fascism, international fascism, definitions of fascism, Hungry, Orben, assault on science, assault on education, election reforms, court packing, Eastern Europe, Biden administration, neo-cons and neoliberals converging, takeover of Democratic party by neo-cons, Brazil, Steven K. Bannon, Ukraine, Ukrainian War, Russia, Putin, Poland, Intermarian, Polish vs American vs Russian perception of Intermarian, Stratford, defense spending, defense contractors, clerical fascism, ethnonationalism vs technocratic fascism, WWIII
This Frank Lee guy is a right-wing troll who comes in here and trolls. Notice how he seems to have read an entirely different essay than the one everybody else has read?
The problem is not capitalism. It is corporatism and globalism. Nationalism is not fascism similar to how communitarianism is not fascism. The liberal college town I live in demands to be individually quirky… to maintain its own culture of community… to resist development that would allow in more people and potentially change its local character. Are these people fascists? Totalitarianism is the real threat. Global totalitarianism to be more concise.
The meme that Trump represents white supremacist fascism is an intellectually bankrupt propaganda spew perpetuated by the Great Reset globalist corporatist cabal to deflect from their hand in every problem we are dealing with today. Trump is against that cabal. Biden Democrats are part of the cabal. That is the disconnect.
Exactly. Pay him no mind--this is his stock in trade. He always comically mis-reads what is written by Hedges, and thinks everyone else is wrong. What an irony! This is exactly the type addressed by Hedges.
The problem is Empire, capitalism, and our military/intelligence/corporate leaders. If you are not capable of criticizing the most corrupt parts of our culture, then your conclusions will be stained with inaccuracy and fantasy.
Why is it devoid of critical thinking? Why is it devoid of self-awareness?
You will have to be more concise.
the problem is capitalism and that is what Hedges is tying to tell his audience.
The Society of the Spectacle is what we witness on the political side.
There is an international organized fascist movement gaining ground all over the world.
From techno-fascism, like the corporate democratic party, or the more ethno-nationalist fascists like Trump.
Fascism is a managerial mechanism for capitalism in severe crisis.
For more on the growth of fascism worldwide with an emphasis on Hungary, one can listen at:
fascism, international fascism, definitions of fascism, Hungry, Orben, assault on science, assault on education, election reforms, court packing, Eastern Europe, Biden administration, neo-cons and neoliberals converging, takeover of Democratic party by neo-cons, Brazil, Steven K. Bannon, Ukraine, Ukrainian War, Russia, Putin, Poland, Intermarian, Polish vs American vs Russian perception of Intermarian, Stratford, defense spending, defense contractors, clerical fascism, ethnonationalism vs technocratic fascism, WWIII
This Frank Lee guy is a right-wing troll who comes in here and trolls. Notice how he seems to have read an entirely different essay than the one everybody else has read?
Indeed a troll...yuk.
The problem is not capitalism. It is corporatism and globalism. Nationalism is not fascism similar to how communitarianism is not fascism. The liberal college town I live in demands to be individually quirky… to maintain its own culture of community… to resist development that would allow in more people and potentially change its local character. Are these people fascists? Totalitarianism is the real threat. Global totalitarianism to be more concise.
The meme that Trump represents white supremacist fascism is an intellectually bankrupt propaganda spew perpetuated by the Great Reset globalist corporatist cabal to deflect from their hand in every problem we are dealing with today. Trump is against that cabal. Biden Democrats are part of the cabal. That is the disconnect.
Bandying about terms like "cabal" and "Great Reset" are quite revealing.
Especially after what could only be a bad faith comment based on a misreading of Hedges.
Exactly. Pay him no mind--this is his stock in trade. He always comically mis-reads what is written by Hedges, and thinks everyone else is wrong. What an irony! This is exactly the type addressed by Hedges.
The problem is Empire, capitalism, and our military/intelligence/corporate leaders. If you are not capable of criticizing the most corrupt parts of our culture, then your conclusions will be stained with inaccuracy and fantasy.