One thing we are very good, perhaps excellent, at is hypocrisy.

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The The truth hurts. We do have to admit we have a problem before we can work to change it. I just can’t believe how many people are not against war in every form⁉️

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I agree but believe the corporate media and their collusion with our govt hegemonic leaders and institutions have successfully hid and shielded Muricans from what they saw in Vietnam so many are ignorant or just don't give a crap

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Excellent narrator and extremely well written. Thank you Chris

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Huge fan of you Chris. I have purchased all your kindle books and audible programs.

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Compelling essay.

USA dropped atomic bombs on a defeated Japan soon after Japanese attempting to negotiate terms of surrender asked what unconditional surrender meant.

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The US is not perfect. Yet, here we are yet again barely a century from the first European Great War... with #3 looming. And again we have the American political military complex itching to pull us into the conflict when the majority of us imperfect Americans want nothing of it.

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It would help if the USA would stop meddling with other countries and bring ALL their troops home (who else has 700 to 800 military bases all over this beautiful planet which we are about to DESTROY - we morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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When I mention the fact that the US has 800-plus military bases around the world to others, I usually get this reply - "I did not know that" and / or "what's wrong with that ?" I'm not optimistic for the future.

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I agree, except that humans are well on the way to destroying the Earth, and it started well before the U.S. even existed. If you were to look at the Earth before humans started using agriculture (10-12,000 years ago) and look at it now, you'd think that you were looking at two different planets. So in many ways, humans have ALREADY destroyed the Earth. A nuclear war, as totally horrific as that would be, would just the coup de grace.

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of course I agree, we should have stayed on the TREES!!! But we are what we are, the bad thing is that we seem to ALWAYS choose the destructive way, never the benign way - so are we vermin? (and on a very private note: I am so glad every single day, that I do not have children to worry about) How could we 'brainwash' people to be nice to each other ...?

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We didn't have to stay in the trees. Hunter-gatherer societies that focused on wisdom, empathy, and expanding their consciousness have it right and don't do any ecological harm. The problem is that they are a small fraction of 1% of humans. Practicing agriculture was a choice, and a very destructive one. We could change to living naturally in much smaller numbers, but it will take a long time, almost certainly thousands of years. But if we don't start moving in that direction, it won't happen until the Earth does it for us, which will be far more painful. Not to mention that we should do it ourselves for moral reasons, because it's totally immoral to destroy ecosystems & habitats, and to kill anything that we don't directly eat.

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There was an easy solution for a US proletariat, far more aware of European bourgeois' penchant for slaughtering millions, for no reason aside from cartel Capitalism, free markets and colonial ambitions?


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None of the crimes you detail have been covered up. We all saw the pictures of Abu Ghraib. We all knew about the torture, and the civilians being murdered in drone strikes, there were popular movies made about these atrocities. It is true that there was no political will to prosecute these crimes, but Americans knew about them. They weren't covered up. No one was silenced. Neither were our past sins during WWII forgotten, Dresden, Tokyo and Hiroshima are well known. The people didn't care and couldn't be made to care.

You need to look in the mirror Mr. Hedges because the failure is the Left's, the Left has failed to mount any kind of popular political opposition to our sclerotic two-party system that maintains this awful status quo and plays with Armageddon like it's a game. When the Left replaced class warfare with identarian politics decades ago they left the playing field. There is no more Left, just a bunch of naive Journalists controlling the MSM and virtue signaling hysterics on twitter. The Republicans represent the 1%, and the Democrats and their identarian left wing represent the top 20% (I made six figures and got three stimulus checks). The rest of the country has been abandoned. Angry and desperate they were easy pickings for a populist like Trump because there was no one else. Sanders was quickly shot down but the identarians. There was no populist movement to unite the working class because the left was too busy dividing them up by race and gender. It would be an uphill climb to convince the abandoned Americans to trust Leftist policies but when you tell them they are evil, and America is racist you make it harder than scaling Everest to convince them of anything.

And that is why the hypocrites who want to prosecute Putin for war crimes while ignoring our own are still in power.

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You are speaking to the choir! Chris more than anyone has attacked the left and wrote a few books about their failure....maybe you need to read some of his books

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Left? Here? Where? We've TWO doppelgangster Republican Parties: Theocratic Nazis and Sneering Kleptocrat thugs? A left, in 'Murika would be wholly owned Koch subsidiary or Disney Leisure Service to 0.01% international oilgarchy?

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Tried to up vote you but it would not register.

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The Left is very good at writing books about the failures of the Left. Their circular firing squads are legendary. You might even say that is all they are good at.

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too bad Muricans don't read!

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Brother Benjamin, in all due respect the "left" in the United States -- especially the working class sector of it -- HAS attempted over and over again since before World War I to organize militant opposition to the rule of the monopoly capitalist class. In fact they helped build the trade union movement while fighting racism and national oppression, and did what they could to create real alternatives to the so-called "two party system": they struggled, at great personal cost, to win real social and economic justice. Back in the sixties, great leaders like Fred Hampton and many others called for a militant mass movement and did their best to ORGANIZE one. And what became of them? The same as all the others! They were attacked, jailed, murdered. Let us not blame the LEFT for the crimes of the greedy, the slothful, and an evil ruling class that does its best to brainwash the masses and pit one group of suffering people against another. Let us put the ax to the root, learn the lessons of history and ORGANIZE.

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Fred Hampton, the Black Panthers and the Weather Underground were violent radical movements that destroyed the Left and left it splintered into identarian interest groups. The sixties were not a glorious time for leftist politics they were a disaster. The day that SNCC threw the white students out to become a more authentic black movement was the beginning of what the left has devolved into today.

I am talking about a populist movement that plays within the rules of our constitution democracy and that hasn't been done since the 19th century with the Agrarian populists and the Progressive movement. I am talking about organizing peacefully in every state in the union. I want to preserve America not destroy it.

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Brother Benjamin, it appeaars that perhaps you haven't had the opportunity to fully investigate the history of the Black Panther Party, the Sixties, and specifically Fred Hampton. One key historical fact that would shed light on that era is that J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI set out to essentially eliminate the Black Power Movement, especially Hampton and earlier Malcolm X. To show you how evil that effort was, Martin Luther King, Jr., was also the target of their efforts. The "radical violence" you mention was committed, for the most part, by the US government and their agents, not leaders on the Left like Hampton.

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I think u need to look at more recent history or just read Chris book ‘death of the liberal class’ which explains it beautifully. Also the trigger that led to this decline was the Powell memo

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It is willful ignorance to ignore the fact that the radical violence of the late sixties and early seventies blew up the Left. Stop blaming the Right for the Left's failures. People on the Right, the people who run corporations get to participate in our democracy. Sure, they have a huge advantage, but it is the Left's own fault they always lose.

The Powell memo laid out a plan gain power and put in place policies that favored corporations, something that is legal in a democracy, while the left was busy planting bombs and rioting, something that is not legal anywhere in the world. The Left always makes it easy for the Right to win. No one on the Left knows how to plan a sustained movement.

The Left has simply never had a clue how to win power peacefully in a free democratic society. Maybe MLK could have done it, but he was killed. The Left will never understand why they lose until they face their abysmal failure. Thet don't understand the country they live in, and they don't have the patience to sustain a movement.

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U obviously did not read the Powell memo. It was a blueprint to destroy the left the labor unions and working families.

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What did they do that was illegal?

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Starting to think u are a troll

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I have tried not to make this personal or be offensive to you. But like everyone on the left when you can't make an argument you resort to name-calling. If that makes me a troll, so be it. I am tired of wasting my time with you.

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Yep u said it. The so called left really doesn’t exist today since the dem party abandoned the working class back in raygun days

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I'll just mention the following names that bracket the egregious cover ups of the US elites: Assange, Manning, Snowdon, Elsberg, Felt, Fitzgeral, Binny. The crimes these people and many others exposed and in most cases paid a very high price for make your claims about Chris is nonsense.

If you had read all of Chris's work and listened to his many speeches you would know that he has the same view of the left you and I have.

Here is one of his writings about the left, there are plenty more:

“When everybody was, you know, pushing for multiculturalism in lead institutions, it really meant filtering a few people of color or women into university departments or newsrooms, while carrying out this savage economic assault against the working poor and, in particular, poor people of color in de-industrialized pockets of the United States. Very few of these multi-culturalists even noticed. I am all for diversity, but not when it is devoid of economic justice. Cornel West has been one of the great champions, not only of the black prophetic tradition, the most important intellectual tradition in our history, but the clarion call for justice in all its forms. There is no racial justice without economic justice. And while these elite institutions sprinkled a few token faces into their hierarchy, they savaged the working class and the poor, especially poor people of color.

Much of the left was fooled by the identity politics trick. It was a boutique activism. It kept the corporate system, the one we must destroy, intact. It gave it a friendly face.”

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It's a form of Woke Insurance.

Companies and institutions publicly and financially support social liberal policy (racial justice, climate change, gay marriage) to buy allies against economic policies(healthcare, education, paid leave, unionization, etc.) which might make it harder for them to make money and exercise power.

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Apr 10, 2022
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Geez, I have heard all the excuses even used them myself. Americans don't read, they have short memory spans, they'd rather watch inane TV shows, they don't know what is in their best interest. The Left has got to stop blaming the people for not being what the Left wants them to be. It is the job of political movements to lead the people, not complain about them. Everyone on the Left has to look in the mirror and admit it has failed miserably and stop blaming the masses for not being fervent enough revolutionaries.

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Good luck with that corporate controlled media circus newspapers owned by greedy monopolists right wing radio and blogosphere playing 24/7 corrupt politicians who are whores to the ruling class and Wall Street etc etc. nobody can help muricans if they don’t want to help themselves

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More excuses. Sorry no one is making it easy for you. Life's a bitch. The challenge is to find a way.

We live in a free society it is natural for wealth and power to concentrate. Creating a mass movement to replace a ruling class without taking away that classes right to dissent is a hugely difficult undertaking; it may be impossible. It most certainly will take decades to make progress, but there are no leaders on the Left that have a clue how to start. They are two busy complaining about the people and telling them how absolutely awful they are. The truth is none of you are really interested in real change.

Leadership is not making excuses or making up disparaging names for people because they don't act the way you like. Why should they follow people or even listen to people who think so little of them and condescendingly call them muricans?

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Absolutely right!

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Actually, EVERYTHING was covered up; ALL our crimes were hidden by complicit media. Assange has paid for the crime of journalism. We can't handle the truth; we're ONLY ever the victim of EVIL. Our innocence warrants our righteous revenge, like our puerile entertainment & crazed, inebriate grandiosity is reminiscent of mass murderers: it's invariably the victims' fault. First, they came for truth sayers, investigative journalists, candid whistleblowers and courageous leakers. We don't KNOW what happened after that (just LOOK at how many more will die from CDC hiding our bodies, relabling tens-of-millions chronic PASC death and debilitation as they intentionally infect kids as asymptomatic vectors?)

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The genesis of our current compounding cluster of hypocrisy, warped values empowering warped governance by warped people, profiting from imbalances being created, begins with the warped, unfree market we were all born into. Prohibition of the world’s most useful, globally-distributed organic agricultural resource, federally recognized as a “strategic resource” (EO 13603, etc) has enriched & empowered the hypocrites. It could only be thus. Enriching traitors to our Mother Earth, we all fund the war on Nature at the gas pump. Biofuels production has been blocked by more than eight decades of fundamentally destabilizing atrocities inflicted on entire global sub-cultures in the name of a vicious international “drug war” against a federally recognized “strategic” “herb bearing seed.”

Disrespect of Nature encompasses two evolutionary mistakes. First, it seems obvious to point out that it’s unwise to harm the integrated systems of the Natural Order. Secondly, it is equally unwise to attribute positive economic value to toxic fuels and other “Gaiacidal” Earth-killing resources, industries & practices; when there is a perfectly suited, uniquely “Gaiatherapeutic” Earth-healing agricultural energy & industrial feedstock & complete nutrition alternative, that’s globally available.

What’s needed very soon is a global polar shift in values from “illegal” to essential and a truly free market to steer clear of our violently extinctionistic trajectory.

Cannabis is the only crop that produces complete nutrition and clean energy from the same organic harvest; as it replenishes Earth’s atmosphere with aerosol terpenes that shield the Earth from increasing solar UVB radiation. If you’re not growing hemp in your region then you’re food & energy insecure. Whatever you depend upon for those things now may not be available very soon for a variety of reasons.

#Cannabis #hemp #energy #axiology

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Nothing but truth

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I have no illusions about my country anymore and I’m glad my eyes have been opened even if it’s a hard truth to accept. Thank you for your courage and commitment to exposing the lies we have been fed and the corruption of our government. We can’t change anything as long as we believe the propaganda fed to us by mainstream media and our politicians. Our golden calf is our weapons of mass destruction and death. There seems to be no lack of worshippers for these weapons and what they can do. I don’t see this as ending well for us or the world.

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The racial thing is a false narrative.. in this case. Mostly everything else is spot on. We choose to ignore the other wars because their ours.

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it is still a racial bias in the terrible corporate media in the west....its pretty obvious

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Robert McNamara — the rare individual who recognized the evil he had perpetrated.

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I always appreciate Chris Hedges analysis and now the voicing of his offering by the Mrs. Great idea. Looking forward to more from this fine team. Thank you.

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Robert McNamara — the rare individual who recognized the evil he had perpetrated.

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Would like Ms. Wong to narrate Glenn Greenwald, too. Wonderful. She'd be good on PBS. Sorry, I use this as background while I work, so high standard narration is important to me. Nothing new on the content. Thumbs-up in agreement.

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Chris or Matt's astute, relentlessly candid journalism... on PBS? You'd be unable to hear ANYBODY above the exploding heads and SWAT Team breaking down the doors?

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Sorry, it has been a while, but the narrator's voice on Frontline (I think), I always found to be good. Once again, regrets, I may not have the correct program.

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Ms. Wong, (actress) FYI, is the wife of Chris Hedges. I cannot imagine her wanting anything to do with the lopsided PBS news program.

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