I rarely comment because I always feel I should say something really smart or comment intelligently. That’s just not me yet I yearn for articles like this and for more voices like yours. Thku Chris for always enlightening me. We need more truth tellers like yourself

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How very beautiful! Thank you for this, Chris. As a songwriter who's written a few protest songs, I love that you celebrate Gerald Stern. In case you haven't seen The War Racket video, here it is. http://buffysainte-marie.com/?page_id=10870

Buffy Sainte-Marie (a Michael Moore fan)

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I am 74 and just learning to write. I cannot guide a pen or pencil. I cannot draw a straight line with ruler. I type on a giant keyboard with a single digit and must hunt the keyboard with my one good eye to find the correct letter. It wasn't easy getting to 74 with a genius IQ and invisible handicaps.

I couldn't do public school but I could ace IQ tests. I was Jewish and could do school yet I spoke well and had a PhD vocabulary and I could and understand.

For me Gerald Stern is family. He is my father, my uncle and the face in the mirror. He sees what I see except I never understood what others perceive. Today I was affirmed by a pseudoChristian blog that banned me for a century for speaking the truth.

My father was a Deist. He led services in synagogue in his eighties I never could learn my Hebrew lessons. I do not deal well with abstractions but I love poetry. My father attended Catholic schools and I attended Protestant schools. My father said all religion are the same.

I lived a very strange life as a stranger in a strange land.

I understand the Universal Soldier. My father taught me the lyrics before Buffy Sainte Marie wrote the song.

The technology is not the cause, it is the effect.

Orwell understood cause and effect. That is the bible. It is poetry and literature. Computers write history. Humans write poetry and literature and we only interpret through the fog.

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Wondering why you chose a narrator who chooses a narration style that does not communicate well due to the authoritarian style of delivery. Words are music that create images and communicate nuance in a way that invite conversation. Authoritarian deliveries indicate that the speaker feels superior to the listener. My response is to turn off the recording. I will read the words but perhaps your narrator could learn how to speak in a way that is not in a tone that talks down to the listener.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

I appreciate a narrator that is easy for me to follow so understand the importance. I believe the narrator is Chris's wife so don't think your reference is correct in assuming she or her style is authoritarian! Or in any way looking down upon us.

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I did not say she was an authoritarian… But her narration style is. People like you frighten me. ( because she is his wife I am supposed to appreciate her style???? even though I find it dogmatic and commanding in a way that does not invite communication)

Communication is extremely important and the desire to communicate in a way that relates the nuances and images is part of the process….

Sad that your defense is that she is his wife.

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Ms. Wong is Chris's wife. An accomplished stage thespian as I understand it. What difference would it make in what mood or tone of voice she narrated the essay since it's Chris's writing. Set aside Chris conscience, his output is monstrous. You don't think he's better capable of choosing a narrator than you?

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I tend to agree with Deborah DeSnoo; as for Mr Hedges choosing a narrator, it’s hard to say no to your wife, so Deborah may indeed be better capable of choosing one than he. Having said that, I would go to the ends of the earth to read something he’s written.

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Cancel Culture --- https://substack.com/inbox/post/83954106

After publicly promoting the event, and changing the venue due to "high demand," peace activists withdraw their invitation to Scott Ritter -- 11/11/2022

(Note – the article includes more – it is about Scott’s incredible persecution by “American Justice”)

Scott Ritter has been my hero for a long time -- because of his demonstrated high integrity, courage and patriotism. Until now I was unaware of the suffering and horror inflicted on him by the “American Justice”.

Thanks to Scott and by now famous video we know that the corrupt criminal monster, Joe Biden, knew with 100% certainty that Iraq had no WMD but Biden brazenly denigrated Scott’s testimony calling him “Scotty boy” and led us into Iraq war.

Let’s hope that he stays well and safe although Scott is on Nazi-Ukraine’s Kill list (with full knowledge of Biden and the US War party). Total censorship and oppression are now mandatory in the US so that bipartisan War party can conduct its proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia and support the Nazi-dominated puppet government of Ukraine.

Let’s stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us. In regard of US proxy war against Russia, as Scott stated: “Russia is on the right side of history.”

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I admired Scott for his truth-telling in the Iraq WMD debacle. But I intrigued to hear his staunch defense of Russian tactics almost as if the act of justice itself. I empathize. Still a war of aggression is an international war crime. I get that NATO pushed Russia to the wall. To understand is not to condone. Putin had options other than an invasion. Chomsky has mentioned US Peacekeepers. There were others.

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Please try to educate yourself -- even a little bit ;-))

Thank you very much. It is never explained WHY such pathological hate of democratic capitalist Russia and total support of Nazi-dominated Ukraine government !!

Roots for this propaganda predate the Russia-gate FBI-DNC hoax and FBI 2020 election theft.

Stand with Russia – it fights for all of us against bipartisan fascist US/UK warmongering clique.

Jacob Dreizin – Oct. 13 – Racism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine




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Cancel Culture --- https://substack.com/inbox/post/83954106

After publicly promoting the event, and changing the venue due to "high demand," peace activists withdraw their invitation to Scott Ritter -- 11/11/2022

(Note – the article includes more – it is about Scott’s incredible persecution by “American Justice”)

Scott Ritter has been my hero for a long time -- because of his demonstrated high integrity, courage and patriotism. Until now I was unaware of the suffering and horror inflicted on him by the “American Justice”.

Thanks to Scott and by now famous video we know that the corrupt criminal monster, Joe Biden, knew with 100% certainty that Iraq had no WMD but Biden brazenly denigrated Scott’s testimony calling him “Scotty boy” and led us into Iraq war.

Let’s hope that he stays well and safe although Scott is on Nazi-Ukraine’s Kill list (with full knowledge of Biden and the US War party). Total censorship and oppression are now mandatory in the US so that bipartisan War party can conduct its proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia and support the Nazi-dominated puppet government of Ukraine.

Let’s stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us. In regard of US proxy war against Russia, as Scott stated: “Russia is on the right side of history.”

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We have it from no less an authority than Noam Chomsky that the Russian invasion was a violation of international law as a preemptive war. I think Chris says the same thing. Lee Camp talks about this issue often to say he's not one of the blame Russia for everything and Ukraine when not fighting in the field floats with the angels on the clouds. Camp essentially says that NATO, which is to say the US, provoked the Russian invasion. Not having hands on experience I can't say with authority but I've heard Putin often described as an oligarchic strongman. To understand the precipitating factors of this catastrophe isn't to condone. Moreover, history shows that in the perennial conflicts such as this one, non-violent civil resistance is the response most efficacious. There should be an immediate cease fire, and talks to obtain a negotiated settlement for peace.

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Even by Chris Hedges standards this column is stellar. I recently emailed Margaret Kimberley that her reports are like a Khalil Gibran poem: not a wasted word. The same holds for Chris, save for with due respect to Ms. Kimberley of deeper subject manner.

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Chris, Thank You for saving us.

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