with childish excuses was built into the DNA of Israel, as warned by Hannah Arendt and Einstein in the 1948 letter to the NY Times signed by a couple dozen Jewish scholars. " Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel is the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut) a political party closely akin to methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. Formed from Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist right wing chauvinist organization." M Begins future Likud. This only three years after the Holocaust they had no qualms using this comparison, today you would be black listed as an Anti Semite. "The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today (1948) they speak of freedom, democracy and anti imperialism, where as until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its ACTIONS that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its PAST ACTIONS we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future." They use Deir Yassin as example. "The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party, thy have preached an admixture of ultra-nationalism, religious mysticism and racial superiority." The warnings were their 75 years ago, Shireen was reporting and revealing the real Israel today and the same fascist Zionist philosophy murdered her in cold blood! As Churchill once said "the Truth is so important it must be locked tightly away and surrounded by lies" Zionist Israel in a nut shell! Shireen is a true Samud ! May her memory live forever!
P.S. those that spoke out were ignored and "the champions of exclusiveness and racial hatred won the day"!
I wonder what Mordechai Anielewicz would have said if he saw all this: on what side would he be?
This seems like the equivalent wrought by the Neo-Nazi Israeli snipers against journalists as the US helicopter gunships mowing down journalists in Baghdad - eventually revealed to the world via WikiLeaks! Thanks for the interview C.H.
Again and again I see the reality: They just don’t mind. They just don’t care. They don’t mind killing. “They” are the Zionists, the zealots, the settlers and all of those getting a free ride on a gravy train made of blood. I sat next to one at dinner recently and thought of the strange missing line from the film “The Conversation”: “They’d kill US if they had a chance.”
Or is it “They’d KILL us if they had a chance.” Parallax? And still, of course, murder. But they just don’t mind.
Thank you for this. Justice WILL be served one day!
The good thing is that nowadays the majority of the Jewish diaspora is fully aware of the sins of the Israeli government.
Extract from Los Angeles Times Op-Ed: "Palestinians in Israel have new cause to fear for their future" by David N. Myers and Daniel Sokatch on 02/01/2023
Israel’s Declaration of Independence calls for “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.” It is a moral and political imperative that all of us — and especially Jews who know well the pain of dispossession — insist that the current government adhere to this core democratic principle and prevent any attempt by extremists to force Palestinian citizens of Israel from their homes and country.
Well Pita my first impression of "Doctor" Anna Maria Mihalcea quackery were well founded even before I read your "proof" of Ivermectin. What a laugh of disconnected thought. She is a "faith healer" who claims she cured cancer by touch. She is an "alternative medicine" heal thy self with prayer and meditation. A psychic "healer" like her mother. A proponent of Anti Aging drugs and Chelation therapy. I found absolutely no proof that Ivermectin works in it in her double speak. Many Canadians with incurable diseases have been sucked in to spending thousands of dollars in the US and Mexico with pie in the sky promises. The only results were empty wallets and bank accounts. I stopped reading and listening when she described vaccines as a "Bio Weapon" designed by the military. The only award that could be considered for her is the Darwin Award.
"Israelis shoot so many Palestinians with impunity"
Doesn't this this article and the mountain of left media criticism of Israel and empathy for the Palestinians destroy the impunity claim?
Note that Palestinians, if allowed, would kill all Israelis with glee.
The Palestinians didn't choose their oppressors.
Sure. But let's shed a tear for poor Israel, the victim.
I note that you are making typically wild claims which bear no relation to truth. It IS with impunity, by the way, until long-term gaol sentences are given to the perpetrators on the Israeli side. It never happens, FL
I come from a family of many doctors and scientists, and I agree with you about self determination. But as to responsible testing, it’s well known now that Pfizer never tested their vaccine for transmission. That in itself makes a vaccine mandate moot. Who knows what other corners they cut?
On the topic of accountability, I'd like Chris Hedges to explain why:
1) When the lockdowns were declared, he refused to stand with the working class against the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports ... on this topic he has only said: "it's a tough decision".
2) Why he brazenly took sides with big pharma just one month after the explosive FDA FOIA release:
On DEC 2, 2021 ...
The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's internal vax data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years!
And then, just 30 days later ...
On JAN 1, 2022 ...
Chris Hedges made the following comment right here on SubStack on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54) - go to the 1:08:48 mark ...
"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated"
He could have said it's a personal decision, but he chose to play it safe and stand with big pharma ... and then, about 2m after making this comment, he actually said he "does not trust Moderna or Phizer" ... but for some reason, in the face of hard evidence that the vax IS NOT "safe and effective", he told us it was OK to trust the jab ...
3) Why after abandoning us on the mandates and passports, he made this comment just 3 months later in his "PIMPS OF WAR" post here on SubStack on April 11, 2022:
"Let us stand up and resist so future generations will at least say ‘they tried.’ We cannot do this alone ... together we have a chance" ...
I guess he thought nobody would remember his comments on the vax ...
I remember that time well, and I said many things like this. I never for a second imagined that the pharmaceutical companies were in it for anything but money. That’s a given. But many of us were caught off guard by the depths of their cynicism, the superficiality of their efforts, and their general infamy. As the truth has revealed itself I’ve reversed most of my positions on the vaccines, and I give others room to do the same.
Sera, I've always known that the pharmaceutical as well as the other industries try to maximize their profits and hide their failures and, also, that during trials of any medication there are casualties. The good thing is that sciences have their way to test and validate results of new procedures. For my part, I believed (and continue believing) in the importance of the vaccines to curtail the pandemic and until proved the opposite I'll follow the regular recommendations to avoid to get infected.
This is an adult and personal decision and find extremely puzzling that somebody considers Mr. Hedges or anybody else's opinions an imposition.
It's not about his opinions ... livelihoods and lives hang in the balance when people like Hedges make statements like this ...
It's about him taking a stand on arguably THE most divisive issue of our lifetime: to vax or not-vax ... it's about him taking a stand when he DID NOT have to ... and it's about him standing with big-pharma when their own internal trial data suggested there were (and still are) big risks in taking the jab ... there are one hell of a lot of people on this planet who would never tell another person to walk the plank if they knew better ... but that's exactly what Hedges did in that interview with Krystal Ball and Kyle Kulinski ... didn't you know? ... the average trial period for a vaccine is 10 years and the COVID vax was rushed to market after only one year! ... Hedges knew exactly what he was doing ... he knew about FDA FOIA release, he knew about the unacceptable trial period, he had to see those videos of the vax-injured ... but he recklessly, carelessly, cynically and unnecessarily chose to take sides on this issue anyway ... I used to love Hedges, followed him so very closely for the past 10 years that it was impossible to NOT notice a dramatic change in him once the lock downs were declared ... Chris Hedges threw the working class under the bus with COVID ... and you can bet the ranch he knew the risks ... that's why he continues to glue himself to the Assange case rather than comment on the more pressing issues of tyranny which are now in our face ...
Pita, in another posting before, you told me that you are doing this just for entertainment. That is your right, but if possible change the issue of your objections because this is becoming too boring. Besides, 10 yrs or, as you also mentioned before, 30 yrs, for trying a vaccine would be too long for fighting a pandemic, by then anybody who could have been saved is already dead.
Since my early teens I have considered myself the maker of my own destiny and although I seek advice from the sages I still command my decisions. I believe that most mature adults are the same and will not allow anybody to "throw them under the bus" Thanks for your good will.
Julio ...
Damn that first amendment, right? ...
I have no intention of accommodating your request to change the subject ...
Look up Steve Kirsch, Karen Kingston, Dr Ana Milhacea or Andreas Ohler right here on Substack and start reading ... the vax is methodically killing people all over the world ... and if you're OK, then you're truly one of the lucky ones ... but unlike you, I never lost the ability to critically evaluate the words of false gods like Chris Hedges ... he was once a good man who no longer has the courage to fight the good fight with the rest of us ...
Good. So follow your true gods.
Ok, with your permission of course ...
And while you're here on Substack, I challenge you to read the work of any of the people I mentioned above ... only then, will you realize how lucky you've been ...
Sure Pita your contrarianism could be call absurdity. Chris is not a false God. Full Stop! The Tea Party/MAGA Frankenstein/Demagogue anti-science Trump, is the hands down winner in that department! Which vaccines are you against? If you stepped on a rusty nail, would you take a tetanus shot? How about the old diseases of Polio, Small pox, mumps, measles and whooping cough etc. etc. They have saved millions if not billions of lives. Confused pseudo science Farmers Almanac like snake oil false hope has caused more death than any vaccines ever did! Who was the witch doctor genius who sold Trump's ignorant MAGA Volk on Ivermectin? No Contrarian fears of ingesting a horse de-wormer Pita?
Is that all ya got, is that the best you can do?
Not a very interesting reply, Jim ... you completely missed the boat ...
You're wrong on a number of points:
1) I am not a "Trumper" ... just like Hedges, I'm a true independent progressive ... I walked away from the DEM party after the 2000 election and I did not vote for either of those sexually-obsessed bullies in the '2020 election ... I still agree with Hedges on many things and like him, I believe Trump is a horse's-ass of a human being ...
2) There was a time when I'd rush to the clinic to get a tetanus shot, but not anymore and never again ... didn't you know, they are now finding THE same literally deadly contaminants that are in the vax in insulin and dental anesthetics ... and the proof is right under your nose HERE on Substack ... just look up Dr Ana Milhacea ... if you got the vax, you should not be demeaning people like me, you should be taking the supplements in her vax detox protocol ... I'd bet that's exactly what Hedges and his family are doing ...
3) After dwelling in the midst of Hedges supporters these past 10 years, I firmly believe his people are in fact cultists ... Chris can do no wrong and you can find no fault with him because you have in fact elevated him to the level of a god ...
4) You're wrong about Ivermectin, it works and has won awards for its effectiveness ... stop watching Rachel Maddow ...
And before you delete my reply from your inbox, I challenge you to sample the writings of Dr Ana Milhacea, Steve Kirsch, Karen Kingston and Andreas Ohler right here on Substack.
Rachel Maddow surly you jest. The quacks you have mentioned are no more than pseudo science witch doctors. Please site the Ivermectin Awards for its effectiveness. Who started the Ivermectin myth, other than a farmer that figured out, if it was good for the horses ass it must be good at killing a virus in humans. P.S. I have been using insulin for close to 40 years and would have died decades ago if not for Banting's gift to the world! As for deleting your response, don't worry I get a kick out of reading misinformed platitudes of absurdities! I have learned that reasoning with someone who got theirs with none is usually a waste of time, but even if one saw the light it would be worth the effort. Just got my booster too!
No permissions required, Pita. I appreciate your interest on my health but it happens that I believe that my doctor knows a little more than you on this matter and so I'll continue following his instructions. Thanks again.
You might check on this article from
We're on different planets Julio ...
These fact check orgs are funded by big-pharma interests, including Bill Gates ...
They always predictably appear when we the people expose one of their closely held secrets ...
Wish you well my friend ...