I also give very serious consideration to the possibility that some Trump-supporting MAGA nut, meaning any of them, could have done this in hopes of blaming the left and inciting violence against the them.. Literally every possibility, no matter how crazy, is on the table with the aptly named Deplorables.
I also give very serious consideration to the possibility that some Trump-supporting MAGA nut, meaning any of them, could have done this in hopes of blaming the left and inciting violence against the them.. Literally every possibility, no matter how crazy, is on the table with the aptly named Deplorables.
The labels of the various and sundry are becoming increasingly inaccurate. Currently I feel as if Liberals are as deplorable as Deplorables. Both major parties have been subsumed by the oligarchs resulting in the singular “corporatists”. While the Democratic label of “Progressive” (which I happen to actually be) has ceased, for the Democrats, to be meaningful. Great change is rumbling beneath us. I hope that soon the battle lines will be clearly drawn: The People vs The Very Wealthy Parasites.
In the early '70s, I was trained by people who'd been (real) leftist union organizers in the '30s. They told me: "liberals are the ones who leave the room when the fight starts." Exactly what happened. See my long comment for details.
The mainstream Dem leaders are as corrupt as the Republicans, but I think the rank and file of the right have worked overtime to earn the deplorables label and it applies in spades in my mind. How many batshit conspiracies of the Trump era and even before originated on the left? I can't think of a single one.
Meanwhile, MAGA lamebrains cook up unhinged conspiracies based on absurd lies and serves them up as indisputable facts, which the cult gobbles up like life-sustaining manna. In addition, virtually all of the rhetoric of violence, as well as the actual violence in the Trump era, has come from the right, and we've been seeing the proof of that idiocy for years.
I feel where you're coming from and agree to an extent. But I think it's no contest between the cult and the left as to which side is the more odious of the two. Trump Nation Deplorables: the original and still the bet.
The Democrats have supported the genocide is Gaza. That’s extremely unhinged. There are many issues tangled in our current politics. Including major economic issues. Poverty and low wages are endemic in this country. This is a crime, and it can drive people crazy.
Yes they have, and that's beyond deplorable. I totally agree with your entire post. But those aren't conspiracy
theories. I'm referri g to just dumb ass stuff the right creates and spreads. I asked in an earlier post how much of that crap originated on the left, and I said I couldn't think of a single one. But yeah, I missed a big one: Trump's a Russian asset or even puppet of Putin, or some such nonsense. Russiagate...Jesus. Ok, Ok, I missed a couple. But, again, on the whole, the right has a virtual patent on unhinged, unproven claims.
We are not a two party system. We’re an oligarchy. The wealthy use the media to manipulate and split people apart, to make solidarity extremely difficult.
For 28 years, I was a blue collar union activist and local pol campaign mgr. I fought the neolib elite that usurped the D party; they dumped the New Deal, abandoned labor, passed finance deregulation, and signed profoundly undemocratic treaties like NAFTA and the WTO.
They did for displaced Rust Belt workers (now suffering deaths of despair) same as they did to the Wall Street vultures of 2008: NOTHING!
The D party only represents the admin and professional 10-20%. Same types as the well paid bureaucrats who make oligarchies and dictatorships possible by keeping them running. We lessers, the majority working class, are quite aware that HRC's "basket of deplorables" includes all of us. A perverse form of solidarity.
We humans are finally bumping up against our environmental limits. The wealthy are really full on parasites. We can no longer afford their very expensive bullshit. Democracy is the best system, in my opinion, for creating consensus and dealing realistically and sensitively with complex environmental and social issues as well as prioritizing justice as foundational to governance. Capitalism prioritizes profit over everything. Everything. Hoarding is a mental illness, not the basis of a successful society.
The 1%ers, the biz Rs, and the lapdog D bureaucrats are certain they'll survive whatever happens. They think they can buy everything.
Just before the 1999 WTO, (huge demonstrations against which now known as "The Battle of Seattle") there were teach-ins at the U of WA. A prof of biz econ claimed "The Market" would solve all problems, including water shortages. Because in a desert, water is more valuable than diamonds, thus conserved. During the Q & A afterward, I asked if that meant conditions must deteriorate to desert before the model would work. He turned bright red and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. On the ferry home, alt. economist David Korten told me that's how you know you have them--the deflection and anger.
I'd bet nothing effective will be done. Official excuse that it would cost too much, harm the economy. Real reason--the elite considers it unnecessary. Their econ theory defines away devastation of communities and environments as externalities, therefore unimportant. And as the fittest, the superior, the winners, they deserve their lavish lifestyles.
It looks more and more as if Kim Stanley Robinson's eco sci-fi 2020 book, //The Ministry of the Future,// is not fiction but an accurate prediction. Not only of what rising temps will do, but how monstrous yachts and private planes are, shall we say, discouraged.
I also give very serious consideration to the possibility that some Trump-supporting MAGA nut, meaning any of them, could have done this in hopes of blaming the left and inciting violence against the them.. Literally every possibility, no matter how crazy, is on the table with the aptly named Deplorables.
The labels of the various and sundry are becoming increasingly inaccurate. Currently I feel as if Liberals are as deplorable as Deplorables. Both major parties have been subsumed by the oligarchs resulting in the singular “corporatists”. While the Democratic label of “Progressive” (which I happen to actually be) has ceased, for the Democrats, to be meaningful. Great change is rumbling beneath us. I hope that soon the battle lines will be clearly drawn: The People vs The Very Wealthy Parasites.
In the early '70s, I was trained by people who'd been (real) leftist union organizers in the '30s. They told me: "liberals are the ones who leave the room when the fight starts." Exactly what happened. See my long comment for details.
“The petty bourgeois is afraid of the class struggle, and does not carry it to its logical conclusion, to its main object.”
– V. I. Lenin
The mainstream Dem leaders are as corrupt as the Republicans, but I think the rank and file of the right have worked overtime to earn the deplorables label and it applies in spades in my mind. How many batshit conspiracies of the Trump era and even before originated on the left? I can't think of a single one.
Meanwhile, MAGA lamebrains cook up unhinged conspiracies based on absurd lies and serves them up as indisputable facts, which the cult gobbles up like life-sustaining manna. In addition, virtually all of the rhetoric of violence, as well as the actual violence in the Trump era, has come from the right, and we've been seeing the proof of that idiocy for years.
I feel where you're coming from and agree to an extent. But I think it's no contest between the cult and the left as to which side is the more odious of the two. Trump Nation Deplorables: the original and still the bet.
The Democrats have supported the genocide is Gaza. That’s extremely unhinged. There are many issues tangled in our current politics. Including major economic issues. Poverty and low wages are endemic in this country. This is a crime, and it can drive people crazy.
Capitalism is a criminal enterprise.
Fundamentally. It requires racism and poverty to exist!
Yes they have, and that's beyond deplorable. I totally agree with your entire post. But those aren't conspiracy
theories. I'm referri g to just dumb ass stuff the right creates and spreads. I asked in an earlier post how much of that crap originated on the left, and I said I couldn't think of a single one. But yeah, I missed a big one: Trump's a Russian asset or even puppet of Putin, or some such nonsense. Russiagate...Jesus. Ok, Ok, I missed a couple. But, again, on the whole, the right has a virtual patent on unhinged, unproven claims.
We are not a two party system. We’re an oligarchy. The wealthy use the media to manipulate and split people apart, to make solidarity extremely difficult.
For 28 years, I was a blue collar union activist and local pol campaign mgr. I fought the neolib elite that usurped the D party; they dumped the New Deal, abandoned labor, passed finance deregulation, and signed profoundly undemocratic treaties like NAFTA and the WTO.
They did for displaced Rust Belt workers (now suffering deaths of despair) same as they did to the Wall Street vultures of 2008: NOTHING!
The D party only represents the admin and professional 10-20%. Same types as the well paid bureaucrats who make oligarchies and dictatorships possible by keeping them running. We lessers, the majority working class, are quite aware that HRC's "basket of deplorables" includes all of us. A perverse form of solidarity.
We humans are finally bumping up against our environmental limits. The wealthy are really full on parasites. We can no longer afford their very expensive bullshit. Democracy is the best system, in my opinion, for creating consensus and dealing realistically and sensitively with complex environmental and social issues as well as prioritizing justice as foundational to governance. Capitalism prioritizes profit over everything. Everything. Hoarding is a mental illness, not the basis of a successful society.
The 1%ers, the biz Rs, and the lapdog D bureaucrats are certain they'll survive whatever happens. They think they can buy everything.
Just before the 1999 WTO, (huge demonstrations against which now known as "The Battle of Seattle") there were teach-ins at the U of WA. A prof of biz econ claimed "The Market" would solve all problems, including water shortages. Because in a desert, water is more valuable than diamonds, thus conserved. During the Q & A afterward, I asked if that meant conditions must deteriorate to desert before the model would work. He turned bright red and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. On the ferry home, alt. economist David Korten told me that's how you know you have them--the deflection and anger.
I'd bet nothing effective will be done. Official excuse that it would cost too much, harm the economy. Real reason--the elite considers it unnecessary. Their econ theory defines away devastation of communities and environments as externalities, therefore unimportant. And as the fittest, the superior, the winners, they deserve their lavish lifestyles.
It looks more and more as if Kim Stanley Robinson's eco sci-fi 2020 book, //The Ministry of the Future,// is not fiction but an accurate prediction. Not only of what rising temps will do, but how monstrous yachts and private planes are, shall we say, discouraged.
They liv in their own rubber room of denial and avoidance.