This is why we subscribe to Chris Hedges Report....we have counted on him for years to tell the whole truth...the truth humanity needs to hear....and refuse to be sidetracked into the weeds of partisanship.

Listening to the Israeli ambassador to Canada earlier, the ease with which that ubane looking man dodged the questions about Palestinian civilians and doubled down on Israel's right to commit mass murder in contravention to the Geneva Conventions was chilling. To combat Palestinian résistance (terrorists) to their open air prison camp, Israel must eradicate Hamas from a densely populated area using the military (terrorist) approach. In short Terrorists make it necessary for us to employ even larger forces of Terror.

Thank you Chris for creating a small podcast of rational sanity. Terror breeds terror. Injustice breeds injustice. But colonizers never look in the mirror and can become very violent against those who hold anything ressembling a mirror up to them.

Our prayers go out to the indigenous people of Palestine....the hell they live in is about to get much worse. And shame on western leaders who call military attacks on civilians 'Israel's right to defend itself'.

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Agreed 100%.

Amy Goodman at Democracynow.org interviewed Ofer Cassif, a member of the knesset with the Hadash-Ta'al coalition in today's program. The Following is part of this interview:

Ofer Cassif: ".......And I want to say something very, very clear and very, very blunt. Nothing, absolutely nothing, justify — can justify or legitimize the carnage that Hamas carried out in the towns and kibbutzim and the villages in the southern of Israel. Nothing can justify it. It is appalling. And even the occupation crimes, the crimes that Israel is guilty of, crimes of occupation, apartheid, ethnic cleansing and the Nakba, those, either, cannot justify such carnage. At the same time, nothing, and absolutely nothing, can justify the massacre that the Israelis carries out now in Gaza, not even the crimes of Hamas.

So, what I would like to say, in the bottom line, following what Orly and Raji said — and I totally agree with them — the Palestinians deserve their rights. They deserve their national and individual rights. They reserve their rights to be realized, the right of self-determination, to enjoy their own independent sovereign state, their own government, their freedom of movement. They deserve to live in peace and security without the daily pogroms by fascist settlers under the auspices of the occupation forces and the encouragement of this fascist government of Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israelis deserve peace and security. They deserve to live in a state which doesn’t occupy, which doesn’t oppress, a state whose government is not a fascist and racist one.

And I would like to conclude, if I may, by saying and by taking the whole issue into and explaining it within a political frame. Israel wanted this violence. In 2017, Smotrich, who was then a member of the Knesset, but at the moment, unfortunately, this racist thug is a minister, a minister of finance, but, as well, minister within the Defense Ministry, he published six years ago — and it is explicit. You can read it. I mean, you can google and read it. It was entitled the “Subjugation Plan,” which boils down to three. First, the Palestinian Occupied Territories should be annexed to Israel as a whole, without granting basic rights to the Palestinians. Second, those Palestinians who do not agree to live under this subjugation are going to be expelled from their homeland. And third, those Palestinians who are going to resist are going to be killed. What we see now, and the coup, by the way, that the government of Israel has been carrying out within Israel, all of those are means to that goal. The goal is to realize this horrific, racist, colonialist, fascist plan of Smotrich’s. And the attack on Gaza is part of it. They use the terrible, horrifying, unacceptable carnage in the struggle of Israel as an excuse to attack Gaza as part of the realization of this fascist subjugation plan.

And we should stand together, join forces. All peace lovers, Palestinians and Israelis, Arabs, Jews, and the international community, must stand together and join forces to say to Israel, “You are going to end the occupation now. You are going to end the occupation. The Palestinians must be liberated.” The liberation of the Palestinian people is a just cause. It will also liberate the Israelis from the occupation, because although the plan — of course, the Palestinians are the victims primarily, but the Israelis are victims of the occupation, as well, as we just saw two days ago. So we must push and put the pressure on the government to end it. It’s up to the international community. It’s up to us to act together against all violence, in Gaza, in West Bank and in Israel."

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Thank you....you have added to my understanding. It is something that someone so well connected speaks the whole truth, even if it makes the pathetic, complacency of most governments and politicians even more shameful.

We settlers in the new world may have gotten away with pretending these lands were empty, but there is no way on God's green earth that we can pretend that Palestine was empty in 1948, or that the people still occupying the holy land aren't in all likelihood more Semitic than the Europeans, Americans and people from eastern Europe who returned in the latter half of the 20th Century.

We need to have 0 tolerance for the stupidity of current partisanship on this issue. Anyone who doesn't get how colonial powers work at this late date is being willfully blind.

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I, too, saw the Amy Goodman incredible interview with Cassif. The events of the last few days drew me back to the end of WW2. I was 12. Lived in a town, Great Neck, NY, that had a large Jewish population. I remember the look on my parents faces after viewing what was called "The Atrocity Films". Pictures of the concentration camps.

Jewish friends of my parents shared stories of friends, family who had escaped. How the world, including the US, turned it's back on the Jews. When the idea of establishing a Jewish state was addressed who could be against it? Especially if it were in their original home. After all no one was there anyway. Guilt is a powerful emotion. Human nature is also powerful. It's not unusual for the oppressed to become the oppressor. Violence begets violence. Never is it justified. As Shakespeare (or was it he:-), said what a piece of work is man.

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And to believe no one lived in Palestine, one had to be as gullible as the settlers to Canada and the United States...who were told, by the Catholic CHurch no less, that the lands were empty.

It's the classic BS that allows us to steal the land of those less human...and it perpetuates genocidal regimes. Rather sad, considering what happened in the Warsaw ghetto, and other places of slaughter, that the victims of those atrocities are now visiting it on the indigenous people of Palestine.

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Amen! Thank you Chris!

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the war on terror is a war of terror! Israel and US and UK and NATO covert operations have created all these coups "by way of deception" - a NATO Gladio plot that was exposed in the 90's through the documents founds at the P2 lodge.

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Both the Jew and the Arab are victims of this planned conflict. There were no mistakes made by the intelligence community that serves the elite families and the international bankers. With their inhuman thirst for power, money and control, these men continuously foment hellacious wars to keep money flowing to their coffers. Populations, no matter the ethnicity or nationality, are damned. All people of the earth will suffer for the wicked acts of these agents of death and destruction as long as we allow them to.

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The leaders of Israel want to stoke this war. The UN special rapporteur has recently declared that the Palestinians live in an open air prison and under apartheid. Investigations are finding Netanyahu to be highly corrupt. World public opinion is increasingly rejecting the formulation that criticizing human rights violations against Palestinians is anti-semitism. Israeli public opinion increasingly rejects undemocratic steps in the judiciary and resents paying for the settlers. So the right wing chauvinist leadership of Israel needs something to boost their support. What better than a war? I also find it odd that the storied Israeli intelligence did not detect all those rockets and other preparations.

The leaders of Hamas obviously want this war as illustrated by the missile attacks. It is understandable since decades of activism, there, in the diaspora and among organizations in diverse countries, have done nothing to reverse the endlessly deteriorating and inhuman living conditions and theft forced on the Palestinians. I do not know what else the Palestinian leadership could do. But I also find it disappointing that they did not seize this opportune time to ramp up international support for their cause.

The leaders of the US want this war. It sells weapons, makes the milquetoast president look macho, and gives pretext to attack Iran.

Leaders are much too willing to sacrifice civilians in order to stay in power. To them it is just the cost of doing business.

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"I also find it odd that the storied Israeli intelligence did not detect all those rockets and other preparations."

I agree. Perhaps they knew what was in store -- but not to the extent. Perhaps the leaders, and particularly "Yahoo," wanted it to happen. Yahoo, because it would detract from the long campaign to discredit him personally and the high court in general. The rest of the leadership because it gives them the opportunity once again to kill off the population of Gaza and perhaps take with them members of the Hamas command.

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I am getting a lot of likes on this truth bomb about Israel being the real Nazi terrorist leave behind army that must be brought before the International Criminal Court and an International Truth and Reconciliation commission now!

I am getting a lot of likes on this comment I made on Chris Hedges good Substack article today giving rational perspective on Israel’s declared Nazi genocide on what is obviously an Israeli orchestrated 9/11 styled false flag attack on its own citizens. When will the world wake up and look at unrevised Revisionist Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky Harrah Arendt Elizabeth Noelle Neumann Revisionist Zionist history?!

Israel and the Mossad and the CIA and NATO and US Department of Defense and US Naval Intelligence we’re all made by the 1947 National Security Act to give the NATO Gladio Secret Leave behind army the cover to invisibly infiltrate the political governments of the world like the monkey/ mouse cancer virus bioweapon to be used to wage their invisible Nazi Fourth Reich biological and chemical and and atomic warfare on us to reduce the population by 7/8’s which was the plan that has been unfolding by our Nazi CIA and Rehnhard Gehlen’s West German BND through our US Department of Defense AMRIID, NIH, CDC, WHO since Truman made the mistake of signing the 1947 National Security Act authorizing CIA dirty covert operations and dirty war - which is why Kennedy planned to tear it up and throw it to the wind which is why Israel orchestrated the assassination and cover-up of JFK, RFK, JFK Jr, MLK, Lumumba and millions of other whistleblowers and activists. They literally believe we are all terrorists to be targeted and assassinated by their counter-intelligence apparatus which was built off the stolen Inslaw PROMIS software which was made into Systematics which was used by Hillary Clinton’s and Jackson Stevens’ Rose law firm to money launder the campaign finances of all the Democratic and Republican / Liberal and Conservative elections and wars since then and control the media through this Nazi State propaganda machine that has captured / bought all the formerly independent news media so that we can only get this message out through independent media.


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Bad Lines for Bad Times

Hiroshima, Nagasaki,

Victims shouldn't get too cocky.

Afghanistan, Vietnam,

No cleaner hands than Uncle Sam.

Yemen, Libya, 'Nam, Iraq,

They're monsters when they counterattack.

Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Guantanamo,

But WE remember the Alamo.

Fallujah was a lovely city.

We're good at bombing, bad at pity.

Exploded knees and amputees.

Snipers say, “We aim to please.”

The lesson Israel made them learn

At the Great March of Return.

The Other Side of the Looking Glass,

Our self-protection is their mishegas.

For us the name is heroism.

For them, the blame of terrorism.

But what's the use of writing MORE rhymes?

They won't abate the rate of WAR crimes.

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As your poem notes, the victims do begin to pile up..whether they get cocky or not. But as for me, I'd rather die fighting than live like the people of Gaza are forced to live...........so perhaps I have some sympathy for the young men, most of them dead by now, who stormed Israel. Racial injustice/apartheid ghettos breed resistance fighters, suicide fighters. But the actual terrorists in such situations are also the victims.

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Oct 11, 2023
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Trouble is, we all subscribe to it to some extent. We are the children and the grandchildren....of the people who stole native land to create the modern states of the USA, Canada, and much of central and south America. It took centuries to complete....but we achieved it.

Which may be the deep reason why there is so much complicit silence around the War Crimes WE are going to support AS THE ISRAELIL GOVERNMENT bombs and then invades, a civilian population, delivering collective punishment to an occupied people.......kettled in their own land by a conquering invader.........who was set up there after the last world war with the full support of Amerika and the west in general. We're all criminals...all implicated in the awful silence as it begins, and as Eliza Gilkenson, in her wonderful song ONCE I HAD A HOME...sings. In the chorus the Palestinian voice keeps repeating: ALL THE WORLD WATCHING.

We are....all the world is watching...but keeping for the most part silent.

Blaming all that on Moses may be a kind of diversion........from our own collective responsibility for what our governments did. Do we all worship the Judaic god???

I see more athiests/agnostics in my community than people of faith. My point being, that its more than a religious mindset at work here. Land theft is at the heart of imperialism...priests may endorse that with BS about empty lands.......but its the people who fall conveniently silent.......and pretend a war on helpless civilians is necessary and therefor part of Israel's 'RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF'.

Silence is still complicity....

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Oct 13, 2023
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You can only absolve yourself if you are speaking up now. We didn't know about what went on in our residential schools up here in Canada........but i'm not sure if not knowing absolves a people. It is our responsibility as citizens to know what's going on.........and more often than not, not knowing is a form of self protection.

Kind of like Germans claiming they didn't know about the gas chambers, yes???

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Oct 13, 2023
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Might be clear to you Jon.........for me, things are always a bit more complex than any one big idea. Which is not to say that our Christian histories aren't replete with horror stories. I've studied the Burning Times and am no friend of men in skirts....and that has nothing to do with being transphobic...lol.

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Oct 14, 2023
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Oct 14, 2023
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Thank you, Chris, for a powerful analysis of the the economic, political and physical realities that the Israeli government has continued to inflict on the Palestinians, both in Gaza and the West Bank for its entire existence in Palestine. In the light of the extremely one-sided reinforcement that the Biden government continues to give Israel, rejecting the long and far-reaching ethnic cleansing that Israel continues to perpetrate, and supporting Israel with naval ships and military equipment, your synthesis will hopefully be transmitted more extensively throughout our country. Israel's falsification and dismissal of the truth of its activities against the Palestinians must be shouted from the rooftops around the world. Herman

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Thank you - and:

Outstanding – measured and balanced overview -- helpful for a constructive thinking and discussion.

Video recording and Transcript: Special Emergency Podcast on Gaza, October 8th 2023


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Jon, I think there is a flaw in “you’ll’s” thinking that there is no reason to think that Bobby Kennedy would not want to debate or discuss things with an ordinary citizen. This is an example of seeing a candidacy as something beyond an individual’s right.

The great existentialist psychologist, Carl Rogers, said the essential intelligence that we must develop in order to face the existentialist crisis of our time is to develop an internal locus of control versus an external locus of control.

All of us have to work on developing our internal locus of control and that is the value that Emanuel and I both are standing for which is the right of each of us to be in the debates - like a national spelling bee.

The idea that only someone with an “awareness” score of 3 percent of a public opinion poll is fundamentally undemocratic and totalitarian.

All it takes was one donor giving $1.6 billion to the Federalist Society to ensure that the Nixon Southern strategy Racist politicians and Ze’ev Jabotinsky Revisionist Zionists would be able to get away with ensuring that the NATO Gladio Team B would be able to execute their plan to bring about the 4th Reich using what Robert Parry exposed as America’s Stolen Narrative”.

Sydney Blumenthal and Oliver Stone were the only two public intellectuals I heard call Trump’s election a coup D’Etat and they were silenced. Robert Parry was probably given pancreatic cancer through the same kind of “vaccine” or cancer treatment or “underwear” or other “Iotrogenic” (doctor -induced” injection which is how Chavez speculated he was being killed and which we now know from the recent interview of Judyth Vary Baker with Shannon Joy, the US government has been focusing the American Cancer Institute on developing.

In other words, our government is killing us like our government is killing Palestinians today and like our government killed Bobby Kennedy’s father and uncle.

The puppet government in the US and Israel and the Five Eye countries was formed by the worst Sadists and Psychopaths of Hitler’s Third Reich, the Waffen SS, meaning Himmler, Gehlen, Hitler, Bormann, Mengele, Barbie, who were protected by Alan Dulles and John Foster Dulles and William Donovan.

In order to keep the fact of their plan to bring about this “invisible empire: new world order” secret, they have to kill off anyone who tries to stop them before that truth-teller/ whistleblower gets this information to a large enough platform.

This is why they killed JFK/ RFK/ Malcolm/ Lumunba/ Allende/ nuns: journalists ..

This is why they have censored Bobby Kennedy.

What I don’t understand in why Bobby Kennedy is standing with the murderers of his father in terms of saying that Israel is a victim of Hamas / Iran terrorism.

This tells me he is being used by them like Trump and Biden.

The problem is that AIPAC and Citizens United and the NRA and the media monopoly are all operating as a PR platform for the Intelligence Agency controlled Empire.

This is why I have said before this latest connection of Bobby Kennedy to the Invisible Empire / Cult that I want to be Bobby Kennedy’s Vice President.

My thought was that I could organize the Democratic, Republican and Independent women of the world to demand that elections and debates be fair and democratic - not mass media show trials or beauty contests.

This is the message that Emanuel and I are trying to convey.

The point is our elections, our schools, our hospitals, our democracy, our life on earth has been captured by an invisible army - like in the Hunger Games - and our hope is to have people like a George Washington, a Thomas Jefferson, a Pocahantas, a Jesus Christ, a Socrates, a Spartacus - rise up and lead us to end this invisible Financial system occupation.

It really is like a calling for me - as it is for Emanuel and it needs to be for everyone.

The last should be first - not last.

I basically identify most with Tulsi, Bobby, Cornell West, but I think we need Chris Hedges, Max Blumenthal, and people like that to be our leaders.

I am like Thomas Jefferson in that he was literally selfless.

Bobby Kennedy seems like that, but i want to sit down with him and talk about why he needs me to be his vice President when I meet him in Savannah at the conference.

I have asked a very prominent lawyer from Winnetka who has built a large house in Bluffton North Carolina if he would sponsor a fundraiser for Bobby on the November 3rd weekend. This is the kind of thing I would do in Atlanta, South Carolina, New Orleans, New York, … it would be like the way a Camelot or Queen Elizabeth Tudor would have done it.

I am actually descended from Thomas Wyatt and Pocahantas’ Aunt Cleopatra as are many Colknial Dames and Warriors.

This is his I would enable Bobby Kennedy and me to take our world back from the invisible empire.

I want to take it back from those in our government who,, like their Luciferian forefathers, Netanyahu’s father and Rahm Emanuel’s father, saw Bobby Kennedy’s father and uncle as philandering scum.

I want to take it back to tear up the National Security State agencies that financed the biological genicide weapons developed by the CDC, NIH, Department of Defense, CIA, DoD that Judyth Vary Baker and Dr. Mary Sherman

I want to expose and thereby end the occupation of the world and population control through war crime policies enabled by Nazi / Zionist Crown Jurist, Carl Schmitt’s “unitary executive power” CIA/ DOJ / Mossad/ intelligence agency.

I will post this to Bobby Kennedy’s Substack page.

Pass it on. More will be revealed!

On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 11:56 PM Jon Olsen <joliyoka@gmail.com> wrote:

Emanuel, I'll remind you that you have had to withdraw as a

candidate. Why would he agree to debate any ordinary citizen? Better

that we as Green Renaissance pose some questions to him as a group for

him to respond should he choose to do so. Jon

On 10/10/23, Emanuel Pastreich <epastreich@protonmail.com> wrote:

> I wonder whether I might challenge Kennedy to a debate


> Doubtful he would respond, but then again, he is now also an independent.


> How would I reach his team to make the request


> ?


> Emanuel Pastreich


> President

> The Asia Institute

> (Washington D.C., Seoul, Tokyo)

> asia-institute.org


> ---------------------------

> emanuelpastreich24.org


> 81 (0)80 4940 8782 (Japan)

> 82 (0)10 3444 1598 (Korea)


> [epastreich@](mailto:epastreich@asia-institute.org)protonmail.com


> Proton Mail モバイルから送信


> ---元のメッセージ---

> 2023年10月8日 5:48 に Judith Osterman が送信:


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Thanks for telling it like it is Chris, I'm poor AF but feel pretty good about my 6$ invested in hearing your fine journalism!

Thank you

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As an American, not one who supports the bulk of what our gov, & military do. But as an American I say we are the ultimate hypocrites... Always.

We go on about how Ukraine deserves to have their sovereign nation & keep their land.

After we came to this land stole land from the indigenous just like the Israelis. Instead of supporting the oppressed we support the oppressor.

What about the Palestinians right to their sovereign land, what about the indigenous here in Americas right to their sovereign land.

We are just always full of shit. We killed probably a million people over 9/11 that had nothing to do with it.

We wouldn't give a dime to Ukraine if it didn't mean that Russia was being weakened, we support them doing our dirty work not their right to sovereignty.

We have blocked one investigation after another into Israel's apartheid state.

We are on the side of nothing good, whatever suits us. And we did the same thing in annexing this land, so Russia is wrong for it, but the U.S. & Israel it's all good if we/they do/did the exact same shit.

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Yes, in that sense we are truly exceptional in our superior skill to use religion and enlighten values for exactly the opposite goals.

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I remember hearing Quotes much like what the Israeli gov is saying about Palestinians... About indigenous here.

It's just crazy after all they went thru to come and do the same shit to another group of people just like what they just endured. And these comments about the Palestinians being animals sound just like what the Nazis were saying about them.

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Highly likely, impapo, presuming V.Lenin’s dictum: “Be the opposition” pertinently applicable. Modern spycraft CONtends it probable, too (ref. #DavidTalbot’s “The Devil’s Chessboard,” #RussBaker’s “Family of Secrets,” #JohnLeCarre’s “Little Drummer Girl,” “Agent Running in the Field,” & “Silverview.”)

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See today’s Seymour Hersh article on Netanjahu and Hamas...

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Give us a link?

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Here it is:

Seymour Hersh – Oct. 12, 2023 – Netanyahu is Finished -- The Bibi doctrine—his belief that he could control Hamas—compromised Israeli security and has now begat a bloody war


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Link is open -- see Sy Hersh on Sub-stack

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Chris, I don't know how my fairly honest but polite comment made it onto "these 'TIMES' they are a changing" [in a propagandist manner] onto your former Alma Mater --- maybe it occurred because some young and progressive 'comment analyst/monitor' at the 'TIMES' had the balls to let this one go and be published on NYT --- but I'm just pleased to be able to get truth into these 'TIMES'.

Anyone with a bit of deep understanding has to ask the key question of how perfected propaganda by “The Quiet American” Empire [apologies to Graham Green], along with ginning-up another ‘proxy-war’, beyond Ukraine’s, Israel’s, and Tiawan’s targeting would have very likely involved the fabulous Victoria “eff the EU, PNAC, Kagan” Nuland.

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I wonder if this act of terror by Hamas, which has been in the works for decades, was finally triggered not only by Netanyahu's attempted takeover of the judiciary but his brazen showing of a map at the UN with no Palestinian territory on it?

I have never considered Hamas to represent the Palestinian people, they control Gaza with an iron will and no elections.

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Hamas easily won the elections who were supervised by non less that our fair president Jimmy Carter, but Israel did not accept the results as legitimate and then USA, its puppet, followed.

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The roar of the planes over Gaza, the roar of the mobs in our streets. Hysteria over Israel’s pain puts Ukraine in the shade. Poor Zelensky. Palestinians are slaughtered and we're disgraced. The aboriginal reflex of us-vs-them is triggered. Fear and bloodthirst obliterate all distinctions. The bastards at the top know exactly how the triggering is done and they use it at will. Their get-out-of jail card. Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, provoking the Russians in Ukraine, and now the Hamas attack—Palestinians prodded and squeezed until they erupted. Here at home, away from the fighting, there's complete polarization. It's the Huns and babies-on-bayonets again. You can hardly talk to anyone. Can't mention context, background, the human cost of war . . . Try it and you become the target too, the faceless enemy. We're in with-us-or-against-us times. It's the Inquisition with bomber jets. The more advanced our weapons are, the more primitive we become.

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Seymour Hersh – Oct. 12, 2023 – Netanyahu is Finished -- The Bibi doctrine—his belief that he could control Hamas—compromised Israeli security and has now begat a bloody war


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