Thank you. It IS getting us all killed. We are not engaging in the necessary project of peace to end climate change but rather speeding our demise.

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We should remind ourselves that the Dulles brothers, John Foster, and Allan Wallace were two of the most sinister characters in American history, as they laid the foundations of what is now American foreign policy. This is all documented in Stephen Kinzer's book The Dulles Brothers. They declared their secret war on the world subverting the wishes of FDR and every president they worked under. Kennedy eventually fired Allen Dulles as head of the CIA-- and this may have been a contributing factor in Kennedy's assassination.

John Foster Dulles, as Sec. of State coined the term " brinkmanship" by which he meant pushing other countries to the brink of war without actually going to war. The US has used it perpetually to keep the world on the cusp of war, they are using it against China right now at great risk to the world.

At that time Adlai Stevenson called John Foster's brinkmanship "reckless". In today's context it is pure unadulterated insanity.

In David Talbot's book The Devil's Chessboard, he suggests if FDR had lived longer Allan Dulles might have gone on trial for treason as he deliberately subverted the president's policies.

High powered ideological bureaucrats subverting the will of presidents and legislators is a systemic corruption of US politics.

Reading Kinzer's book goes a very long to explaining the chaos of the world today.

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Kinser's book should be required reading in every high school history class.

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Thank you Robert for the history lesson. I am so glad to finally hear about the Dulles brothers.

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Thx for the reminders.

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Meanwhile the corporate media attacks DeSantis for his opposition to US involvement in the Ukraine war.

In my "what changed" analysis for what is destroying us there are two primary actors:

1. Democrats have become the warmongers as they have also become the party of big business, Wall Street and the globalist corporatist cabal.

2. The once independent press/media has become a propaganda arm for Democrats serving the interests of big business, Wall Street and the globalist corporatist cabal.

Everything else is materially the same. We have war hawks and war doves. We have people that believe the US has a responsibility as ideological police getting involved in foreign conflicts. We have isolationists.

But the propagandists once called journalists are paid to move the needle on public opinion for a purpose. The BLM and Antifa protests were/are peaceful (they were not). Opposition to the government policy on Covid and the vaccines is disinformation that kills people (it was/is not). The US is systemically racist (it is not), we are in a climate crisis (we are not) and Russia, Russia, Russia is a threat to peace and prosperity around the world (it is not). Jan-6 was an insurrection! (it was not). Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation! (it is not).

Meanwhile China is to be ignored. Just look the other way kids.

Who cares that China systemically oppresses its own people? Who cares that China is putting up two new coal-fired electrical plants per week? Who cares that China steals American IP, blocks access to its markets and dumps products to take over entire industries? Who cares that China unleashed a deadly pandemic conveniently when DJT was making progress resetting the economic relationship to benefit the US (as it should be)? Who cares that China gave millions to the Biden family? Who cares about aggressive Chinese hegemony and the formation of a new axis of power against the West that is led by China?

The Ukraine proxy war is a media-propaganda event to deflect from the CCP-supported WEF Great Reset project underway. The American sheeple, especially the well-off educated type, have been propagandized to bleat their support as part of their new Godless left theocracy that backs their support for all the other self-destructive memes of left politics.

Jesus, what a great time to be alive if you are interested in human psychology, human behavior science and cultural anthropology. There is a species of ants that periodically gets stuck in a connected collective circle of travel where they eventually all die from hunger and exhaustion. We are those fkng ants.

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China has no history of trying to be the boss of the world like the USA. Just look which country has 80 plus military bases all over the world. The US pretends it is defending democracy all over the world but has a Supreme Court that says that a corporation equals a person. Wake up!

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I disagree with you on the issue of climate change, and unfortunately too many hype the threat by claiming we'll be done for in a few years, which is not the case. Changes are already occurring. Glaciers are melting, water levels are  rising which affect low lying areas most at this time, but it will come our time as well if we choose to do nothing. Biden has implemented a program to deal with climate change that have simply turned people off, and I wonder if that is his intention. Other then that I agree with much of what you say. I wander why Obama's role in the 2014 coup which was intended to bring about regime change in Ukraine and sent Yanukovich flying off to Russia isn't given any attention. Obama admits they used neo-nazis to pull it off and they did, violently, causing many deaths. We even decided who was going to be their next leader, Yats, said Nuland to Pyatt. I often wondered why Obama allowed Nuland to serve in his administration since for many years she was the chief foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney and then as the George W. Bush administration’s ambassador to NATO, not to mention her marriage to Kagan, a top neocon one of those that pushed for the war in Iraq. Now she resides with Biden. Can't help but believe Obama was playing with fire, and he knew it,  and what the outcome would be. I think if Clinton had won all that has happened and will happen would have taken place under her administration. I often wonder if the Russia-gate hoax was meant to kill two birds with one stone, Trump of course, and he's Illegitimate,  but also to create a bridge of hate toward Russia. Interesting no invasion of Ukraine during the Trump years, and pretty soon after Biden is crowned we are what could be on the brink of a nuclear war. If you heard John Kirby's rant that we are number one in the world and it's the way it's going to stay no matter what China and Russia has to say about it,  and we'll make sure of that. He said it like it was part of the holy scriptures. ASS! 

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Lots of details here I was unaware of....so thankyou.

America has been playing covert politics for decades....I'm sometimes wondering how long we'll be safe in Canada, what with our single payer medical care system, and a penchant for public schools making us look like raving socialists to what your countrymen consider centrist.

There is a truth to that old adage that 'Military Intelligence' constitutes an oxymoron!!!

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

You're right about our lack of honesty when it comes to our political motives, but it's gotten far worse in the 21st century. If you didn't have an alternate source of information you would be totally ignorant of our political agenda. You can't even rely on newspapers once held in esteem like the NY Times, and now a rag sheet for me, and that really began when it pushed the war in Iraq. It has adopted a policy of telling it's democratic base what it simply wants to hear. TV media is no different, and the news is just a profit making business which is dangerous since I believe it's intent is not only to make money but to create a more divided country, which one could see on full display during the Trump years and started with Clinton referring to his base as deplorables. It was picked up by a third cousin, a meme traveling around Facebook, that Trump's base is an uneducated lot and totally amoral. Divide and conquer, and make things simple. Make it a black and white world deemed mentally unhealthy where people don't think.

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We see the same thing in Canada, where our national broadcaster, once a very trusted source of world news.........is dishing out sound bites that never question any issue....for example, we learned recently that there have been huge rallies in Europe against this war.......but although we hear about the French protests of raising retirement age, there's been not a mention on msm about anti-war sentiment anywhere.

I know it is increasing....for the simple reason that the war is dragging on much longer than most of the instant warmongers imagined....I know many are beginning to question the economic consequences for them and their family if we continue to spend lavishly on the war while our social services and educational systems deteriorate, as I believe America's have already done....

But there is 0 acknowledgement on msm.......or for that matter on much of our alternative news sources.....that the war may be doing the opposite of what American hegemonics want. In short, it may well be hastening the coming of a multipolar world.

Too many countries around the world have experienced American bullying....and know what American supremacy might mean for them. The list is too long to count really...VietNam, Cambodia, Laos, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Columbia, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Syria....

I don't pretend to know the details of America's need to interfer....or the merits of the respective national governments...but I do know that if you want a poster case for the usual effects of American interference.......Haiti wins hands down.

Biden wanted us to go in and Police the damn mess.........but neither country acknowledges none of this might have been as necessary, if we'd let the Haitian people vote for who they wanted...and kept our big noses out of their politics. Imagining that a Haitian Jesuit elected with the largest majority I've ever heard of.........who wanted to build public schools and hospitals....was a threat to global security beggers the imagination.

MIGHT JUST WELL BE THE CRIME OF THE LAST CENTURY. Where on the msm does anyone talk about why white men wanted to interfer in such a seemingly just cause????

Maybe its public schools and affordable health care that is the real communist plot??? Or the chief works of Evil Socialism???

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

Terrible what is going on in Haiti, now ruled by gangs, and your right American interference made a horrific mess of things. For a long time I've known the Caribbean countries and South America were our backyard, but you have to read books to find that out, otherwise it's not public domain and people are left to believe we're just wonderful. Europe had the Middle East and Africa, so I guess we just followed a very defined pattern of exploitation. Now I think we're much more open about our exploits. I saw John Kirby "Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House since late May 2022. He previously served as Pentagon Press Secretary for the first year and a half of the Biden Administration, and worked as a military and diplomatic analyst for CNN from 2017 to 2021."

Well, I wish I could find the clip of him proclaiming that the US is number one in the world and that's the way it is, and no one is going to take that away from us, not China, not Russia, and one got the feeling if it meant nuclear war, so be it. I don't remember someone going so public, being so honest about our hegemonic agenda. During our build up to war in Iraq I was very involved in the antiwar movement, which went no where. The media really played it down, or ignored it all together. Now it is totally complicit in pushing our foreign policy agenda with no real journalists to challenge US, maybe a few, but for the most part they are pushed aside, and their voices are just a whisper.

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It is heartening though to know many Americans aren't buying the war whooping kaka either though.........so thanks for sharing the details of how your deluded leaders continue to proselytize for world domination.

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Last I checked, DeSantis has since been brought obediently to heel.

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That is what the corporate media is reporting, but if you listen to the full interview he did not change his position, he just clarified some things.

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It is truly terrible what the American Empire does around the world.....but what dismays me to an even greater extent, it the fact that so many good people continue to fall for the bellicose patriotic bilge. It's as if our imagination has been eroded to such an extent that we can't imagine all the little children, the mothers and fathers, the grandparents............who die violent and pointless deaths......

In order to sustain this myth of good and evil. What keeps me awake at night is the possibility that we havent learned anything from all the past conflicts Chris was brave enough to report on. Since Nicaragua I've been following the dreadful war America has waged against the communism inside their own mind............and I have to conclude:

We must be a culture of racists in the west...........to believe that all this suffering serves anything or anyone but the weapons industry.....and the carpet baggers who profit off war.

While climate change rises against us............like Evidence.

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Imagine Ukraine gone, Russia silenced and China in control. Imagine all men marching in time and tune. Imagine climate change destroying all life on what will be a dead planet. Imagine women giving birth to sick babies that she has no milk to nourish because her diet is so poor. Imagine the entire world under the power of drug dealers. Imagine unemployed men raping any woman available. Imagine the planet is renamed Raperia as we take our last gasps.

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The Chinese president has said that one country cannot be allowed to control the world. He is calling for a multipolar world , and I happen to agree with him. Multipolarism is the essential first step to global survival and it must be based on peaceful co-existence and reciprocity. If you follow the international news you will see that both Putin and Xi Jinping have been building progressive alliances and reconciliations and actually practicing multipolarism. Neither is interested in war or imperialism, they are interested in peace and prosperity for their long suffering countries.

Sinophobia and Russiaphobia shame Western societies for our being so gullible and bigoted. Both are no more than bullshit racist propaganda to justify America's perpetual imperialist wars.

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I think China is better than that.

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Yes. But are we???

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Thank you for pulling together the recent history of US proxy wars. I'm sure many of us have lost track of these events. Your summary helps us to see more clearly how the Ukraine war fits into the larger agenda of the US government. It's not a pretty picture. War breeds war, ad infinitum. Thucydides says it clearly: the strong do as they will and the weak suffer what they must.

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So much of the US foreign policy depends on the total ignorance of we the people; this is worsened by the propaganda of the corrupt US corporate newsmedia. However, the whole world is watching as well as any spiritual religions you may hold. Does the whole world end via evil politics???

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I agree that America will arm the Ukraine and Russia will win the war. The real winner will be Putin, he will have all of Ukraine's natural resources and have gotten rid of all of his opposition and undesirables courtesy of the New world order America. I also see America becoming a dictatorship autocrat run nation ran by the New world order billionaires. How? The Federal reserve with Trump's appointee Jerome Powell raising the interest rates will cause a depression, the banks are already starting to fail. The GOP Congress will not raise the debt ceiling and cause America to default. This will all be blamed on Biden, who is either braindead or one of the New world order leaders like Trump. The dictator will be voted into office.

Most of the Dems and all of the Republican party are owned by the rich capitalist globalist. The future of America looks like a proxy war disguised as a civil war. China will come out of it unscathed, and with their manufacturing the right wing billionaires gave them, will be the new world reserve currency. I see the autocrat in charge of America shipping all the journalists and undesirables and intellectuals to the front lines to fight a proxy war with Taiwan that China will win. Instead of concentration camps, this time the fascist will just send the more evolved to the front lines to get rid of all opposition like Russia is doing currently. The capitalist control both parties and they are right wing in America. Capitalism and democracy are incompatible, so is Christianity and capitalism. Only with a maximum wage (like about 15 times the minimum wage in my opinion),and campaign finance limitations can democracy flourish in America.

China is United, they work cheap, they are very intelligent and their population is about 1.5 billion which will allow them to police the world.

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"The war in Ukraine has little to do with Ukrainian freedom and a lot to do with degrading the Russian military and weakening Vladimir Putin’s grip on power." Ukrainian resistance has been strong for over a year, yes with help from the West, but Putin invaded them and they're fighting him for their own freedom from his tyranny and autocracy. Chris, you've summarized your illustrious journalism career too many times recently. Address the current situation in detail, which you haven't done at all in this article.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

If Ukraine were fighting for its freedom, it could have implemented Minsk-2, after breaching the original Minsk Accord.

For that matter, the United States dropped the pretense of Ukrainian sovereignty when the United States rejected the Chinese peace proposal out of hand.

This war is entirely intentional on the part of the United States.

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Thank you, Chris Hedges and Mr Fish.

I appreciate the history and the links. Chalmers Johnson's 4, 769 word review of Steve Coll's book is a great read. ABOLISH the CIA.

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Mr. Hedges, you are the man.

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Thx for the great historical reminders, Chris

Many thx!

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'cannon fodder:

the Best fertilizer

to grow your Portfolio'


whoa mr. Fish

that seems a

bit Pricey*

to me.



per Issue

can anyone

break a Hundred

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

"The desperate plight of the Kurds was ignored, for, as Henry Kissinger said at the time, 'covert action should not be confused with missionary work.'"


if moral bankuptcy's

sometimes a Qualification

Henry is Vastly overqualified.

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How can we get this info on youtube?

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Perhaps I'm not understanding the nature of your gripe with Chris.

I can't read your link without subscribing, and I don't want to subscribe....so I think we're having what might be a verbal disagreement.

In Canada....folks who feared the vaccine and wouldn't be vaccinated were also furious to imagine that anyone might fear their unvaccinated state and not want to mingle with them. And it became for me very irritating to see how rude they could be to shop people....only following orders........so the choice of not getting vaccinated blurred into the choice of bulling your way into venues where proof of vaccination was required.

Choice is rarely as simple as we think it is; but quite often, the free choice advocates don't extend their absolute rights to others. So in Canada things started to heat up with the mandates and vaccine passports. The Canadian unvaccinated felt their choice was without consequence/the mandates and passports told them otherwise and they were pis....d about that.

I doubt your stats from Pfizer...but my research oriented partner will look into it. I trusted the vaccines....given the well known past benefits of vaccination. On a broader level......I also noticed how the anti-vaccine crowd voted.....and what lethal industries they supported....so......

I came to the conclusion that some of their refusal was politically motivated. I think we saw that same divide in your country.......where the death toll in Red states was much greater than in Blue. Conservatives have a nostalgic and rather narrow view of the world....they are not, shall we say, Change Agents....or even Change embracers.

Chris Hedges sees through the religious right........so I'm pretty darn sure he's done the analysis on what I've described above. The Pandemic is just something many fascists don't want to believe in, because the pandemic, like global warming, threatens their narrow traditionalist way of viewing the world.

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This is so much concentrated horror I can't even....

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