The world community must sanction both Israel and the USA. Unless the empire is held to account by the world community the worst is yet to come.

Impunity is the breeding ground of genocide and endless oppression.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Breaking off diplomatic relations, kick ambassadors out of the their countries, boycotting commercial goods, news conferences, closing embassies, letters to the editor, pressure politicians, demonstrate ostracism. From what I hear there are huge splits in these communities. Even in Israel and the US there is strong opposition to Netanyahu. People are finally seeing the truth of the decades long persecution of the Palestinians

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And "our" US government is supporting this genocide. What does this say about "democracy"? Please comment on my substack article here that addresses the "global crime syndicate": https://alannahartzok.substack.com/p/un-security-council-the-geopolitica

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Nov 5, 2023
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True... however there is really no democracy anywhere is this planet. Democracy is only fantasy, made up word. It is there just to pacify us.

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The Biden administration, our corrupt Congress, the MSM, and by extension all American voters and taxpayers are now forever tainted as supporters and funders of ethnic cleansing and genocide, thanks to our poisonous relationship with Zionist Israel. We will never live this down. We all must begin to resist and condemn any support of Israel and any politician who advocates for this criminal state. Israel must be delegitimized, just as Nazi Germany was. Support BDS!

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I used to think What was the Anti-Christ? What even was the concept? Was it non-sensical? And if he was worshipped, How? People would throw around that term at Trump and the idea of the demi-god populist. That didn't cut it. But one day I saw North Korean style sycophantic standing ovations for a visiting israeli prime minister in a senate draped with equal US and israeli flags; the realisation that the whole US senate has dual israeli-US citizenship; that izrael was the largest recipient of US taxpayer dollars and used that to run an Apartheid regime to subjugate the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine while paid for zionist shill politicians lied boldly telling us it was not.

Meanwhile evangelical xtians hell bent on old testament prophecies of destruction and a 'second coming' of Jesus Christ gave blind and blanket support for this immoral regime operating brutally with impunity in the middle east; to bring apocalyptic visions to fruition.

And then it couldn't be any clearer;

Izrael is the Anti-Christ and she is worshipped in United States.

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Yeah, and that Anti-Christ has a senior partner the U.S. I don't believe in any religion but I do believe in the power of corruption.

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Lavrov: The USA is the Evil Root that Needn't Be Uprooted; a Chemical Solution Exists - Nov 5


My favorite term is “Empire of Lies” – term used by intelligent and thoughtful Putin

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Totally agree!

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Unfortunately, the jews that don't agree with the Israelis Zionist are stuck in this nightmare.

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And they are called antisemites.

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Yes, true. And they call all of us the same thing because we believe all people has the right to live, especially in the homeland that they belong to.

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Or self hating!

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The irony is over the top, This piece of rock supports the only known life for light years in every direction, as we tinker with nuclear, and regular, annihilation .

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If the below linked video is genuine, it appears some of the Israeli troops/Jewish settlers are re enacting WWII Eastern front "retail level" genocide, as it was done before the industrial level final solutions (trucks with the engine exhaust piped into prisoner compartment, gas chambers & etc.) were implemented.

Go to 20:40 if you have a strong stomache.


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Thank you Chris. It is scary, how the words "final solution" embody the current situation. And how ironic that the right-wing Israelis believe the Palestinians are Nazis. I want to tell you Chris, as I thought of you all day and all week, sitting at the border at Rafah, trying to "see" and report, what is happening in this horror, that I feel you are a kindred spirit, that you see us as people who are enfolded in God, even when we don't understand that. I trained in a Jewish hospital, under Jewish doctors who had exquisite consciousness of God in their deliberations about what to do for patient care. I wanted to tell you that I went to a prayer service yesterday, where we prayed for peace-- Jews, Christians, and Moslems together, in California. It is a small thing, but it opened a space, it took some of the deep pain away, and it reminded me of Leonard Cohen's song -- "there is a crack in everything, that's where the light gets in." Here is what we did: we listened to some enlightened, humble and prayerful leaders from each tradition. We prayed together in silence, and we breathed. We said amen. We broke into small groups of 5, and each group had 3 questions, and each person was asked to answer them, and after speaking, to say "I have spoken." There was no cross-talk or response allowed. Then the rest of the small group said, in unison, "We have heard you." This was very powerful, to be heard, instead of silenced, to be deeply listened to, at a table with 5 people we previously did not know. The questions were 1) about our individual feelings of fear, grief, pain, loss, outrage or even shame. Then 2) how is it affecting your well-being, what are you doing for self-care? And lastly, 3) what shifted from this conversation, did you feel an opening or a new insight? We were encouraged to share what helps. We then came back to heartfelt prayer by a spiritual leader, mindful of our hope for peace, and that we are all humans suffering together. And then another singing spiritual leader sang John Lennon's song, "Imagine". He prefaced it by saying that Lennon himself was trying to respond to the need to reach beyond dogma, or beliefs, to try to help people come together over our shared hope for peace. It was tenderly and hopefully sung, by all the people in the room. I want you to know this happened. Because it is hope for the future, it is a seed, and maybe others will try it. Maybe we can make a difference, letting the "least of these" be heard. In the time of holocaust, we must pray for the future. You and all the journalists are in my prayers, as are the doctors, nurses and humanitarian workers trying to respond to the needs there.

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As a PR professional, I can assure you the term "humanitarian pause" was contrived by the Israeli media team ... Just as the term "climate change" was contrived to minimize the powerful imagery evoked by the term "global warming", we now have the term "humanitarian pause" floated as a substitute for "cease fire" ... ya see, the term "cease-fire" is so organically contrary to the true purpose of Israeli rhetoric that it dare not be ever be mentioned ... U.S. defense contractors actually have much influence on U.S. war discourse ... and what happens after the "pause" period expires? ... the bombing resumes of course ... and BTW, the practice of instructing unarmed citizens to leave their homeland and then bombing them on their supposed way to safety was first done by the U.S. on Iraqi soldiers in 2003 ...

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Hannah Arendt would find little space between the subjects of her studies and the history of the Israeli government leading to Netanyahu’s subjugation of Palestine to the point of ethnic cleansing genocide.


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I am autistic and learned to read in fancy and the first book I mastered was the dictionary. I know the Constitution and like Jefferson I know it is an abomination and needs to evolve. I don't believe in Noah, I don't believe Chris , I don't understand Trump , I don't understand Joe Biden but I do understand Mike Johnson . I born under the Padlock laws of 1948 when self centered scum and garbage like James Michael Johnson. They ran Quebec for 400 years and in 1948 most of Quebec was poor, ignorant, illiterate and impoverished. In 1948 the Romans were burning our books and closing our libraries and keeping us ignorant and helpless just like James Michael Johnson wants America to be . I consulted the dictionary used to write the constitution. That is the definition of CONSERVATIVE and I support Dr Cornel West and Chris Hedges is no liberal. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing just like the NAZI Thomas Woodrow Wilson and Thomas Michael Johnson .

La plus ca change.

I know the Final Solution Solution to Gaza it was written in 1939 in London. NONE IS TOO MANY!!!

The SS St Louis Havana October 1939.

The Ship of the Damned.

I will ask my wife to send donations to Dr West but I know when they come with the lumber Chris will volunteer to bring the nails. I know St Johnsbury I was made welcome for High Holiday services but I am a JEW not a Roman and not many Jews live in America or Rome but 2 million plus live in Gaza.


Woodlawn needs schools like the one Kamala Harris and Leonard Cohen attended

Maybe when I die I too can sing the HENENI I only learned to listen and to communicate in PROTESTANT English like Steven Pinker who at least understands that if you want to understand the Constitution read The Samuel Johnson Dictionary not the propaganda spewed by Harvard and its divinity and law graduates. Religion means a belief in Heaven and Hell and everlasting Joy or Punishment just like some sects of Islamic descendants of Manicheanism as embraced by Chis The Minister of Judgement.

I spent 75 years in a very wide spectrum and black and white are not colours only degrees of light.

Heneni here I am . The choir sings just up hill from Kamala High SChoolo which is still the best school public moneies can afford in REAL SECULAR$ HUMANIST LIBERAL bordering NEW ROME.

John Ralston Saul The Doubters Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense Viking Press 1994 something Chris is complete unfamiliar with even as he wrote the foreward to Voltaire's Bastard it might as well be written in Middle Aramean.

UNITED STATES 1. Center of the greatest empire in the history of the world.

2.. The first great empire since Rome not to see itself as the official reincarnation of Rome, which may mean that, unlike the others, it is Rome.

12 same as one.

Hell The abolition of Hell has created major problems to maintaining of a general ethical standard....

Saul's Dictionary as befits a Cambridge graduate in European History has great contextual evidence.

I use Johnson an English fascist who wrote the dictionary to understand intent. Religion is a belief in Heaven and Hell. I believe only in L'

L'Chaim the dead don't give a shit.;

Samuel Johnson was a well educated 18th century Englishman and if I may write in Yiddish Thomas Michael Johnson is a schmendrick and a pooootz.. I know I grew up in Jewish ghetto where the government padlocked our libraries but sent us to Protestant schools and Louisiana is old France and we are 21st century and race gender and religion are ancient superstitions and define 2023 and the human catastrophe that Louisiana and Manicheanism represent.

John Ralston Saul is the mirror image of Chris Hedges almost a mirror image with everything ass backwards.

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Did you mean to say you don’t believe in christ or Chris?

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Jews don't believe in either an after life or half man half deity. Every person has their own image of God.

I believe in the Jesus of Nazareth as Thomas Jefferson described him in The American Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Do I believe in the Roman or Greek Jesus? Not at all. Do I believe in Jesus the man yes. Was he one man or many men? Is Jesus historical or a fiction? Are there saints among us? Yes, yes a thousand times yes. It doesn't really matter in the way I live my life. I try not to cause pain and try to understand the insanity of wealth and power of men like Trump and cowards like Bannon .and Stone.

There is no such thing as Divine Justice. Justice is the responsibility of humans not ghosts and spirits. I believe only what I can believe. I will soon be 76 and received mostly love all my life. I am very lucky. I have very few skills that would have helped me survive in a competitive society and my wife and I live in a secular humanist liberal democracy that takes great pride in allowing two old philosophers spend their dotage living the life that always dreamed of. I am almost blind and my wife only drives to supermarket and back and everyone takes their blood pressure meds when she starts the car. When I light the first candle and the incense of the day I say a blessing thanking the creator I wasn't born a Roman. I said so on my original Birth Certificate. I was born a male Jew under The Laws of Christendom both English and Roman.


I live less than an hour from St Johnsbury Vermont. It is a typical American small town that got left behind as America became enraptured by its wealth and power.

In 1939 Vermont led the chorus of no Jews welcome on Vermont soil. I remember my father's disgust with the REDDEST STATE in the UNION which we called Mississippi North.

EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION begins our journey and American history like Christian history is only a single perspective of conquest and subjugation in 1492 it was my Jewish blood spilt on the soil of Spain and Portugal as Columbus set sail looking for New Jews to slaughter.

St Johnsbury is not Burlington, Middlebury, or Waterbury or Green Mountain coffee.

Do I trust Chris? Sometimes I don't trust myself because "Perception is real in its consequences." Voltaire

Chris has his own perceptions to deal with. It doesn't get anymore Marxist than St Johnsbury Vermont. It is what it is. You can get as far as Lyndonville until you learn to drive.

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My name is Moses Alexander the final solution was concocted in London in 1939 not 1938 and was sponsored by Lord Beaverbrook in London in 1939 when Beaverbrook and the British Foreign office and Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain ,William Lyon Mackenzie King, Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin came up the final solution.

For those who have grown weary of my comments let me add I am 75 and highly functional wide spectrum autistic and bad habits are hard to break and I live less than hour from St Johnsbury Vermont and I too received a fine English Protestant education and I am sick of European hate mongering and monocular vision and I love Chris Hedges but am tired of Hedge's ignorance and stupidity and I am tired of swimming in Chris's River of Shit.

The final Solution was a British plan written in May of 1939 in Havana Cuba and Kristallnacht was just the prelude to the Final Solution and gave us a clue as to our human extinction.



Irving Abella is the writer of my history of Gaza and Israel. My father was educated in Poland and graduated from Catholic High and came to Canada in 1927 after there was no room at the inn in New York and long before Irving Abella wrote None vis Too Many.

I will end my participation in Chris Hedge's hate mongering shortly but as I said bad habits are hard to break but I started writing when I was 70 and started learning how to write when I was fifty and 68 years ago they told my parents I was lazy. I had a PhD vocabulary and was failing at school. I grew up two hours from St Johnsbury and travelled the universe and will die less than forty minutes from Vermont St Johnsbury and I don't how to educate a 67 year old old victim of insanity who has swam in a river of shit for 67 years and has succumbed to the toxic fumes.

I watched the rise and fall of the American Empire and if I want to know about the Holocaust I consult people who understand growing up in Jewish ghettoes and living under occupation or study evolution.

I have never been expurgated by Chris Hedges even as I understand his programming and its defects. I am persona non grata in any number of forums but I willing to forgive Chris his stupidity because he allows crazy people like me to participate in rebutting his propaganda. The Post and the Times still censor my comments but allow the occasional rant against propaganda and made up history to go through.

I spent most of my life in two ghettoes and in aboriginal villages and I AM borderline racist. I hate Protestantism, Catholicism , Russian Patriarchy and American exceptionalism.

I grew up in Montreal's Jewish ghetto along with many of the people I love and cherish because they understand Final Solutions and two of whom I watched Chris rail against because they understand Gaza and European myth and superstition. Kamala Harris grew up in my ghetto, so did Steven Pinker, James T Kirk and Leonard Cohen. The first time I heard Kamala speak I fell fell off my chair. I spent over a decade in Woodlawn and watched Barrack Hussein Obama lose to Bobby Rush because Obama is too CONSERVATIVE for Woodlawn or Quebec in 2023. When I first heard Kamala speak I was expecting Otis Redding and got Leonard Cohen.

Kamala grew up next to Montreal's Jewish General Hospital and graduated from Westmount High School when it was as PROTESTANT as Christopher Lynn Hedges. Kamala is as Jewish as I am she grew up Jewish in a Jewish ghetto inside a Protestant ghetto and went to Leonard Cohen's old High school where Leonard Cohen lead the Country band. My father grew up in Poland and graduated from CATHOLIC High School before the Holocaust. My father taught all religion was a river of shit. I still listen to Leonard closing his Warsaw concert with the Tennessee waltz my anchor to this Earth was born in Nashville's Vanderbilt hospital and even in our dotage we still listen to Guy Clark sing homegrown tomatoes and dance like nobody is watching in our walkers. I think that explains why Quebec's government is keeping us going in our own home. I had a very aggressive bladder tumour removed ten years ago have gone blind in one eye and had a heart episode three years ago and still look forward to waking up the next morning.

Quebec in 1948 was an ultra conservative traditional European oligarchy and still Europe beliefs which are not in anyway the beliefs of Arameans or my brother Jesus and the English speaking world. The Final solution is the extinction of the race of Hominids still breathing Homo not so Sapient.

Captain Kirk understood the Prime Directive but Hedges demands everyone be as vacuous, and ignorant of real history as Mr Hedges or as I call him the Minister of Divine Judgement and the most Manichean man on the planet. I know the expression self loathing but what about self loathing exChristian Manicheans. You call them right wing religious zealots like the Trump and the speaker of the house. I should have stopped listening when he reviewed the 20th anniversary edition of Voltaire's Bastards dedicated to Human Banality. No one I know considers the Minister of Judgement banal.

I grew up in a Catholic theocracy but being Catholic in 1948 meant to ne economically impoverished and illiterate and after our revolution race, gender and religion have been sent to the dust bin of history.

I watched Chris condemn one of the people I trust most on Gaza; Steven Pinker who understands linguistic evolution and realizes Jews and Palestinians are not barbarians they are Arameans and land does not belong to us we belong to the land and Lord Beaverbrook grew up in Toronto when the British Empire circled the globe and Gaza is a European disaster of European construct and America is part of Europe and there no such thing as American Jewry. Real Jews are still looking for refuge and America still None is Too Many.

I spent over decade in Woodlawn there weren't many as light of skin as was was but I was a light skinned minority in Alberta for a decade and lived among Dene and Cree and know why nobody ever sees Westmount High School in Montreal. There is such thing as race, colour or religion everyone looks like Kamala Harris and speaks with the accent of my Jewish ghetto and the Jews of America are most unJewish and 100% Roman, Russian or English.

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...........and people will still vote for Biden!

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Nov 5, 2023
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Hello Jon

I don't think you can talk about these two as similar.

Joe Biden is an 'old war hawk' and only thinks in terms of 'how it was' and carrying on the same agenda. I have never understood why people vote for him. He gives something to the people then turns around and takes more away. Finally finished me off when he allowed oil drilling in Alaska.

Trump. I think not only he is mad but the biggest danger for the world. Evil. An amoral person has no sense of empathy.

I would not vote for either oof them if I lived in the US

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Trump may be more evil in words, but he hasn’t done as much as genocide joe

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Nov 5, 2023
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What about Jill Stein? Is she ok?

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Jan 9, 2024
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Agree... however I don't know much about her. I was just going to write in "Roger Waters" for president.

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Marianne Williamson is fast becoming my candidate.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Jon, I haven’t seen a figure of 40,000 anywhere. Do you mean 4,000? If you mean 40,000, can you post where you read/heard/saw that figure? Not that 4,000 isn’t an atrocity from hell.

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Actually it is over 20,000…but that is still genocide!

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