Thank you for highlighting a rare example of a real journalist who deserves the title, unlike the propagandists who dominate major news outlets today. As preventable horrors and calamities continue to fester from Gaza to the Amazon, the institutional failures of journalism are playing a critical role in impeding solutions, while reinforcing the corruption that enables western capital to treat human beings, families, communities, and entire countries as cannon fodder. I wrote a piece this Monday about the institutional blinders that prevent even journalists writing about Indigenous Peoples Day from acknowledging the ongoing genocide in Gaza. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/an-invisible-holiday

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Thanks so much for this interview! I have admired Robert Fisk for many years. I remember an interview with him where he described one of his methods which was to scurry quickly like a mouse to the site of a bombing , get the serial numbers from the bomb fragments, and then scurry back to safety before he could be harmed. In that way he could determine the source of the bomb.

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Mr Hedges, you joke that you're a "bad poet". I wouldn't know, but I do know that your prose is some of the most powerful poetry I've ever read.

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Thanks Chris. There are three writers I owe for my disillusionment and awakening after 911. Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk and Chris Hedges ! When Robert Died I was shocked, but even more shocked by the Media. They ignored his Death. The Death of a Truth Telling Giant! Most media pundits couldn't kiss his ass standing on the "shoulders" of every history book ever written that they never read!

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I was shocked and embarrassed when a hack on a podcast i once listened to (the Hoon) cast aspersions on Robert Fisk. Unsurprisingly he also worked in the Murdoch stable and after Oct 7th I recall him expressing his longing to be back in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem reporting on events. Like all presstitutes, not in the league of Mr Fisk.

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This interview is a perfect example of journalism at its very best. Sadly, too many people, especially Americans, are not exposed to the writings of great, truth seeking journalists, and are so consumed with trite and meaningless activities, they don't want to be bothered. It's too much for them. Israel understands this formula very well, and is using it as a cover to continue the genocidal onslaught. The malaise that has engulfed the American public, is a harbinger of the end to an empire.

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Thank you, Blu - this comment is spot-on - sadly accurate - "Americans are not exposed . . . to the writings . . . of truth seeking journalists . . . "

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I highly recommend viewing the entire new film produced by Al Jazeera - GAZA - it is quite shocking and revealing even to those of us who have kept a sharp eye and mind thru this whole genocide. In a recent reply to a poster here, Robin N., I provided a link to it along with my comment and the entire content of my reply was eliminated. This film needs to be viewed in its entirety and shared as well. Apparently, this site does not allow links to other sources. Thank you

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This is a remarkable interview. In light of the disaster currently engulfing the Middle East, I have been re-reading Robert Fisk. He saw so clearly the folly of Israel, as well as the folly of power.

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Thank you so much for this interview! Interesting to see that wikipedia has only a brief reference about this legend of a man! Thank you for your fantastic work Chris.

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It’s shocking yet typical. The day that John Pilger died the NYT ignored that great man’s passing but ran a sensitive, caring, obituary about a guy who invented some new kind of donut.

It’s no longer even fun to criticize the Times, they’re self-satirizing.

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I’ve learned so much from you, Chris. Thank you.

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I was first introduced to Robert Fisk many years go when I watched his three part series 'From Beirut to Bosnia'. His work was instrumental in my understanding not only of the modern Middle East, but also to what journalism should be (i.e. none of this two-sided nonsense in the face of stark asymmetry). Another name that comes to mind, who recently passed away is John Pilger.

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Thanks for paying tribute to Robert Fisk. I’ve often wondered about him over the last year and if others are reflecting on his legacy given the atrocity that’s unfolding.

He was a rare breed in journalism, empathetic, courageous and uncompromising. You carry the torch well.

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Fisk and Hedges 🤩

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

The Lesson

We fight for peace.

You fight for self defense.

They fight because they're terrorists.

Fight fight fight. Rah rah rah. Goooo west!!!

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