Sera: " True learning happens when we teach ourselves." Agreed, but at a university a good learner can be benefited by the advantages of academia. Surely you have done well, but the question is would you have been even better if you had pursued your studies at higher institutions?
Universities help but progress depends on the student. The…
Sera: " True learning happens when we teach ourselves." Agreed, but at a university a good learner can be benefited by the advantages of academia. Surely you have done well, but the question is would you have been even better if you had pursued your studies at higher institutions?
Universities help but progress depends on the student. There is the case of one St. George W. that performed the miracle of getting degrees from Yale and Harvard but left them being the same dumb young man, as always, and later caused great damage to the world. On the other hand, we had a very intelligent American of humble origin that succeeded in life without having to be the son of a president. He was Thomas Alba Edison who received no formal education and yet with his inventions improved our world.
I lament, like Mr. Hedges in this report, that corporations have invaded our public education and created an environment of gross inequality among their members. They also have pressured the leaders of the universities to push the neoliberal teaching of egonomics (professor David Korten's term) and to depreciate the study of the liberal arts that provide the wisdom required in these days and, worst of all, to modify the criteria for obtaining tenure from excellency to compliance. In my opinion, universities need to be truly universal where the students of the different disciplines can learn without censorship or imposed ideologies, otherwise, we would be graduating limited intellectual eunuchs.
"And seek for truth in the groves of academe" Horace.
Sera: " True learning happens when we teach ourselves." Agreed, but at a university a good learner can be benefited by the advantages of academia. Surely you have done well, but the question is would you have been even better if you had pursued your studies at higher institutions?
Universities help but progress depends on the student. There is the case of one St. George W. that performed the miracle of getting degrees from Yale and Harvard but left them being the same dumb young man, as always, and later caused great damage to the world. On the other hand, we had a very intelligent American of humble origin that succeeded in life without having to be the son of a president. He was Thomas Alba Edison who received no formal education and yet with his inventions improved our world.
I lament, like Mr. Hedges in this report, that corporations have invaded our public education and created an environment of gross inequality among their members. They also have pressured the leaders of the universities to push the neoliberal teaching of egonomics (professor David Korten's term) and to depreciate the study of the liberal arts that provide the wisdom required in these days and, worst of all, to modify the criteria for obtaining tenure from excellency to compliance. In my opinion, universities need to be truly universal where the students of the different disciplines can learn without censorship or imposed ideologies, otherwise, we would be graduating limited intellectual eunuchs.
"And seek for truth in the groves of academe" Horace.