Chris Hedges - I hunch you drink often from the spring of living waters - how else can you continue such truth telling without going loco? I so appreciate your sword and shield! You see the awful yet somehow transmit it in a way that I land in the possible. Instead of in the ditch of collapse and resignation. Praises!

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"The militarists, corporatists, oligarchs, politicians, academics and media conglomerates champion identity politics and diversity because it does nothing to address the systemic injustices or the scourge of permanent war that plague the U.S. It is an advertising gimmick, a brand, used to mask mounting social inequality and imperial folly. It busies liberals and the educated with a boutique activism, which is not only ineffectual but exacerbates the divide between the privileged and a working class in deep economic distress. The haves scold the have-nots for their bad manners, racism, linguistic insensitivity and garishness, while ignoring the root causes of their economic distress. The oligarchs could not be happier."

This is maybe the most brilliant and succinct synopsis of the situation that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Saving it.

My dismay over the last decade has been that the people, instead of coming together with a shared goal to fix what was clearly broken as demonstrated by the 2008 financial and real estate meltdown, went full ape-crap greed pursuit... primarily driven by the recovery of real estate values. And thus we just gave the damn keys back to the same Wall Street corporatist looting crooks that made the mess... and made them even more wealthy and powerful.

And the cabal used that added wealth and power to cement a defense for what they had feared might have happened to them around 2008-2010 if not for getting one of their elite compliant supporters in the White House. Trump, the severely flawed counter, was soundly routed by them and they planted yet another corporatist puppet in the White House.

Now we are frankly screwed in that they control the federal government. They control most state governments and all the large cities. They own the media. They own tech. They own most of the major corporations that provide all our necessary life products and services. They are pursuing a global new world order... not because it is a benefit to the human condition... but because it will just increase their power and wealth and the lock of it.

Democracy was supposed to be the tonic, but they have brainwashed the voting population into being bleating sheep committed to their own slaughter.

Left and right are at each other's throats and the corporatist cabal loves it that way.

I think the right gets it more than the left... the right had been on this fight to take back the country from the cabal. It is the left that is stuck in a fog... so desperate for their political team to win that they have in effect sold their souls to the corporatist devil and adopted the racist woke ideology.

It is Democrats that need the political epiphany here.

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One of the latest iterations of identity politics has in essence destroyed women’s sext based rates. Identity politics obscures much as you mentioned in your article. Trans gender ideology is the latest form of misogyny that is successfully erasing women and obscuring the reality of biology and science. Starting with Obama and being intensified by Biden, title IX has been gutted to give men who somehow think that they’re women, Access to women’s sports, prisons, bathrooms, locker rooms, and even rape crisis shelters. Intensifying stereotyped sexist gender roles this movement, which is a multi trillion dollar movement impact by big Pharma, is medicalizing children and sterilizing them in the name of identification. Women as a class or a press on the basisOf our sex, but now we have men cleaning a deeper oppression as an excuse to file a women’s boundaries and spaces. I wish you would include this analysis, or one of your own, in your writing. Thank you for all the work you do.

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Mr Hedges I love this commentary and yes I say commentary because until we know and name individuals at the top of the ethereal empires elites we are throwing our bodies at shadows. Names please. I believe the true power still whisper into targeted ears what they want and never write it down for fear a trail would be traced, what do you say?

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We need a wholistic analysis, Chris, that comprehends and covers patriarchy, chauvanism, imperialism, class divisions, inequality, corporate control, and colonialism. your way of thinking disparages the resistance to patriarchy, racism and other chauvanisms, that separate us. Of course the corporate system will do everything in its power to divide us along class, race, gender and age lines… and make profit off our circumstances, but to relegate these issues, as bourgeois, or secondary, is an old thought pattern. Class divisions and corporate system of profit at any expense, including our very survival, is important to understand, as is racism and sexism. Its not either/or. You have an excellent analysis of corporate controlled political and economic systems, but your analysis lacks integrating an anti racist and anti patriarchal approach.

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This is off topic a bit, but it is an observation of mine which I think holds merit. As a child growing up in the 1960's, I'm 64 now, the main-stream news was all there was on television. In fact there was no "Main Stream" anything. It was the nightly news with___________________. It was not long, and the reporters reported the facts as they found them and nothing more. That was great news compared to the propaganda and fraud that typifies Main-Stream News today. And the number of topcis were a few, not 24-7-365 as we have today. We are Over-informationalized. today and cannot catch out breath before another bombshell event is reported analyzed, hypothesized, criticized, memorized and then thrown into the garbage heap never to arise again. And this is Intentional because it leaves the viewer no time to digest anything, and no time to analyze anything, and certainly no time to investigate the massive corruption schemes going on right now, and no interest in doing so because the next disclosure of corruption is around the corner, here it comes, catch it before it gets away, oh its gone. And nothing is done to stop the Crimes against Humanity such as the Gain of Function proposal that the military shot down, and Fauci went ahead on anyway which killed millions of people. And he walks freely today. Not to mention the fact that the military understood ivermectin and hydroxychloraqiun were effective alternative treatments for Covid and the government turned that completely around so that there would be more deaths.. And the parade moves on down the street to the next town.

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Crazy Horse, a Lakota leader, was also killed by some of His own people after He surrendered at a military fort at Crawford Nebraska. Must say, Eunice you have a beautiful voice.

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Because of banking secrecy I’m afraid we don’t know who the richest are. Think “Trust Funds”

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Whether or not that's true - and I completely disagree - it doesn't matter, because women are the victims of sexual assault by men by such a big margin, that the the best and safest way is to safeguard the many from the few. That it's even been up for discussion blows my mind, frankly

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This is another ploy of the Corporate State Control mongers who live by the Problem -Reaction-Solution method of Mass Population Control. What they must be told is that we understand that we are NOT our bodies, but rather the Divine God Consciousness inside which is ETERNAL. We cannot be hurt or destroyed. Therefore we have nothing to fear, but they do. The full exposure of each person and their nepharious demonic plans. They operate on fear- based events designed to scare people into accepting whatever they offer simply to have a brief period of peace in their lives.

We are in control now, and we will determine our course from now on. We are peaceful, and compassionate. And we encourage Amnesty as a ,eams of these controllers to come out and tell the complete TRUTH in exchange for full Amnesty. Once this has been done, humanity can move forward.

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