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Only the workers can save people and planet from destruction and death from the greed of the elites and corruption of government. Power to the workers! Power to the people: Boycott, strike, resist, rebel, refuse and speak out! Hit them where it hurts. It is the only thing the elites and officials understand.

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I agree totally. I like what Animal Rebellion has done in the UK where they nonviolently shut down the burger supply at McDonald’s recently in order to combat the climate crisis.This came after decades of meetings and negotiations that were met with continuous refusal.Check out this video on their achievements last year:https://YouTube.be/vS2nCPB85Mc

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The “climate crises” is a major way the managerial class controls the masses through fear...........

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I’m not sure exactly how you mean that. Do you think the climate crisis is a myth?

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I think it’s not an immediate extension threat based on IPCC prediction ranges. More importantly, there are solutions we already have that the “climate crisis” people completely ignore - namely natural gas and nuclear. The climate crisis people also seem to hate sea walls and other engineering solutions.

Instead what gets promoted is ecologically destructive “renewables” with short life spans and terrible inputs. They also spread poverty which is terrible for humanity, thr environment, and emissions.

The bigger problem is pollution and ecological destruction. Since Brandon and the climate crisis people took over, long before Ukraine-Russia, global burning of coal was up dramatically.

The solutions offered by the climate alarmist and the WEF’s paid puppet Greta have no interest in the actual environment. Their interest is in creating fear to consolidate power and convince people of absurdities through fear mongering.

It’s not all that different from Covid. Covid is real, but the propagandist created completely disproportionate fear to gain control and transfer wealth yo families like mine in the 1% at the direct expense of the middle class and their children. 🤷‍♀️

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Wow. I think you have been propagandized.I totally believe in Greta Thunberg like I believe in Dr. Jane Goodall. 2 people who have not and I don’t believe ever will sell out their causes. Brandon, as you say, I agree, is as far away of an environmentalist as you can get in thinking and most importantly what he signs into law.Can you get any worse than being pro-fracking like Biden (Brandon)is? Have you not paid attention to anything Chris Hedges, the creator of this post and an investigative reporter has said about Biden and his environmental stance? I’m shocked but I shouldn’t be at your reply. My prayers to you.

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And are you sure the “Climate crisis people” are the actual decision makers basing their work on science to protect us and the planet and not just posing as such? As far as Greta’s credibility, she’s the first to say, look at the science, she’s just a dedicated and knowledgeable activist who the media has decided to give attention to. She’s there only because she has to be, she wants the work to get done and the powers that be , Democrat and Republican, are blocking the scientific knowledge from the public so they can make their fortunes and continue living blindly like the corporations that pay them. They’re the puppets.

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Right, Kelly! Too many are still in denial. The threat from pollution is real and is already accelerating out of control. Nukes and Gas are not the solution. Consumerism, greed, wars, corruption and factory farms are the problems now causing the overheating of the earth and the resulting catastrophic climate disasters!

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I appreciate what you said, John but I am sorry I fought to defend my position on this one. I reacted harshly and I’d been better off not saying anything.

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So what are your solutions? And what makes you believe they could work?

Complaining about a problem without offering a solution is called whining.........

Accusing people offering improvements that are already available of being “in denial” does not actually solve, or even address, problems.

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As to your other question I probably just read more actual studies and a greater diversity of view points on the climate. I actually lived in the woods during summers in undergrad, and was an outdoor adventure guide. I can actually survive in the woods.

I have read some of Chris Hedges work. I find people like Michael Shellenberger and Steve Koonin to have more realistic solutions, and much more data and actual outcome based positions.

But hey, if screaming teenage girls funded directly by the WEF are your thing, keep at it and maybe by 2030 you can own nothing and still be happy.

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The own nothing comment doesn’t apply to me at all, it’s all lumped into one in your mind. And you really really cannot see or hear someone like Greta for who she is and what she actually says, all you hear is a screaming teenager. Can no longer recognize righteous and justified anger.

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Apr 4, 2022
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I saw the bio on Koonin. That was a riot to read that! And he worked for Obama, you know, the president that let all those people down in Michigan, forcing them to drink unsafe drinking water from lead pipes and pretended to drink some onstage when he could have stepped in and helped? But he has plenty of money for Goldman Sachs and the terrorist budget.

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I wish I hadn’t said that that way. I don’t want to make the NCMom feel insulted.

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still haven’t heard you articulate any realistic solutions..... again, it’s easy to criticize and complain and whine, but it accomplishes nothing.

I listen to people who promote progress and solutions that could work.

If I wanted to listen to people whine and scream and throw fits without offering a solution, I would let my kids act that way. But at 8 and 10 they already know complaint about a problem without seeking or offering a solution is called whining. They can go whine to themselves in the mirror all they want.

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I would say I think you’ve been propagandizes. 😉

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I’m sure you would. What else, cult member, brainwashed? I think there should have been a d on the end of that word instead of an s. Your response shows the power of fearmongering, some are more vulnerable than others.

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I’m not the one terrified of the climate so your statement sounds like projecting

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No, I’m sure you’re not terrified, that would explain your indifference to any concerns I and millions of others have. If it wasn’t destructive I’d envy you and your beliefs to not notice such things. So crazy when people like me are considered alarmist and irrational thinking there’s something life-threatening about entire ecosystems collapsing and enormous cruelty inflicted on people and animals due to a rapacious desire for oil and animal flesh.

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You seem to enjoy being insulting while ignoring the content of what I wrote. I’ve offered several currently available solutions. You’ve offered insults, fear mongering, and ideology. My approach fixes problems. Yours perpetuates them. I’m sorry you mistake fixing problems and continual improvement to be “indifference.” Good luck to you in life, living in a state of perpetual fear and lacking actual realistic solutions, you are certainly going to need it.

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