Note how the liberals and Team D leghumpers who so touchingly mourn the death of Daniel Ellsberg are silent at the even worse treatment of Julian Assange.

Assange's very public sufferings are very much intended to send a message, and the message is this: "Speak up and this will happen to you as well." Since the flacks and PR hacks calling themselves MSM journalists will never utter so much as a syllable that might displease their masters, they sleep soundly, like good little functionaries.

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The Assange case should be a complete outrage to civilized people anywhere. The fact that it isn’t makes me despair at the long term prospects for our species. Sweden , the self-anointed “moral superpower” has become a cropper over it , over and above the usual thuggery suspects. We owe Assange a lot. Some of us are looking for ways to pay down the debt and many more should be inclined.

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I read the Common-Dreams: 'Report Details Intensifying Police Crackdown on US Journalists Covering Protests'

This is my thought regarding the attack on journalism:


Circumspectly, the USA is showing symptoms of a nation in crisis.


That is unless you are one of the maniac enthusiasts. Then I guess you could celebrate extravagantly as the herds are diseased beyond remedy. Weak in mind and body, they will not stand up nor protest.


The strong; protect yourselves. Find each other, staying strong huddled together; United against the sickness as better days are sure to follow as the disease runs its course.

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Hit the heart to love the truth. Not what the truth is.

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We appreciate you Chris. Please be careful.

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Thank you !!!


OUTSTANDING Int’w -- David Talbot endorsing Robert Kennedy – June 19, 2023

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Chris, you are one of the best. Keep it up!

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The Two Jonathan Swifts, one of them is juding Julian.


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