Your library card will do you little good these days. Public library's are chronically underfunded and most books, periodicals, or films worth reading are censored. For example, try renting "Closet Land" sometime--anywhere.
Most of the most important libraries will be sequestered by wealthy, private individuals. Hope you and/or your offspring get access to them.
Your library card will do you little good these days. Public library's are chronically underfunded and most books, periodicals, or films worth reading are censored. For example, try renting "Closet Land" sometime--anywhere.
Most of the most important libraries will be sequestered by wealthy, private individuals. Hope you and/or your offspring get access to them.
It's no coincidence that underfunded public libraries coincide with woefully under performing public school systems. Ignorant masses are more pliable masses.
I finished undergrad in 1992, and it was already turning into a corporate free-for-all. I'm not sure the learning for learning's sake was ever really that strong, especially at exclusive, private places.
Your library card will do you little good these days. Public library's are chronically underfunded and most books, periodicals, or films worth reading are censored. For example, try renting "Closet Land" sometime--anywhere.
Most of the most important libraries will be sequestered by wealthy, private individuals. Hope you and/or your offspring get access to them.
It's no coincidence that underfunded public libraries coincide with woefully under performing public school systems. Ignorant masses are more pliable masses.
I finished undergrad in 1992, and it was already turning into a corporate free-for-all. I'm not sure the learning for learning's sake was ever really that strong, especially at exclusive, private places.