Your are on my radar Chris. Whatever you write about and whoever you talk with on you webmcasts helps center me in these crazy times. Thank you for being in the ether.
We (the people in power and us all) should try to establish a cease fire in Ukraine during the Xmas/NewYear season by advocating to all faiths to echo there faith dictu…
Your are on my radar Chris. Whatever you write about and whoever you talk with on you webmcasts helps center me in these crazy times. Thank you for being in the ether.
We (the people in power and us all) should try to establish a cease fire in Ukraine during the Xmas/NewYear season by advocating to all faiths to echo there faith dictum "peace on earth". Maybe the holiday season could catalyzed -minimally- a cease fire and just maybe from there negotiations: the UN in some neutral country. As a non believer I pray for peace. As I'm sure you do.
Your are on my radar Chris. Whatever you write about and whoever you talk with on you webmcasts helps center me in these crazy times. Thank you for being in the ether.
We (the people in power and us all) should try to establish a cease fire in Ukraine during the Xmas/NewYear season by advocating to all faiths to echo there faith dictum "peace on earth". Maybe the holiday season could catalyzed -minimally- a cease fire and just maybe from there negotiations: the UN in some neutral country. As a non believer I pray for peace. As I'm sure you do.
Cheers and Peace
Like this?,Over%20Christmas%201914%2C%20singing%20and%20soccer%20broke%20out%20between%20British,be%20called%20the%20Christmas%20Truce.
There was a Doctor Who episode about this. Fantastic episode and I wish something like this could happen again