Good job, dude.The criminals here are the Republicans and the Democrats. Government support for education has been on the wane ever since St. Ronnie. I graduated from UConn in 1971. It got paid for by loans and an ROTC scholarship. When I got out of the service 4 years later and had to start repaying those loans, I had a total debt of like 6 grand. Today?

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As much as I respect Noam Chomsky, John Ralston Saul speaks Canadian and despite my shortcomings I attended schools under the supervision of the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal.

In Sir John Ralston Saul's The Doubter's Companion 1994 on page 85 is Sir John's definition of Cynicism that begins: An effective social mechanism for preventing communication.

It ends with: this approach has been particularly popular in the NEO-CONSERVATIVE movement as a way of justifying economic policies which produce suffering.

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Funny how much of America hates real history. Refusing to acknowledge the history of others is frightening but what happens if they learn their own history and see how much they have lost since Reagan.

In 1950 most Americans lived in poverty.

I have my problems with middle class ethics and morality but they pale in comparison with the total absence of ethics, morality and humanity on the right.

That the name of my brother Jesus should be invoked in America is crime in and of itself.

I know CRT I was born a Jew and they sawed off my horns when I was born.

I was born in a Ghetto but it was a privileged Ghetto. My Ghetto was free to aspire to become middle class while the 85% Catholic population were stuck in place. The bottom of Quebec society were still the deportees from the Irish genocide followed by the 80% of Quebecois who Pierre Vallieres called The White Niggers of America: The Precocious Autobiography of a Quebec Terrorist 1967.

I remember 1967 and starting to work in society I did not understand.

I still don't understand human hierarchies they certainly aren't based on competence or understanding.

I was not college material. I could not use a pen or pencil except to check the right boxes on IQ tests. On good days I could remember a two digit number for a minute or two. I did however understand that justice did not prevail in the world in which I lived.

I have been thinking a lot of the world of Joe Turner, Paul Robeson and Bessy Smith but even more about Frederick Douglas who may have been the greatest intellect of 19th century America even as I think Twain the greatest Chronicler of 19th century America.

I remember GOP hate fest 1964 in the City of Love. Orwell would have been impressed.

It was the America that McCarthy, Reagan , Hoover and Goldwater sought to destroy and I fear America is lost and gone forever. America evolution ended in 1965.

E Pluribus Unum couldn't be more of a lie.

Putin is a neoliberal like Clinton and Obama . They are not evil they are just too well trained in the art of not looking in the mirror.

I know America. I've been a somewhat less than casual observer for three quarters of century.

I remember 1964 and Phil Ochs


La plus ca change

The strongest prison walls are those we build around ourselves.

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An amazing piece Moe....Derrick Jenson, a deep green activist has a large quote from Wilhelm Reich at the begining of one of the chapters in End Game....in essence it says this...

We all live inside a trap and inside this trap there are treatises on the trap, how it was constructed, who benefits from it, how it might be modified. How its economics work. What religious practises are found therein.....but most of us forget: The point of understanding the nature of the trap is to escape it.

That's the part we overlook. How might we live so as no longer to be part of the trap, or contained inside some province of the trap.

I'm pretty sure one thing we should do is listen to each other........and stop it already with the put downs that seem to come to so many of us so easily. You might not have been college material, but you sound like someone who has vision. We can't fix much about the world until we free ourselves....sounds like you've done some good work in that department.

Solidarity....and be well.

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I appreciate your talks very much but I think you've overlooked the elephant in the room. COVID. Please check out Children's Health Defense (RFKJr.) and Joseph Mercola to see the nightmarish future we face. FLCCC and VSRF are also reliable sources. It's much more than just a disease.

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I presume the sooner Trump strokes out the better off is the universe.

But still...do I understand Chris correctly? The more government-financed CRT in pre-school through 12th grade the louder is the freedom bell for protected class persons?

Is it just maybe possibly OK if the country was split with about 40% loudly promoting CRT, 40% aggressively prohibiting it and the last 20% neutral on the subject? Is Chris really sure that in the long term, CRT and white disgust with it does not make life overall worse for blacks and other protected class people?

Has any social scientist ever filed one iota of proof contradicting the evidence that the 2 worst things most consistently correlating to black poverty are lack of a HS education and out of wedlock births?

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