I think people especially younger people tuned into this genocide on their computers, and visually experiencing the sheer horror Israel has implemented and continues to implement will never be forgotten, nor will it be worthy of forgiveness. They are not seeing Palestinians being slaughtered, but men, women, children, and babies, gunned down, blown up, starved and bombed. People will come to know that Israel ignored warnings of a impending attack by Hamas and killed hundreds of their own, and used the attack as an excuse to implement a genocide, a long time in the making.

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I also want to say that I don't think the only reason for the crackdown on student protests has to do with protecting Israel. We, America, were very complicit in this genocide, and are also very culpable. We'ree also protecting US!

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Thank you Chris. Such an important interview. I and hopefully many others owe it to Mohammed to buy and read and support his book! If you know

where it’s being sold in US, please post

if possible.


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Haymarket Books if you need to shop online, otherwise in local indie bookstores everywhere.

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Hamas has never been a terrorist organization in my eyes. They are fighting a brutal occupation. They are not criminals.

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I agree that Israel should never have been created. It is an abomination.

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I have ordered the book and look forward to reading it. Thank you Chris.

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And there's nothing to stay the hand of Israel.

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Well, there's us.

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Us ! We needed to be in the streets by the millions but largely stayed home on the couch, watching PBS, listening to NPR, who told us that Israel is / was / continues to be the victim. Then the D's asked us to vote for them - and here we are with President Trauma. I know very few activists in Blutopian Santa Fe.

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