Drop the mike. Best one yet on the Queen and the royal family.

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Read Patrick Freyne's article too (that is linked in the article body). Gotta love that Irish wit.

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Let’s not forget Balfour, Sykes Picot, the Trucial States, the interventions in Iran and all the other Middle Eastern machinations of “perfidious Albion” designed to create artificial and unjust borders and political structures that would ensure permanent underdevelopment, division and war. Chris has covered many of these wars and always been a most eloquent writer about the devastation caused by British, and subsequently American policy in the Middle East

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That’s right moonface thank you!

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Excellent Mr. H. This is surely not the time for sentimentality.

My favorite Royals story concerns the Duke and Duchess of Windsor who were scheduled for a sitting with Richard Avedon. Avedon was loathe to portray them in a flattering light and so as he was setting up the shot he told of how his taxi ran over a small dog on the way to the studio.


The Royals, scowled sourly, as you can see in the well known image, showing more sympathy for the little dog than they ever did for victims of their friend the Fuhrer. That sums up the house of Windsor for me.

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I'm still reading a book mentioned in Hedges interview last week: "Nationalism and Culture" by Rudolf Rocker. It goes into great historical detail on issues of empire (Monarchy) and Church. Highly recommended.

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Drop the mike. Best one yet on the Queen and the royal family.

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Somebody pour some water over Chris Hedge's keyboard, because it is smoking.

Phew, blistering shots of screamin' truth.

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I am familiar with Professor of Logic Dodgson and his illogical lands through the Looking Glass and down the rabbit hole. The story of Pandora's Jar is very logical and hope springs eternal.

Swift talked about babies and the economy. It was satire but America doesn't do satire.

On Thursday morning I promised my wife two weeks of Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance and Ode to Hope and Glory. That is what you do when your Empire collapses. Our Monarch the only head state I've known in my 74 years did her job well. Her Job was to serve the House of Commoners, here in Quebec, Jamaica, Apartheid South Africa even the British Virgin Islands.

If it becomes THE Virgin Islands what are we to make of the US Virgin Islands. Who owns people?

I was born in Quebec. I am 74 and I went from theocracy/plutocracy and oligarchy to Secular Humanist Liberal Democracy during my lifetime under Her Majesty.

I watched America abandon the road to democracy in 1980.

"What have the Romans ever done for us." From the Life of Brian

Evolution is the only certainty in this universe.

Evolution isn't new and improved it is change, only change. It is science not Latin incantations.

America is land replete with Priests and Lawyers and has sold its soul to the highest bidders. I sometimes call it The Land Faust.

Ben Franklin was called a founder of Communism by Marx.

Poor Richard believed in Public Schools, public libraries, public spaces, public institutions and public service he was a Marxist.

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Absolutely!!! If she would have had a heart in her brainwashed body she would have stood up and spoken (I am sure people would have listened ...) but I guess in her long, long life she never started to think ...

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"White supremacy" is a newly term thrown around by those with wokeist programing and neoracist impulses... or politicians on the left that got nuttin' else... or all three.

Talk about something that belongs in the dustbin of history! And what the heck does this even mean with respect to the the UK today? Last I checked the British people have a history of being white folk. Crimes of empire are not white unless you just pull a convenient statue of limitations out of a rear. The Roman empire? The Ottoman empire? The Japanese empire? The new forming globalist-CCP-Biden Democrat political establishment empire?

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Queen Elizabeth came to Aotearoa NZ and signed the first redress agreement between the Crown and Māori - in this case Waikato Tainui. She also acknowledged that the Treaty of Waitangi (signed in 1840 between Māori and the Crown) had been imperfectly upheld by the Crown. Whilst I agree that the class system that accompanies the Monarchy has been responsible for much harm, what will replace it? The current situation in such countries as the US are hardly an improvement.

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It is really ironically humorous noting that those that use these terms "white supremacy", "imperialism", "class system" are generally our western elites. The Elect we should call them. The most white, the most imperialist and the most classicist. Those that know better and think they are ordained by their professors to rule everyone else.

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Is it possible that you are under the impression that these terms are used mostly by the western elites, because those are the sources that you mostly listen to? Of course, you are not alone.

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Naw. I read the NYT and the LAT every day. I hang out in lefty comment sections for the Atlantic, Vox and others lefty magazines. I subscribe to lefty newsletters on Substack. I read Reason, National Review, The Economist, Wine Spectator and Cooks Magazine too (just to mix it up). One cannot accurately the state of ideologues without actually spending time listening to what they have to say. Also, I cannot stop hoping that I will hear and read something from those on the left that makes sense. So far there is really nothing.

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Well, the Atlantic and VOX are major neocon publications (and likely CIA organs), and the Economist is neoliberalism central. Don’t know about the National Review, but unless it has changed dramatically since the Buckley days, I can’t imagine it having even a centrist point of view.

For real independent voices, try reading Consortium News, Caitlin Johnstone and Moon of Alabama. And, of course, our beloved host Chris Hedges.

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Remember, leaders of Bad Countries foster cults of personality.

However, the US and UK press would never do such a thing, such as when they report a double rainbow in the sky over Buckingham Palace following Elizabeth's death.


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Jeez ... “never offered an apology for slavery?” Well, considering that slavery was always a two-sided trade, don’t you think those African Chiefs whose ancestors traded Black flesh the way other countries sold gold and spices would do likewise?

In my best Biden imitation: “c’mon, man!!”

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Well Phil, you certainly reveal your absolute naïveté about the historical colonial and current socio/economic/ political/military realities on the African continent with your blithe and irrelevant comparison and facetious,asinine Biden imitation. Africa is a bit more complicated then safaris and giraffes and African chieftains.

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Allow this article to speak sense to you:


And there are numerous other sources that speak to the same point: slavery was a TRADE! Let that sink into your head. Africans were “the coin of trade” long before the arrival of the European.

There are ZERO accounts of “marauding Whites” entering Africa and abducting “innocents …” ALL the slaves were delivered to the docks by African tribal chieftains — likely the “booty” acquired from interstitial tribal wars.

You are the victim of “feel-good” revisionist history, which sadly, forms the majority of leftists engaged in “groupthink.”

There is much more to my posit … but I must retire to bed … my day’s work awaits.

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Well, having lived in the Congo and witnessed not a few things, to think that African apologies for shipping out their own 100 plus years ago is tops on their plate today is almost laughable and makes your own rant/lecture beside the point. How you do go on and on about a point I simply ignored, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. Insert your Biden imitation here please.

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Slave trade has existed in all the continents. The big difference here is the distinct institution of cattle slavery initiated in the Americas by the Europeans. Also, King Leopold did send "marauding Whites" (Stanley and his troops) to the Congo not to be delivered anywhere but out of their lives in his brutal exploitation at his plantations.

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I didn't say jack-all about slavery or who should apologize for it.

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Phil, do you think that the African chiefs fully understood the horrors that awaited those whom they sold to white slave traders—the Middle Passage and the truly cruel and dehumanizing lives that awaited them. Slavery in Africa was not like that.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

Mr Hedges another spot on analysis and critique of monarchy mania

Long live the queen- indeed she did. Now may she Rest In Peace with the proles that she wreaked havoc upon - that is if they are forgiving enough to have her anywhere near them

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Well said.

Fuck the Queen.

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A sign of the sickness of our culture is that corporate media provides more coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth than of humanitarian crises in such places as Afghanistan and Somalia where millions of people are starving to death.

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fuck the royal family

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