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I hear you, Frank.

But while Trump may "talk the talk"--using a populist style that appeals to many people's baser instincts--he doesn't "walk the walk" in terms of policies that actually improve people's lives. Where was he on the minimum wage issue? On healthcare? Or, just on reigning in Big Pharma's monopoly power?

If he was really interested in fighting for a more democratic order, why didn't he embrace some of Sanders' genuinely popular ideas? He might have won a much bigger following including youth (most of whom saw a future in Sanders that they don't see in Biden).

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You are advocating for more matriarchal socialist ideas which is what the globalist corporatists cabal wants. They want to get rid of the economically independent working class and replace it with a moochers class dependent on the establishment.

Fixing people’s lives does not happen with more handouts. It happens with more opportunity for them to make their own way in life. That is what Trump’s platform and policies were focused on.

And you are wrong that he was not fighting big pharma. Trump was working on regulatory reform that bettered the playing field for small business competition against the bigs. The bigs knew it and that is why they put their money into supporting the Democrats to defeat the man that threatened their march to consolidate and take over the markets.

The establishment hates small business and working-class citizens because they are cats they cannot control and herd. Better to have just a few mega corporations controlled by the Billionaire Boys Club that all rub shoulders with the political elite so they can do their high-dollar quid-pro-quo. Trump has been lamenting this direction for over 25 years. You can research interviews where he is totally against corporate consolidation, collusion with government, outsourcing and importing of cheap labor, and the resulting destruction of American economic opportunity.

If you oppose Trump, you support the establishment cabal by default.

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