I recently stumbled onto JC Cole and Rural Route Radio. One has to put aside political disagreements with the host, but JC says the same stuff Chris does in regard to how a society collapses and how to be ready. I've been working on it since I heard the answer to the question asked in the clip I linked in my other comment, at the origina…
I recently stumbled onto JC Cole and Rural Route Radio. One has to put aside political disagreements with the host, but JC says the same stuff Chris does in regard to how a society collapses and how to be ready. I've been working on it since I heard the answer to the question asked in the clip I linked in my other comment, at the original lecture. That was in 2020. I'm actually in a new wave of depression, but I'll go buy a water filter anyway and then again feel (a little) better.
I'm currently in California. We're burning up, figuratively and literally. I am surrounded by the smell of smoke, my car is packed in case I have to evacuate (again), and I'm still going to work to teach. Welcome to the Kali Yuga, eh?
I recently stumbled onto JC Cole and Rural Route Radio. One has to put aside political disagreements with the host, but JC says the same stuff Chris does in regard to how a society collapses and how to be ready. I've been working on it since I heard the answer to the question asked in the clip I linked in my other comment, at the original lecture. That was in 2020. I'm actually in a new wave of depression, but I'll go buy a water filter anyway and then again feel (a little) better.
I'm currently in California. We're burning up, figuratively and literally. I am surrounded by the smell of smoke, my car is packed in case I have to evacuate (again), and I'm still going to work to teach. Welcome to the Kali Yuga, eh?