Shaking man at the bus stop. People can't bear to look. So,they don't.

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Thank you Ms Wong, you have a lovely voice, intelligent and clear.

Capitalism makes certain substantive demands on its citizens, including the construction of an arbitrary racism that is cruel and deadly. It pretends to a generosity that is simply theft, manufacturing weapons that inevitably we turn on ourselves. In functional societies we recognize the necessity of the commons, the place where we are all equal and our simple humanity is enough to justify the fulfillment of our needs. Capitalism is evil, in its actions and in its lies.

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With all due respect, we do not face political paralysis when the Uniparty wants something done, we never hear "that's just not feasible right now!" whenever the billionaires want another bailout at the casino, when it comes time to put another stupid war on the national credit card.

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Democracies do not collapse because of a cabal of oligarchs. The problem is not a problem of bad guys doing bad things, and we just have to make war on the bad guys. They collapse because the populace is corrupt. Michael Moore said it. "Guns don't kill people. Americans kill people." A society whose core values are selfishness, greed and irresponsibility is going to commit suicide. The problem is not a technical problem. It's a moral problem. The people united will never be defeated. But a mob of self-centred individualists will always lose. The rich understand this and have organized socialism for the rich and free enterprise for the individualists. Serious change requires revival.

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I'd imagine one definite sign of US collapse would be if we wake up one day and see Mr. Hedges involved in a Twitter beef. Thank God that has never happened and we keep faith he keeps a safe distance from the foolishness. Thanks for the great reports.

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Good clear writing defining the problems.

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One thing I sadly can’t agree on with Chris is his view that the climate crisis is the greatest existential threat we face, where he wrote that: “It is the paralysis of ignoring the climate crisis, the greatest existential threat we face, to expand fossil fuel extraction.“

I keep writing in about the threat from ET but to my continuing consternation, no-one has debunked the work of Dr David Jacobs, nor of Budd Hopkins. The latter told me when I met him that the abduction phenomenon meant the end of the world. I didn’t comprehend what he was saying at the time in 1994 ; it took me many years to understand that, whereas my belief at the time was that to err is human but to actually end the world you would have to be divine, Hopkins was talking about a program he himself discovered, where ET seeks to replace us on the earth with a hybrid population built from local materials, that is, human flesh. And it’s not the end of the world, merely the end of human control. ET may believe that we should be relieved. At least of duties as stewards of the vineyard.

But there’s another paralysis; the UFO literature is thought too much of a trap for the intellect; there’s a fear that any one case could turn out to be a hoax, and discredit the argument being built upon it. Nobody wants to “go there”, moreover not knowing to which particular weirdness “there” refers, so from individual cases it is difficult to draw conclusions. Jacobs gets over this with a lifetime of correlating the data. Hopkins has passed away now. As I have also said before, the “monkeys” are all typing the same story. It’s a story of medical intervention to harvest human gametes, from which, (and from the later presentation to the witnesses for bonding purposes of increasingly earth-adapted humanoid infants by the ET’s, not to say insectalins, these researchers conclude that the program has to do with making babies. Where are these creatures supposed to live, if not on earth?

Then there’s the paralysis of not learning from the case histories due to endemic secrecy. Why, for instance, was a ‘50s military exercise involving a fleet of ships to Antarctica, of all places, which was intended to last months, Operation High-jump, abandoned after a few weeks, with losses to the fleet?

Further, there’s the paralysis of experiencers being attacked by astronomers, which latter, until they get their myopic machines to focus or get the Nobel for effort, are safe in the knowledge that there is no Prize for Sociology, so that they can safely deride people for their lack of access to the tools of science, even if such people claim to have found aliens running around in their houses.

And then the paralysis of the ridicule of the science fiction writers who claim people are obsessed with their ideas, which they pompously believe are the cause and not the effect of the folklore; they assume that their ideas, which they imbibe from the fount of the folklore, that is, from the contact accounts entering society, are the horse in what drives (what they think is) a myth, rather than the cart which follows behind it. As Whitley Strieber told us, we’re all going to be very surprised. And even surprise is not the ultimate strategic advantage beyond technology and preponderance of number; it’s the paralysis induced by most of us not knowing that we have an external, and now possibly also an increasingly earth-centred enemy.

On a positive note, you can help debunk this, or worry proportionally less about Climate change!

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Chris Hedges has been repelled by hard news since the March 2020 lock-downs when he threw the working class under the bus with COVID ... his trademark has since become his tendency to always avoid the issues of tyranny that are right in our face ... when the lockdowns were declared, he refused to stand with the working class against the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports ... on this topic he has only said: "it's a tough decision" ... and then he brazenly took sides with big pharma just one month after the explosive court-ordered FDA FOIA release:

On DEC 2, 2021 ...

The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's internal vax data that revealed 1,223 post-jab deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the full release of this data for 75 years!

On JAN 1, 2022 ... 

Chris Hedges made the following comment right here on SubStack on the Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast (Episode #54) - go to the 1:08:48 mark ...


"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ...

Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue ... he could have said it's a personal decision, but he chose to play it safe and recklessly stand with big pharma ... his worshipers continue to describe him as an activist when that term no longer applies, not since the lock-downs ... he's now a retired activist and a "straddler" ... he's got one foot in "their" world and only one foot in our world ... People just don't understand what happens to journalists once they break into the big-money ... the pseudo-progs like Hedges, Krystal Ball, Briahna Joy-Gray and Katie Halper now all make way too much money to be trusted ... they all narrow the scope of their commentary in fear of being demonetized ... they spend more time studying social media analytics as their perspectives become increasingly predictable ... Chris Hedges is repelled by hard news, he won't go near it, it's just too risky ... when the Dollar loses its status as the world reserve currency, expect him to post an article here on the War of 1812 ...  

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