You have endorsed the core American Belief, and done it very well.
This is exactly the philosophy your country has followed in bullying the planet into submission.
I've followed America's dirty work around the planet.........since I first tuned into Vietnam as a young grad student from the backwoods of Canada.
Trouble is Feral.......your logic says that no matter what, Israel is going to Win.
And that's just dead wrong my friend. No matter what the decision of the court, Israel is going to Lose. The only message the court's decision will send is to the world..........either there is an international body that can rule on what's obvious to everyone with eyes..........or there is no international body brave enough to hold America and Israel to task.
Whether the court agrees with South Africa or not.......the whole world's attention has been brought onto the question of WHAT THE WEST (AMERICA) THINKS GENOCIDE IS.
For America and its proxy state in the Middle East....what's coming is Lose-Lose.
If under those conditions, the genocide continues....the days of our western values superiority are numbered.
Nowhere is it written that the good guys win or that truth and justice prevail.
I can wish otherwise, but wishing doesn't make it so.
"The only message the court's decision will send is to the world..........either there is an international body that can rule on what's obvious to everyone with eyes..........or there is no international body brave enough to hold America and Israel to task."
I think you are getting warmer, there. But even if the ICJ does stand up to Israel, the United States will simply ignore the ruling and remind its puppets, lackeys, satraps and vassals that they had best do the same, if they know what's good for them. Europeans just love being slaves, and cannot wait to polish American boots.
Well it may be written no where my friend.....but that doesn't say it doesn't happen. I've been a student of history long enough to know that some stories, the old boy's network, leaves out.
And you may be glossing over a bunch of American losses.........and hard won victories for the other side.
My chief quarrel though is with your assumption base: It simply isn't true that only force wins.
I'm with the short term it isn't going to get much better for Gaza...but in the longer term the force goons in the USA and Israel are going to pay dearly for their worship of the Death God. There are signs your own country is imploding from its excessive use of force......all around the world.
All empires eventually fall. They just eventually get replaced by other empires. The neighborhood dogs die or move, and other dogs take their place. I still need to eat, and the local rodents, rabbits and songbirds are my meals. Eventually, I will go the way of the dogs.
n.b. the attacks on Yemen are a not-so-subtle reminder that any country that dares pipe up will get the same.
You're talking that 'dog eat dog' philosophy are you not?
It is true that powerful forces have pushed the ideology of endless competition...'to the death'.
It is also true that a majority of American movies still make bundles feeding us that story as if it were only natural....and also very interesting, to watch from the sidelines.
But that is not what has kept most of us alive...outside of that story, and often ignored by it.......are the real stories of how we actually survive. Someone grows food.........even through stupid wars, the farmer's of Ukraine and other embattled places are doing their best to keep on growing things. Others care for the children, maintain and build the shelters....there's an entire culture of CARE that sustains.......and brings pleasure,love, communion, to many of us on a daily basis.
We need to start thinking about how we abandon the dog eat dog story and embrace the 'every child matters', 'black lives matter', 'the earth is our common home', cooperation works better, stories.....our dog eat dog media, our capitalist money lust media tends to overlook real Mondragon in Spain....or 'single payer health care' in Canada....
While we're glued to the dog eat dog violence...........the amoral billionaires whittle away with the infrastructures that sustain us all. ANd we let them do it...convinced they're the only game in town.
Everyone on the planet is worried this stupid destruction in Gaza will spread....American dog eat dog armament dealers are hoping it will. And in the last couple of spreading Yemen....a place already seriously damaged by AMERICA:S unconditional support for the least democratic regime in the area.
I doubt I have to tell you which regime that is.......the world trade centre bombers came from there. Dogs eating dogs aren't even very smart........sometimes, its a bunch of innocent cats they're annihilating.
We need to tell that other story. Insist on that other story. Because it is as real as the story of destruction.....and it makes a lot more sense. Some of the people our western media calls 'terrorists' are likely fighting because a lot of western dogs are making that second story impossible for their men and women to maintain.
When dogs starve a population............don't you think they know the consequences?? The Dog story is why we're convinced to call resistance fighters 'terrorists' in the first place.
Would you not agree that the genocidal intent in Gaza is obvious??? Who we in the west are will be as obvious if the International Court of Justice decides in our favour. Such a decision will raise Resistance around the world.
We all live in the real world my friend. And some of us know what's going to happen when American proxy wars...wars of ethnic cleansing, have made much of the land unfit for agriculture.
My point is, many of us live according to better values than dog eat dog....and living those values gives us a chance of creating that reality for all.
You have endorsed the core American Belief, and done it very well.
This is exactly the philosophy your country has followed in bullying the planet into submission.
I've followed America's dirty work around the planet.........since I first tuned into Vietnam as a young grad student from the backwoods of Canada.
Trouble is Feral.......your logic says that no matter what, Israel is going to Win.
And that's just dead wrong my friend. No matter what the decision of the court, Israel is going to Lose. The only message the court's decision will send is to the world..........either there is an international body that can rule on what's obvious to everyone with eyes..........or there is no international body brave enough to hold America and Israel to task.
Whether the court agrees with South Africa or not.......the whole world's attention has been brought onto the question of WHAT THE WEST (AMERICA) THINKS GENOCIDE IS.
For America and its proxy state in the Middle East....what's coming is Lose-Lose.
If under those conditions, the genocide continues....the days of our western values superiority are numbered.
Nowhere is it written that the good guys win or that truth and justice prevail.
I can wish otherwise, but wishing doesn't make it so.
"The only message the court's decision will send is to the world..........either there is an international body that can rule on what's obvious to everyone with eyes..........or there is no international body brave enough to hold America and Israel to task."
I think you are getting warmer, there. But even if the ICJ does stand up to Israel, the United States will simply ignore the ruling and remind its puppets, lackeys, satraps and vassals that they had best do the same, if they know what's good for them. Europeans just love being slaves, and cannot wait to polish American boots.
Well it may be written no where my friend.....but that doesn't say it doesn't happen. I've been a student of history long enough to know that some stories, the old boy's network, leaves out.
And you may be glossing over a bunch of American losses.........and hard won victories for the other side.
My chief quarrel though is with your assumption base: It simply isn't true that only force wins.
Force loses more often than you might imagine.
If they have force on their side, then it only depends on how much the bad guys want to prevail.
I'm with the short term it isn't going to get much better for Gaza...but in the longer term the force goons in the USA and Israel are going to pay dearly for their worship of the Death God. There are signs your own country is imploding from its excessive use of force......all around the world.
Would to God that you prove correct.
All empires eventually fall. They just eventually get replaced by other empires. The neighborhood dogs die or move, and other dogs take their place. I still need to eat, and the local rodents, rabbits and songbirds are my meals. Eventually, I will go the way of the dogs.
n.b. the attacks on Yemen are a not-so-subtle reminder that any country that dares pipe up will get the same.
You're talking that 'dog eat dog' philosophy are you not?
It is true that powerful forces have pushed the ideology of endless competition...'to the death'.
It is also true that a majority of American movies still make bundles feeding us that story as if it were only natural....and also very interesting, to watch from the sidelines.
But that is not what has kept most of us alive...outside of that story, and often ignored by it.......are the real stories of how we actually survive. Someone grows food.........even through stupid wars, the farmer's of Ukraine and other embattled places are doing their best to keep on growing things. Others care for the children, maintain and build the shelters....there's an entire culture of CARE that sustains.......and brings pleasure,love, communion, to many of us on a daily basis.
We need to start thinking about how we abandon the dog eat dog story and embrace the 'every child matters', 'black lives matter', 'the earth is our common home', cooperation works better, stories.....our dog eat dog media, our capitalist money lust media tends to overlook real Mondragon in Spain....or 'single payer health care' in Canada....
While we're glued to the dog eat dog violence...........the amoral billionaires whittle away with the infrastructures that sustain us all. ANd we let them do it...convinced they're the only game in town.
Everyone on the planet is worried this stupid destruction in Gaza will spread....American dog eat dog armament dealers are hoping it will. And in the last couple of spreading Yemen....a place already seriously damaged by AMERICA:S unconditional support for the least democratic regime in the area.
I doubt I have to tell you which regime that is.......the world trade centre bombers came from there. Dogs eating dogs aren't even very smart........sometimes, its a bunch of innocent cats they're annihilating.
We need to tell that other story. Insist on that other story. Because it is as real as the story of destruction.....and it makes a lot more sense. Some of the people our western media calls 'terrorists' are likely fighting because a lot of western dogs are making that second story impossible for their men and women to maintain.
When dogs starve a population............don't you think they know the consequences?? The Dog story is why we're convinced to call resistance fighters 'terrorists' in the first place.
Would you not agree that the genocidal intent in Gaza is obvious??? Who we in the west are will be as obvious if the International Court of Justice decides in our favour. Such a decision will raise Resistance around the world.
No, I live in the real world, and the farmers of Ukraine are fed into the meatgrinder to keep the American Master happy.
We all live in the real world my friend. And some of us know what's going to happen when American proxy wars...wars of ethnic cleansing, have made much of the land unfit for agriculture.
My point is, many of us live according to better values than dog eat dog....and living those values gives us a chance of creating that reality for all.
Some of us lead lives more sheltered than others.
And good luck getting rid of dog eat dog.
Don't cling so tightly to your preconceived notions Feral..........many of us live without that mean spirited philosophy for our entire life.
Not all of us are wealthy, or well connected to American fascists either.