A year ago on Dec. 6, 2023 Israel murdered Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer in Gaza. His poems, however, remain, condemning his killers and beseeching us to honor our shared humanity.
The silencing of western voices is the most chilling part of this memorial........since it tells us that fascism is already alive and moving in America, claiming the right to punish any who object to what is happening in the Middle East..........with American support. It tells me that such support is unequivocal, at least among the power elites of America.
But why am I still shocked to learn what America is, what it is willing to support, and how it uses its world dominance to let the killing continue.
To the end. But to what end? A world where anyone or anything can be erased, absolutely, if the mandarins in Washington demand it?
I'm sure the Israeli lobby has a tremendous impact on implementing silence in regard to the genocide in Gaza, and you know this to be true when the main perpetrator of this heinous crime can come to the US and have our elected representatives on their feet applauding him for an international crime. Gee, I was kind of hoping to hear Biden's name since he has been a long time proponent of our many middle eastern wars and what is going on now which is all in the service of Israel and was true from the beginning.
Puts a ever so slightly different light on Trump's election, at least for those of us outside America's borders. Right now I'm reading about how the most indebted nation on the planet makes hay off that debt by the fact that they own the dollar...essential to world trade.
I'm starting to suspect that we've all tied ourselves to an international ponzi scheme, and worse yet, one that needs constant wars somewhere to keep the scheme running.
Pretty darn depressing once you get the sick feeling that all our children are at risk.
Cynics mock Mr. Alareer’s poetry but his words live on to mock the facade of the rule international law upholding the humane values and diplomatic conflict resolution of conflict bought with blood and misery in WWII and eerily predicting the death of civilization 😱
I wrote a letter to my local paper at the outset of the current Zionist savagery suggesting that the Palestinians went "all in", betting their lives that the world's people would condemn the Zionist's inhumanity. The Palestinians had no choice other than to waste away in their prison or break out I suggested. Much of the "world" may find fault with the carnage, but the USA citizens have failed this crucible for decency with a resounding, blood curdling call.
I rationalise that one of the ways in which the western elite endeavour to distinguish themselves from us, the ordinary man, is their exaltation of the arts. We are not supposed to love classical music and the opera. We are not supposed to be sophisticated enough to appreciate poetry, paintings by Vermeer, Dali and Monet. We are supposed to be the subhuman where they placed us in their consciences. To allow our poets to write is to acknowledge our humanity. And this their hearts cannot conceive.
I remember a time in the history of Chile, Argentina and Brazil when political objectors of fascist regimes were disappeared. They were never heard of or seen again. Eunice Wong (and the author of this wonderful essay) reminded me. On the one hand the western world and Israel is disappearing an entire nation. On the other hand they are disappearing the undesirables in their own countries and in other congruous vassal states by censorship. I’m convinced that they will stop at nothing to control the social media and leave us incommunicado. With no way of receiving the horrors they commit firsthand, sharing experiences, sharing ideas and organizing protests, we are being disappeared. We have reached irrelevance.
We need these details......for our files. In a year or less they'll be denying any of the harassment actually took place.........its what 1984 erasists do.
IMPORTANT: Klitschko family lawyer Sukhanov (https://t.me/zimovskyAL/34736) was arrested while accepting a million dollar bribe, which he accepted for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kiev city council.
The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.
The silencing of western voices is the most chilling part of this memorial........since it tells us that fascism is already alive and moving in America, claiming the right to punish any who object to what is happening in the Middle East..........with American support. It tells me that such support is unequivocal, at least among the power elites of America.
But why am I still shocked to learn what America is, what it is willing to support, and how it uses its world dominance to let the killing continue.
To the end. But to what end? A world where anyone or anything can be erased, absolutely, if the mandarins in Washington demand it?
I'm sure the Israeli lobby has a tremendous impact on implementing silence in regard to the genocide in Gaza, and you know this to be true when the main perpetrator of this heinous crime can come to the US and have our elected representatives on their feet applauding him for an international crime. Gee, I was kind of hoping to hear Biden's name since he has been a long time proponent of our many middle eastern wars and what is going on now which is all in the service of Israel and was true from the beginning.
Puts a ever so slightly different light on Trump's election, at least for those of us outside America's borders. Right now I'm reading about how the most indebted nation on the planet makes hay off that debt by the fact that they own the dollar...essential to world trade.
I'm starting to suspect that we've all tied ourselves to an international ponzi scheme, and worse yet, one that needs constant wars somewhere to keep the scheme running.
Pretty darn depressing once you get the sick feeling that all our children are at risk.
Cynics mock Mr. Alareer’s poetry but his words live on to mock the facade of the rule international law upholding the humane values and diplomatic conflict resolution of conflict bought with blood and misery in WWII and eerily predicting the death of civilization 😱
Your writing touches my fearful heart, thank you
Thank you !!
I wrote a letter to my local paper at the outset of the current Zionist savagery suggesting that the Palestinians went "all in", betting their lives that the world's people would condemn the Zionist's inhumanity. The Palestinians had no choice other than to waste away in their prison or break out I suggested. Much of the "world" may find fault with the carnage, but the USA citizens have failed this crucible for decency with a resounding, blood curdling call.
What a beautiful letter, and narrated with empathy and love.
allow me to throw into the mix MC Abdul (Abdel-Rahman Al-Shantti):
I rationalise that one of the ways in which the western elite endeavour to distinguish themselves from us, the ordinary man, is their exaltation of the arts. We are not supposed to love classical music and the opera. We are not supposed to be sophisticated enough to appreciate poetry, paintings by Vermeer, Dali and Monet. We are supposed to be the subhuman where they placed us in their consciences. To allow our poets to write is to acknowledge our humanity. And this their hearts cannot conceive.
I remember a time in the history of Chile, Argentina and Brazil when political objectors of fascist regimes were disappeared. They were never heard of or seen again. Eunice Wong (and the author of this wonderful essay) reminded me. On the one hand the western world and Israel is disappearing an entire nation. On the other hand they are disappearing the undesirables in their own countries and in other congruous vassal states by censorship. I’m convinced that they will stop at nothing to control the social media and leave us incommunicado. With no way of receiving the horrors they commit firsthand, sharing experiences, sharing ideas and organizing protests, we are being disappeared. We have reached irrelevance.
Is there any article or site that documents in detail the silencing of voices from students to doctors?
We need these details......for our files. In a year or less they'll be denying any of the harassment actually took place.........its what 1984 erasists do.
Why I continue to support your work. As age beckons there is only the end which will stop that.
IMPORTANT: Klitschko family lawyer Sukhanov (https://t.me/zimovskyAL/34736) was arrested while accepting a million dollar bribe, which he accepted for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kiev city council.
The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.
War Reports - 2024-12-28 - Main Report, by