when will this cyce of barbaric behavior of continuous wars end is up to us people.

We are the Death Star; our leaders Darth Vadars. Our economy is based on contiuous wars where ever we can make them. The death star need to be destroyed or it will destroy us. Another pure evil state: the zionist state of Israel. They are our ally in the genocide of folks of color both here in abroad.

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We are ruled by sociopaths.

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One might also say that we are ruled by the worst among us, i.e. a kakistocracy.

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Well, power is to sociopaths what catnip is to cats.

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I think psychopaths

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Thank you Chis for bluntly sketching a “you are here” picture.

Americans who understand where we are can best rail against this perverse order by NOT doing two things: 1) Not voting for any person who waves the banner of either preferred political party; 2) Not ingesting the manufactured narratives of the billionaire-owned media which invite you NOT to question where you are.

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I couldn’t say it better myself, literally. Thanks Chris Hedges! Love you, Brother!

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Chris Hedges these are my emphatic thoughts on the Megalomaniac Genocidal NUTANYAHU --- and possible 'blow-back' on Bye Bye Biden, and America's reputation if he allows himself to be CONNED by lying NUTANYAHU:

Dear Kamala Harris, PLEASE PLEASE --- if you are required to meet Wednesday July 24th, with the GENOCIDAL MEGALOMANIAC, NUTANYAHU ---- PLEASE PLEASE, roundly, seriously, and emphatically roast his 'SORRY & VIOLENT ASS' as being the instigator and ICC Criminal Court Indited & Prosecuted Global Criminal of Mass GENOCIDE on likely hundreds of thousands of SLAUGHTERED PALESTINIANS [fully 1/3 of whom are precious CHILDREN]!!!

This can not ever be accepted by 'We the American Peaceful and Loving People' of our world!

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America MUST denounce AIPAC, NUTANYAHY, and TRUMP --- or else America will lose all credibility of being any where near a PEACEFUL and DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST GLOBAL Partner in our only little, fragile and self-destructive world.

GOD SAVE "we the American people", and our weaker countries around our world and entire solar system [as brilliantly and in the multi-analogy film of 2021/2 "Don't Look UP"]

Even the worst BILLIONAIRE BASTARDS will never live to save their 'sorry asses'!! [AND THEY KNOW IT].

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My latest double-sided, ad-hoc, focus-group tested, and highest favorably-rated PROTEST/DEMONSTRATION signs, simply say:





(and on the other side)




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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

This screed is very difficult for me to read at this crazy moment. Came of age at the end of my military service in 1968. I have read Hedges on occasion for years. Never shared his political philosophy. Riled at the idea of being calledd a liberal. Many friends who were sectarians of different stripes. If I read this piece correctly there is no option of who to vote for. As if not voting is a vote for Trump. No other intelligent options exist. I happen to agree with the analyses of Biden and Obama, however in these last years of my

life I must vote. Not for Trump, obviously. But a vote for a Democrat is my only option. Is it not?

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"But a vote for a Democrat is my only option. Is it not?"


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The two party duopoly in America who choose the two presidential candidates for us is a fraud. Voting for one side out of hatred for the other is futile. The dem/rep uni-party is one and the same and in public they play fight to give voters the illusion they are siding with their/your team who is righteous over the evil other side. But the uni-party agrees on everything that is bad for the American people: WAR, debt, illegally spying on citizens, militarizing the police, attacks on our civil liberties and natural rights (like protesting Israel’s genocide and illegal occupation of Palestine), and of course their distain for unions meaning the rank-and-file. Americans need more choices and alternatives. For now we are trapped in the matrix.

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Yes, we can scream our protest by voting for a third party.

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But, Howard, just ADD THIS:

A DEMOCRATIC PEACEFUL SOCIALIST global structure ---- rather than live in this current HELL of:




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Nope. Check out Bobby Kennedy-- the only person who an beat Trump. RFK24.com

AND declare your INDEPENDENCE from the 2-party system.

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Same dilemma. Damned if I do and damned if I don’t. It is so depressing. What happened to America?

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Chris, you're the best --- along with Robert Reich, Julian Assange, and many other Progressive Democratic Socialist truth tellers, and Saints.

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Thank you again, Chris.

Jill Stein remains the only viable presidential candidate...for peace, the planet, & humanity.

Unfortunately, many continue to be ignorant of a positive, hopeful option.

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i would like to know how to proceed. vote for Harris - SNAFU

vote for Trump Smash the system and hand it over to corporate greed without any democratic checks and balances.

it is easy to call for revolution from a position of comfort - vid Germinal , by Zola. The people rise up at the instigation of the dear and worthy and inspiring chris hedges, russell brands etc the philosopher student journalist correspondent artist whatevs - the inspiring one, but the powers that be utterly crush the uprising and remain even more ensconced.

QUE FAIRE? what to do.

Until the philosophy that sees one whole lot of us as the problem is finally and utterly dropped we will remain divided and ruled.

i know this is the clarion call - but how do we continue together. "as you are, soldiers of peace. as you are".

Know thyself and love one another.

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The powers that be cannot continue to control us without the people’s general consent, and that is the crux of the downward spiraling we are witnessing. The desperation after years of battering with propaganda and low wages and unaffordable healthcare and loss of job and home security has lead to a weakening and a dumbing down of our society, an inability to properly envision the true evils, a lack of awareness of the bigger picture. It is not the right or left sides, the immigrant, the common people committing crimes in order to survive, and so forth. It is the puppet masters who overlord, the rampant militarism and dealers in arms, the religious fanatics, the death of the commons for selfish individualism, the power that comes with overwhelming wealth, the power to bribe and control, these are the evils we need to focus on. When a majority of people awake and say we want better for all, for all peoples, for all creatures, to start the needed healing, then it will happen. We need to fully awake and act rapidly because the dangers that are just around the corner, nuclear war and the destruction by global warming are existential threats, and very real. If it takes millions in the streets and massive labor strikes to break the bones of the iron heel, let’s get on with it. The workers movement developing in the Republican Party along with the socialistic progressive movement struggling inside and outside of the Democratic Party need to join at the hip in this battle. And the 50% of the peoples presently ‘not involved’ need to “awaken”.

Thank you Chris for your reality and truth telling, and inspiration.

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The uni party has spoken . Trump has achieved immortality after his “Jesus” moment. He is now the anointed candidate. Whether the shooting was real or just another patsy program by the CIA- it doesn’t matter- the end justifies the means.

The question I have is where does Robert Kennedy Jr. fit in the billionaires plans? He takes donations from some of the same billionaire class as Trump or Biden. Is he the spoiler? Or the anti establishment candidate he states that he is?

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He supports Israel to an insane degree.

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All politicians in US Government must support Israel or they will not last more then one term in office.

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Another reason not to vote for them.

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I don't believe that all of Trump's followers are fascistic. May are simply feeling utterly betrayed by the party they had for years believed had their backs.

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Today Seymour Hersh offered his version of Biden's final days after consulting with his sources. It involves large donor defections; a sudden illness attack; and the consideration of using the 25th Amendment. Obama was incharge. https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/leaving-las-vegas?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1377040&post_id=147068506&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=16l6m&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Have you seen Bill Moyers Two American Families on PBS Frontline. It shows the effects of deindustrialization on one white and one black family over the last 3 decades.

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Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA? Will they put Biden to sleep like they did with king George V in 1936 when they were brewing up WWII? – Alex Sasha Kreiner – Jul 24 – OUTSTANDING

A timely masterpiece — it should be widely distributed, supported by donations and advertised.

After 10+ days we still don’t have any (daily) updates from FBI and other security agencies (esp. from odious Mayorka’s) on Trump assassination attempt — nor even about bomb assassination attempt on Kamala Harris four years ago!?!?

Once again — a seminal and timely article. Let’s hope that Trump (as well as RFK Jr. and Stein) organization is more competent this time and well prepared for what is likely coming.


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Woke up on a different planet this morning.


Also this too.


Of course I believe that Netanyahu is merely playing for time, long enough for Trump to get elected.

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