Dr. Cornel West is the most important standard bearer for the Black prophetic tradition, the most important intellectual and spiritual movement in our history. It has given rise the prophetic voices of – Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B Du Bois, James Baldwin, Richard Wright, Loraine Hansberry, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, James Cone, Bell Hooks and others. Rooted in the experience of American racism, capitalist exploitation and imperialism, this tradition has provided an ongoing critique of our economic, social and political institutions and beliefs, as well as calling out the country’s spiritual bankruptcy.
The Chris Hedges Report Inaugural Podcast with Dr. Cornel West
Dr. Cornel West talks about America's new gilded age, social decay, rampant militarism and the moral imperative of revolt.
Apr 19, 2022
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