Thank you Chris Hedges for always keeping it real. When I read your work I ask myself what made Lincoln believe that “our better angels” could win out? What made Camus write that “there is more in [man] to admire than to despise”? What convinced Dr. King that “the arc of history bends towards justice”? I’m sure that as a minister you hav…
Thank you Chris Hedges for always keeping it real. When I read your work I ask myself what made Lincoln believe that “our better angels” could win out? What made Camus write that “there is more in [man] to admire than to despise”? What convinced Dr. King that “the arc of history bends towards justice”? I’m sure that as a minister you have many occasions to encourage the goodness but doesn’t it seem to be outweighed by a perniciousness that blows it away like dark embers in a breeze? Despite our paltry attempts at civility (let alone love!) it seems we are marching to oblivion. As Einstein said after the first nuclear explosion reigned down immeasurable terror from the sky, “Everything is changed except human consciousness, and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.” Still waiting for that change but the drift is unmistakable.
I would say that the arc of history bends not towards justice but towards power.
At least the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings had the option of getting rid of the One Ring. We are not so lucky, and someone else will use whatever power we turn away from
Thank you Chris Hedges for always keeping it real. When I read your work I ask myself what made Lincoln believe that “our better angels” could win out? What made Camus write that “there is more in [man] to admire than to despise”? What convinced Dr. King that “the arc of history bends towards justice”? I’m sure that as a minister you have many occasions to encourage the goodness but doesn’t it seem to be outweighed by a perniciousness that blows it away like dark embers in a breeze? Despite our paltry attempts at civility (let alone love!) it seems we are marching to oblivion. As Einstein said after the first nuclear explosion reigned down immeasurable terror from the sky, “Everything is changed except human consciousness, and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.” Still waiting for that change but the drift is unmistakable.
I would say that the arc of history bends not towards justice but towards power.
At least the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings had the option of getting rid of the One Ring. We are not so lucky, and someone else will use whatever power we turn away from