Chris, it's also the Slow Motion Execution of small ds -- democratic socialism:

What milksop.

FDR's social democracy was indeed progressive, but the Dixiecrats and DNC big-city bosses who physically blocked and aborted Henry Wallace's democratic socialist progressivism was drowned in the bathtub.

The deadly end of America was the dirty scheme of the self-appointed "Masters of the Universe" and "The Quiet American" Empire, employing 'Negative Externality Cost' Looting, to save capitalist cancer and kill democracy.

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A lovely conversational expose on the institutional rot in journalism since Assange was jailed.

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Conversational? Please.

I think Stella spoke on one issue regarding Mike Pompeo's collusion with the CIA's detailed (and illegal) rendition plan of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. Great, but old news. And that burned up, maybe 3 minutes of the 48 min. "conversation". Oh, and she talked about how the 1st Amendment was so clear ( it's really isn't) and is the "gold standard" globally. Sorry to inform you, Stella, but it's not the global gold standard. It applies to U.S. citizens only. Even then, the human rights inferred by it are kinda vague and argued in U.S courts virtually everyday--and in every way. Her only other brief and bizarre point on the 1st Amendment is particularly annoying because it actually hurts one key point of Julian Assange's defense case in that the Espionage Act should not apply to him as he is an Australian national. You can't have you cake and eat it too. (unless, I guess, you host Chris Hedges in your home). At the very least you'd think Stella would work, in this interview, to get Julian out of jail--not to keep him in.

Bottom line: this was not a conversation. It was the same monologue.; abiet delivered in different format, but still the same monologue Hedges hashes over and over as a fantastic investigative journalist*. Only this time it was staged in Stella's kitchen with lots of bleeding heart props in the background to make people like yourself say "what a lovely conversation" hoping we'd ignore any incidental faux pas wedged in by the host.

*Not to say that his points aren't brilliantly presented. They have been. But, really, how many ways do you want to cook those same eggs...and call it a different breakfast? I can only lament that this post was meant to appease subscriber value judgements...and by the likes of the above comment, most folks fall for it. In fact, I kick myself for continuing to put up with it in the hopes that there is an alternative and productive purpose for this redundancy of which I remain unaware of. I will allow that if it proves the impetus to the freedom of Julian Assange, then it will have been worth enduring. If it doesn't, then shame on foolish me for having faulty value judgement.

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Stop it, your empathy is overpowering! Why dont you have your own substack?

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How boring for you, WWII, all this repetition. Perhaps when Julian dies in prison, your focus having moved on, it will be briefly diverting of your interest.

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An impactful book, poem, or speech doesn't need to be re-written or re-delivered in order to be re-considered. The Iliad and the Odyssey still diverts my attention.

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Oh yes it DOES, because NOBODY with 'real power' is doing ANYTHING for Julian Assange (this whole 'case' is the way to a kangaroo court and FOR WHAT? Those that are after Julian should be in jail ...) and as Mr Hedges points out, the Empire has already EVERYTHING in place to come after ANYBODY that gets 'out of line' (the case of Daniel Hale is another outrage!). So WHAT ELSE can we (or Mr Hedges) do besides TALKING AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN about this CRIME!

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No, it does not; and screaming in all caps does not change that fact. It just makes you appear a lunatic. Resist; practice civil disobedience. That's the best peons can do.

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I DO NOT CARE IF YOU THINK I AM A LUNATIC! And cannot do anything about this and any other of these cases - what should civil disobedience be? Pay no taxes - I AM ALL FOR TAXES and I am certainly not prepared to go to jail for nothing ... so what would be your suggestions (besides those what some people already do: protest and try to talk sense to power?)

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Awesome conversation cross posted on Substack & going to part two now, thank you Chris!!

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Hmmm. Don't care what I think...and yet seeking my suggestions? Definitely a lunatic.

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I cannot get parts 1 or 2 to play, are you sure your channel has not been tampered with?

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No works fine, probably restart yr computer?

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A frivolous remark might be allowed, Chris must have quite a stack of the old Brooks Bros button down.

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