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What an effing crock. I bet Israelis having previously adopted this victim virtue signaling luxury belief are regretting it now. A murderous terrorist is a murderous terrorist. There is zero explanation or justification.

Hamas targets Israeli citizens and then runs and hides behind Palestinian citizens. If you are incapable of admitting that and understanding the difference, then you have no credibility commenting on the situation.

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What a hasbara crock Frank. Israel was built with 'terrorism" and Zionists have passed the "terrorist" torch down generation after generation. Ben-Gurion, Sharett Eshkol, Meir, Rabin, Begin, Shamir, Peres, Barak, Sharon, Olmert, and Netanyahu. All war criminals and most terrorists too. Ben Gurion himself bound Israel Nationalism/Zionism with Military Patriotism. After the UN vote for a Israeli Statehood Ben Gurion said " this is just the beginning" (78% was not enough). Then carried out the well planned ethnic cleansing and massacres called the NAKBA. Irgun, Stern, Lehi, Palmach, and Haganah became the IDF, Mossad and Shin bet.

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Antisemitic terrorist sympathizers have blood on their hands.

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Zionist Terrorists have more Frank. Anti Ethnic Cleansing Zionist critics are not Anti Semitic. Nor are anti Zionist Jews Self Haters! Zionism on the other hand is fascism and a Jewish only nation state can only be described as a racist state! 75 years of occupation can only be a terrorist state! Why should Palestinian's help in their own dispossession. Netanyahu demanded the pre condition for a "fair" peace "they must recognize Palestine as a Jewish Nation State". Kissing his ring afterwards was a recurring dream!

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They're all semites, Arabs and Jews.

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What took you so long Frank? Nearly a minute passed by reading this thread before Groucho’s duck dropped down. May you have many duck droppings. Of course the secret word is anti-semitism, rendered meaningless ( no mean feat ) by the monosynaptic pathway between any criticism of Israel and the craven mewling about it. You people called both Tutu and Mandela anti-Semitic for simply sympathizing with the plight of Gazans. You should be ashamed. Lots of your fellow Jews are. Why not you?

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What is your point?

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