Linda Snider

Israel’s history of Genocide. And the world’s most powerful country USA is the “Funder” of the genocide. Biden will go down in history as this funder. And also the UK’s so-called

Prime Minister Starmer. Such an

ugly history to be remembered.

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This is so helpful! The twisted and distorted history and "journalism" is all that most Americans have heard. Thank you for not only spreading the truth, but writing it as a chronology of the horrors that Palestinians have suffered.

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It is a monsterously horrific strategy that claims doing wrong is not wrong at all if done out in the open. Openly, for decades, Israel has commited disgusting crimes against the unarmed Palestinian people. Murder, theft of homes and body parts, and outright acts of war, all done openly. Why is it that Israel gets away with this? WE let them. Our politicians have been compromised to the extent that they will disgrace our country via complicity in this charade. Israel does not give a flying rat's backend about honor or revenge. This whole stinking mess is about one thing and one thing only: Greed. Barefaced, wall-eyed insane greed. The ironic part is that the cost of this sceneario would have been nil if Israel would have worked cooperatively with Palestine from the beginning. If they had done so, both sides would be living peacefully in extreme luxury. It is the height of stupidity to choose to hatefully attack your target and let it destroy yourself and your allies. WTB grey matter for the Israeli leaders. Wait, I take that back....God forbid they should take me literally and dash out to madly seek profits by fulfilling that market. That note is needed bc that is exactly what they do. Profit from selling body parts. What a bunch of mindless ghouls.

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Unbearably shameful. And now I hear of people who claim to be both Nazi and Zionist. Evil attracts evil.

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Wow. Thank you.

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The influx of optimistic Palestinians back into Gaza etc, in trust with this Cease Fire lie will be met with bombings of those homeless naïve wanderers amidst their demolished past will be slaughtered by Israel within the next 14 days. Israel/Jews hate You, and lies are all the infidel can expect. Forgivance is understood by a Jew as Christian stupidity.

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Exactly! They were and are the deal breakers. They will provoke the Palestinians to extract a response, then come back with vengence to claim the right of self defence.

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What Trump Must Do To Win the Nobel Peace Prize

At the young age nine I became aware of the Israel and Palestinian conflict in the Middles East,

In 1956 my father was with the Royal Canadian Armour Corps as part of the UN peacekeeping forces on the Gaza Strip. When my father returned from his deployment, he would at times talk about his experiences. As a result as an adult, I have been interested in a peaceful solution for the Middle East.

Trump has eyed the coveted Nobel Peace Prize for many years. At his campaign rallies and on Twitter, Trump has repeatedly touted that he was nominated for the prize. During his first presidency in 2018, following his nuclear weapons summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump was nominated by a far-right politician, Per-Willy Amundsen for the prestigious prize.

The Nobel committee warns not to attach too much importance on a nomination for it is not an endorsement. Anyone, anywhere, can nominate anybody. Out of the hundreds of nominations received each year, it is only the Nobel committee that decides on the merits for the prize.

Indeed, historically some of the most vilified and some of the most honorable persons have been nominated. In 1945 Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was nominated for his effort to end World War II and in 1935 fascist, Dictator Benito Mussolini was nominated. Alternatively Archbishop Desmond Tutu was nominated in 1984 and received the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the opposition to apartheid in South Africa. And President Barack Obama, Trump’s rival, also won the Nobel Prize 2009 for advocating for mutual understanding between the Muslim world and the West, he also withdrew US troops from Iraq and he put measures in place to combat the climate crisis.

However, Trump, as much as he covets the Nobel Peace Prized, is going South to go North. On Tuesday Feb 4, 2025, after meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu in the Oval office, at a joint press conference, Trump announced, “The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too. We’ll own it,” He talked of leveling Gaza, rebuilding it and making it into the Riviera of the Middle East. Trump proposed that the Palestinians be removed from this ‘hellhole’ and relocated in ‘multiple humanitarian countries’ such as Lebanon and Egypt. Neither Lebanon, nor Egypt are onboard. Bank.

In my opinion, if this is Trump’s proposal for peace in the Middle East, it’s preposterous. And I am not alone, as his allies, Muslim states and Palestinians are reeling in shock and anger. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has urged the ceasefire to continue and “to avoid any form of ethnic cleansing.” However, Trump’s press conference has left the ultra-right party in Israel elated, for they have been building unlawful settlements in the West Bank for many years, as well as marginalizing the Gazans.

I stand with the allied nations, Muslim nations, that Palestinians have a historical right to their homeland and that only a two-state solution could end this 70-year-old conflict. To relocate or ethnic cleanse Gaza would be to repeat the very legacy that originally caused this conflict. In 1947 after the Second World War, Europe under the auspice of the UN, out of holocaust guilt, together with the Zionist movement, displaced 720 Palestinians from their homeland to establish the nation of Israel. These refugees were forced into ghettos in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Others fled into Jordan and Lebanon where they have been in refugee camps since Israel’s inception. Desmond Tutu has compared the ghettoizing in the West Bank and Gaza as the same as the apartheid system that once existed in his native country of South Africa. If Trump wants to repeat the same illegal displacement of Palestinians, it will only worsen and perpetuate this explosive conflict.

The Nobel Peace Prize requires a peaceful solution, not inciting violence. I don’t think Mr. Trump understands what peace, or non-violence is. The Jan. 6, 2021 mob that he had incited to storm the US Capital Building, certainly won’t get him a Nobel Peace Prize and neither will the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

I have some strong recommendations for Trump with his goal for the prize. If President Trump embarks on this relocating of Palestinians, it can only be successful if the US open its doors to immigrate by choice all two million Gaza citizens to the US. Perhaps Trump could even host Palestinian dignitaries at Mar-a-Lago and settle the other two million refugees in Florida or in other states. I’m serious for the Nobel Peace Prize requires heroic actions.

Then after the US has rebuilt Gaza, give the two million Gazans the choice to either stay in America or to return to their ancestral homeland. The US needs to make it right with the Gazans. The US has provided Israel with $17.9 billion of military aid to perpetuate the carnage in Gaza. (Stats verified by analysts at Brown’s university, L. Bilmes, W. Hartung and S. Semler) Israel could not have carried on such devastating, prolonged genocide without the US’s military support. Therefore, to give the option to the Gazans to immigrate, then to rebuild their homeland, would be the first step in making an amend to the Gazans on the part of the US.

In the movie “Gandhi” there is an incident based on a true story where a troubled Hindu man comes to speak to Gandhi. The Hindu man says, “I’m going to Hell! I killed a child. I smashed his head against a wall.”

Gandhi, “Why?”

Hindu, “Because they killed my son! The Muslims killed my son!

Gandhi: “I know a way out of Hell. Find a child, a child whose mother and father were killed and raise him as your own. Only be sure that he is a Muslim and that you raise him as one.”

The only way out of hell, for the US is to make amends for contributing to the genocide. They need to take the Palestinians refugees into their very homes, then restore Gaza. “Without justice there can be no peace.”

When Gaza is restored and the Gazans have returned to their beloved homeland, then President Trump can work with his buddy Prime Minister Netanyahu to establish a two-state solution. President Trump would then be following in Yasser Arafat’s footsteps, who was the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), who won the Nobel Prize, after signing the Oslo Accord in Washington, D.C. in 1993 with the aim of a two-state solution. And Netanyahu would be following in his predecessors’ footprints, Israel’s Prime Minister Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin, who also won the Nobel Peace prize for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East,

Peace: Only after President Trump has followed through on making these many amends to the Gazans by restoring their homeland and establishing the two-state solution, not until after all these reparations are made, could President Trump ever even be with grave reservation be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize!

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