
Although I generally agree with Chris Hedges 95% of the time, there were instances in the past where I disagreed with about 5% of his views. However, over the years, I have come to realize that I was mistaken, and Chris Hedges was entirely correct on those matters. I no longer have any dispute since I am tired of being wrong when it comes to Mr. Hedges views.

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I would be very much surprised if Mr Hedges has not read, The Republic. And while Plato's utopia was debunked, long ago, with the simple question: "Who will guard the guardians", Plato's arguments against Democracy stand proud and tall today. Furthermore, America NEVER had a democracy. It is a republic, supposedly, democratically selected. But It rose from male only property owners who had slaves. Even Lincoln was racist. The Senate is entirely undemocratic on its surface. Add to that, the filibuster, and any pretence of democracy in that house is wiped away. Add to all of that, Citizen's United giving the rich rampant control of the weak minds of the majority, and I can see NO way that this superficial democracy can ever be good or correct the problems we face.

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Hello James and sadly (with the brainwashing of the American people over centuries) I agree with you.

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For more than a decade I have been looking for any trends - green shoots - that might save us from this compounding slide into the social, economic, political failure that is on track to crash the America we know. I have not found any. All the dynamics seem to be pushing us to oblivion. I'd like to believe people will wake up, smell the coffee and band together fix things. But that's not how history works. There have to be positive underlying trends. I can't find any. Let me know what I may have missed

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If this were the sixties, thousands of people would be camping out with the homeless when the police come to remove them.

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We were much younger then, not yet actors in, nor facilitators of the consumerist theatre.

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Sadly. Tragically. Too Much Die…has been cast 😞 …High Danger Ahead…We need a hybrid of FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry….there ARE true, smart vocal young patriots around…Davidson Boswell is one…but I don’t see how an Orwellian Nightmare can be avoided or expunged. At almost 74, I sleep well and wake mildly agog. We can only hope…and ACT?…How ? ? ?…Thank you, Chris…Voice in the Darkness

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Gen Z emerged on campus. They are not finished organizing… the young will lead with the wisdom of those that led in the 60’s. We can play different roles now.

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What the f..k are PATRIOTS?

Patriots are your downfall BUT you keep using the word not unlike Mussolini.

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I’m sorry to say, you’re on target.

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Hello Guy. I did make a point about brainwashing which has been happening in the US for years. How many decades and good education does it take to 'free' the people?

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It should be clear at this point that more "education" does not solve these problems or make people free. We thought that was true and that was the implicit premise of the Enlightenment and public faith of most educated people in the United States for at least the last 100 years. To the extent that that was bound up with the idea of graduating from college as a good thing for both society and individual, it was one of the great movements in American society throughout the 20th Century, although that movement has begun to lose favor, credibility and force over the last decade. (I say that the first college graduate in my family and the holder of a graduate degree from an Ivy League institution.) It may be that widespread higher education only makes people more vulnerable to the subtle yet 24/7 propaganda cloud that is a distinguishing characteristic of modern online civilizations. We know just enough to think we can see through all the lies. Education - at least how it has actually worked out - is one of the green shoots that turned out to be brown.

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Guy. There is education and education. Sometimes learning how to be practical/realistic/and think for oneself is important.

I know about education in the US I had a bored kid in the LA School District who learned year after year about Washington/Lincoln etc. No Geography/ European History etc. Nor Civics.

We came from the UK where she had been well educated.

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Thank you Chris. Appreciate your commentary as usual.

I quite agree we must resist ther corporate state. How best to organize that?


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You are too brainwashed: Mention Socialism/communism in the USA and people look at you in horror!

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Totally agree, but the uprising you propose won’t happen. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. The Fourth Turning is Here.

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Give the masses bread and circuses and they’ll never revolt.

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Cut the electricity and no more TeeVees?

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A few more inches and half our problems would be solved!

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That's what he's saying is Not the case

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I doubt it. Biden and Trump are not the problems we must face, but only the outward symptoms of the real problem, a problem that is seldom even discussed.

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Magical thinking. His followers would escalate their violence to avenge their “martyr”.

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That's correct. And it shouldn't surprise anyone the potential fact that everything may have previously been planned...maybe we have to keep wondering how Thomas Crooks and the weapon(s) he was carrying passed through the FBI metal detectors, right?

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Superbowl Steve Hunt. Lets here from you Steve. How did this happen?

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ok ill find time later this week, I've got some stories here in the final frontier of exploitive wandering capital, Oklahoma City.....stay tuned.

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As Egyptians found out it was the authoritarians and corporations who were prepared and poised to take power after mass protests took down the system .

These tendencies found sponsorship from their military and economic sponsors in the US. We lack a cohesive forward looking plan.

We must do better.

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Mr. Hedges has named the real enemy. Given us the playbook to confront it. I would add, with his imprimatur, non violent protests. The only thing missing is a leader. Successful movements need someone the herd the cats. Is anybody there?

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The students.

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Amen to that!! Are you familiar with the SEE Alliance? I work with the Sarasota, FL group. But we still need a singular leader.

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I am not, but just looked it up. Seems like amazing work!

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That's the fun thing about these blogs/substacks for this elderly lady I never know where everyone comes from. If you're in the Sarasota area come to the SEE meetings. If you're in the US I understand they are opening chapters in different states. Just got back from a school board meeting that the SEE people had a joyous pep rally before the meeting and then spoke to the board. They really have given me a new lease on life. :-)

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Maybe there will come someone once the electricity is turned off and people go outside and listen to others.

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They want us to think our power is in our vote. Well this time around it is clear our vote is an empty power. Our real power is in massive tax resistance, with only 3.5 % of us actively engaged in civil disobedience and noncooperation. We do have the power to turn this mess around and it is all nonviolent.

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Sometimes, like in computing, when there are too many gremlins, you have to wipe the system and start again.

But who’s going to do the wiping if the wipers are deluded into thinking that the bugs are features?

Chris Hedges, what’s your prognostication?

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Chris calling for a rejection of the corporate state, sounds like he believes that the ethos of the past, liberalism, the ideology that was a glue that held the corporate state intact, can be retooled for an American state free from corporate interference.

I may be errantly reading Chris Hedges’ blog, but I think it’s time to put liberalism to bed. The American political tradition is laced with Christian reverence for indoctrinated minds, as well as racist and violent solutions to the disequilibrium wrought by capitalism. This was the fruit of the liberal-capitalist state.

The Trump-led right wants to double down on the disequilibrium and the violence and the animus for anything that smacks of socialism. Steve Bannon recently acknowledged his love for Joe McCarthy.

For over a century, American true believers have sought to make moderation their banner, only to find that the Democrat Party was as void of the principles of peace and moderation as the far right alternative. The fact is there had never been a viable alternative.

“Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”

Perhaps the notion that lies can govern a people is only true to the extent that a majority finds sustenance and succor in the mendacity, awash in a chosen life of self-deception and self denial. It’s easy to agree on lies when the alternative is the unrestrained, unmasked, drooling wolf.

I think it’s time to look past our borders, outside the American bubble for ideas to live a worthwhile life in peace.

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Thank you, Chris and Eunice.

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PS. Attempt to kill Trump is a very bad thing. (That's What I say really not liking Trump). That's what everybody should say.

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Chris H. is right - turn on corrupt corporate set rather than trump. Biden is worst than Trump (that's what C.H. should have said). If the nation wants Trump - that their choice (that's what he should have said), God bless them. Why is he (C.H.) silent on Jill Stein? Why is he (and others) silent on a Nuclear war threat? Otherwise I agree.

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I'm so relieved by your clarity as the popular conversation is so far in WTF-ery I can't even track it anymore. I just was watching a video of Matt Taibbi and friends, on Glenn Greenwald's channel, talking about Trump being saved by divine providence as a serious idea. It made me feel so crazy-made I had to search for your Substack. Thank you for this and every prediction you've made in the last 20 years, now unfolding.

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