No "capitalism" is involved. That would require an actual market and competition. Public education is a corporatist STATE CARTEL.
The leftist pro-labor guy that wrote "How The University Works" some years ago pointed out that academic labor unions caved in back in the 1980s/90s to the corporatists. There was an important Supreme Court cas…
No "capitalism" is involved. That would require an actual market and competition. Public education is a corporatist STATE CARTEL.
The leftist pro-labor guy that wrote "How The University Works" some years ago pointed out that academic labor unions caved in back in the 1980s/90s to the corporatists. There was an important Supreme Court case about an academic labor issue (i don't remember the details), and the academic labor unions had to make a choice: stand for principle, "faculty governance" (internal democracy) OR sell out for more pay for TENURED FACULTY that had grants and/or seniority.
Guess what academic labor did? Yep, they SOLD OUT and gave up "faculty governance".
That threw open the door for the huge growth of top-down administrators, usually with sociopathic personality traits, that were incentivized by the system to keep grasping for more power, money, staffs, and political "territory" (frequently while stabbing each other in the back and cynically exploiting "woke" politics to climb their admin career ladders).
That was the point at which grad students began to have to survive brutal competition for the few remaining jobs, which usually only led to adjunct positions. Serious mental illnesses became prevalent. Large scale SSRI "addiction" developed, followed by horrible SSRI withdrawal and brain dysfunction.
Most higher education institutions became hellscapes, and the academic labor unions can't and won't do SH1T about those real problems.
No "capitalism" is involved. That would require an actual market and competition. Public education is a corporatist STATE CARTEL.
The leftist pro-labor guy that wrote "How The University Works" some years ago pointed out that academic labor unions caved in back in the 1980s/90s to the corporatists. There was an important Supreme Court case about an academic labor issue (i don't remember the details), and the academic labor unions had to make a choice: stand for principle, "faculty governance" (internal democracy) OR sell out for more pay for TENURED FACULTY that had grants and/or seniority.
Guess what academic labor did? Yep, they SOLD OUT and gave up "faculty governance".
That threw open the door for the huge growth of top-down administrators, usually with sociopathic personality traits, that were incentivized by the system to keep grasping for more power, money, staffs, and political "territory" (frequently while stabbing each other in the back and cynically exploiting "woke" politics to climb their admin career ladders).
That was the point at which grad students began to have to survive brutal competition for the few remaining jobs, which usually only led to adjunct positions. Serious mental illnesses became prevalent. Large scale SSRI "addiction" developed, followed by horrible SSRI withdrawal and brain dysfunction.
Most higher education institutions became hellscapes, and the academic labor unions can't and won't do SH1T about those real problems.