Hi Chris great article. Your writing reminded me of Upton Sinclair's book The Goose Step, so I am re-reading it. If one could time travel I would love to see both of you talking, your both cut from the same cloth. He explains the "education" he received in the Gilded Age. His naiveite at the beginning and his going out in the world as "e…
Hi Chris great article. Your writing reminded me of Upton Sinclair's book The Goose Step, so I am re-reading it. If one could time travel I would love to see both of you talking, your both cut from the same cloth. He explains the "education" he received in the Gilded Age. His naiveite at the beginning and his going out in the world as "educated". He writes "One question I asked myself was all that deficiency accidental, or was it deliberate? Was it merely the ignorance of those who taught me, or was there some reason why they did not teach me all that they knew? I have come to understand that the latter is the case. Our educational system is not a public service, but an instrument of special privilege; its purpose is not to further the welfare of mankind, but merely to keep America capitalist. To establish this thesis is the purpose of "the Goosestep". Like you he was ostracized by learned academics as you were denied your clergy status. There are thousands of quotes both cutting and humorous, I forgot how well he put them to words and have been laughing at the hypocrisy that we live under. If you haven't read it hopefully you will it is a really good read and worth the time to re-read it, maybe some day you will use some of Upton's quotes in one of your books. Thanks Jim.
Hi Chris great article. Your writing reminded me of Upton Sinclair's book The Goose Step, so I am re-reading it. If one could time travel I would love to see both of you talking, your both cut from the same cloth. He explains the "education" he received in the Gilded Age. His naiveite at the beginning and his going out in the world as "educated". He writes "One question I asked myself was all that deficiency accidental, or was it deliberate? Was it merely the ignorance of those who taught me, or was there some reason why they did not teach me all that they knew? I have come to understand that the latter is the case. Our educational system is not a public service, but an instrument of special privilege; its purpose is not to further the welfare of mankind, but merely to keep America capitalist. To establish this thesis is the purpose of "the Goosestep". Like you he was ostracized by learned academics as you were denied your clergy status. There are thousands of quotes both cutting and humorous, I forgot how well he put them to words and have been laughing at the hypocrisy that we live under. If you haven't read it hopefully you will it is a really good read and worth the time to re-read it, maybe some day you will use some of Upton's quotes in one of your books. Thanks Jim.