As usual a very well thought out article. The corruption in our country has permeated every level of government including local and state. There are people that want autocratic leadership and believe they will be safe when the orders to round up the undesirables and throw them in prison or execute them on the street is given. I don’t thi…
As usual a very well thought out article. The corruption in our country has permeated every level of government including local and state. There are people that want autocratic leadership and believe they will be safe when the orders to round up the undesirables and throw them in prison or execute them on the street is given. I don’t think I’m overreacting as I pay attention to history. The stage is being set for the fascists to take full control and as we’re seeing we can’t count on being protected by the constitution. The Supreme Court has been bought and paid for and is inline to take all of our rights away unless we do as we’re told. It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck and not being able to do a damn thing to stop it. I saw the so called gun reform law that passed. Once again a half measure that like with all half measures will get us nothing. I have noticed that militarizing our schools is something many politicians want to do. Of course they do because the weapons manufacturers will make a ton supplying weapons to our schools. I’m totally disgusted and am so glad my family has decided to hone school my 4yr old granddaughter. It’s a sorry time for us as a country and it’s only getting worse.
As usual a very well thought out article. The corruption in our country has permeated every level of government including local and state. There are people that want autocratic leadership and believe they will be safe when the orders to round up the undesirables and throw them in prison or execute them on the street is given. I don’t think I’m overreacting as I pay attention to history. The stage is being set for the fascists to take full control and as we’re seeing we can’t count on being protected by the constitution. The Supreme Court has been bought and paid for and is inline to take all of our rights away unless we do as we’re told. It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck and not being able to do a damn thing to stop it. I saw the so called gun reform law that passed. Once again a half measure that like with all half measures will get us nothing. I have noticed that militarizing our schools is something many politicians want to do. Of course they do because the weapons manufacturers will make a ton supplying weapons to our schools. I’m totally disgusted and am so glad my family has decided to hone school my 4yr old granddaughter. It’s a sorry time for us as a country and it’s only getting worse.