Chris Hedges:

"The fatal flaw of the case against Julian is that he did not commit a crime. He exposed the crimes of others. Those who ordered and carried out these crimes are determined, no matter how they have to deform the British and U.S. legal systems, to make him pay."


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As always, thank you Chris Hedges........and Mr Fish......

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Ah yes, Zionist scum lying repeatedly and unrepentantly for the greatest collection of scum ever assembled on the planet — the US government and its alphabet agencies. What else is new? As I've posted here before, I reject my identity as an American citizen. I am an organism of the Kingdom Animalia possessing genetic material derived vertically from the primate line via Darwinian evolution and horizontally from bacteria, viruses, possibly fungi, and who knows what else. Hence, I am one with the biosphere, with all other life. However, NOT with effing maniacs like Gordon Kromberg, Joseph Biden, Antony Blinken, et al. who have no clue what justice, kindness, empathy or humanity actually feel like, but who fallaciously lay claim to these characteristics nonetheless.

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Kromberg another Zionist what a surprise.

I hope Julan knows we are all out here hoping he will survive and be freed.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

I have no words of praise adequate for the detailed work you are doing, Chris. The significance of this case is profound. I watched you taking notes yesterday, by hand, at the meeting with Craig Murray et al. on the Truth Defense YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZMzlnqaVU8). You are a journalist in the finest sense of the word. Thank you for defending the best in your profession.

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This shows us just how far the U.S. standing in the international community has fallen, when they try to bully another nation or a foreign national to cover up their crimes against foreign nationals or war crimes against citizens of other countries. The U.S. is finally going up against courts in other countries that aren't cowtowing to them just because they had a reputation as being the good guys (that reputation is severly tarnished now). Not any more. U.S. war crimes and espionage crimes carried out on sovereign soil through the last few decades is starting to come back and haunt them. The CIA needs a win to try and make up for all of their credibility losses in the last couple of decades and they still think they are above the law. Maybe within the U.S. but not so much overseas anymore. After the Angela Merkerl phone tap disaster, the foreign black rendition sites, assassinations, coups and a host of other crimes, the CIA is a joke anymore or at the very least, guilty of crimes against humanity. Putting Julian Assange in a dark hole in the U.S. prison system won't gain them any attaboys with the international community. If anything, their credibility will be worse than it already is. Someone needs to tell them to stand down. This revenge tour will not end well for them. Let it go. Let Julian Assange go back to Australia and live out the rest of his life out of the limelight. The world needs to tell the U.S. to go home and take a time out. There are way too many paranoid Americans in powerful positions making decisions like this and they need to be replaced with more moderate thinking legislators for the good of the world and their own citizens.

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I swear every time I hear about these Zionist Jurists like Kromberg, they bring visions of the Judges in Nazi Germany enforcing Nuremberg Laws! Like the founding fathers of Israel, most Zionists were secular Fascists! Ben Gurion, Jabotinsksy, Shamir, Begin, Stern jump off the page as hard core fascists! Their early learning, watched Stalin cement his power with secret police, brutality and murder! Bolshevism is arguably the first fascism copied by Mussolini, Franco and Hitler! The Fascist torch was handed down to all succeeding leaders of Zionist Israel. Yad Vashem and the Holocaust Industry gave them cover, How could Zionists be Judeo Nazi's? Sadly quite easily! Zionist terrorism before WW2 and after including the NAKBA, showed their true colors! The many Racist Laws of Apartheid, the Zionist Judiciary in Israel rubber stamped since the Nakba, proves the ONLY thing they learned from the Holocaust was to copy it! But conveniently using it to hide their own hate filled master race ideology! The Israeli Judge at the ICC is cut from the same cloth, denying the Occupation and de-facto Annexation of Palestine. His rulings supported the Separation Wall , Illegal "Settlements" and even Torture using the "Ticking Bomb" trope! These men of Justice are nothing more than Kafka's dystopian henchmen, that are given respect and status, that deserve neither!

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“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” JA

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As a practicing attorney for 35 years now, I have come to learn certain truths about our system that have fundamentally changed my view of the world in a huge way. I now want to leave the practice to do something else. I cannot retire as a late in life divorce left me broke. I can no longer support this system. As a Personal Injury lawyer, I now see myself as contributing to the problem, where once I sought to help people, I now see that I am a bottom feeder taking from the poor and disenfranchised by being a part of the system that promotes it. I cannot do this anymore. A paradigm shift has occurred. We have been lied to about virtually everything. And now I seek only truth, and shall live my life out that way.

Perhaps I may find work that is truly supportive of humanity as a whole, far away from destructive capitalism. If you have the chance watch Steven Greer's recent documentary:"The Lost Century" on you tube or one of those channels. It will open your eyes to the world we could have had by now. And it will direct your attention to those who have prevented us from achieving this, and why. Pure Greed and a God complex play a role.

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Let's be clear and honest about what's been happening here: The U.S. and its lapdog U.K. are torturing Julian Assange to death because he exposed U.S. war- and human rights crimes, and because he exposed other illegitimate activities of U.S. intelligence. They are making an example of Assange to others who might think about doing what he did.

People who don't want this kind of thing to happen to Julian or anyone else need to demand a dissolution or at least total restructure of U.S. security agencies. No one voted for or elected any of these people, yet in some instances they have more power than elected officials, even the president (who has too much power, but that's another issue). Any less will be meaningless, as these deep state spooks continue to run things from the shadows, acting with impunity and without any moral or even ethical compass.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

In the end, all our reliances upon legal niceties prove futile, like telling a schoolyard bully looking to beat up someone that he really doesn't have the right to put his hands on you.

The only thing that will make the bully back down is force, whether delivered by a bigger, meaner bully or a bunch of schoolkids deciding that they have had enough and that they are not bluffing.

This is how, for example, europeans transformed overnight from the chest-thumping assholes who brought us nationalism and colonialism, to cowering metrosexual pacifists. Just like that. They had met The Red Army and decided that all this he-man "the world belongs to the strong" stuff ain't near so much fun when you're on the receiving end.

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It is heartbreaking that people do not see the inhumanity of this story. The carnage of a man who was brave enough to stand up to the abuse of power and enlighten the masses to how sinister the powerful are,

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This reminds me of the poet Robert Frost who cynically wrote: "A jury are 12 persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer."

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Your passion for telling the aweful truth, Chris, is an integral facet for 'us' in carrying on in spite of it all, and using this one life to speak truth when lies are perpetrated. Thank you again! 🙏

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Those of you haven't already done so might be well served by reading Miko Peled's work "Injustice: The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five", detailing the destruction of lives carried out by our "security" state on behalf of the apartheid, fascist regime currently occupying Palestine. Beautifully written, but, fair warning, as heartbreaking as the Assange case

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That is the whole point. I am glad to see that you felt my comment was good enough to share with others outside of Substack. That is how we let the world know that this is wrong on so many levels. Feel free to share anything I offer here anytime, with anyone you choose, and that applies to any and all who may read this. If we don't make a lot of noise, things won't get better. Which is why I interview people on occasion with similar viewpoints and espouse this wrongness on my weekly podcast. Next week, I am planning a solo monlogue on American imperialism, using the Julian Assange case as another example of many others like him through the years. I am now thoroughlyh hooked on Chris Hedges and The Real News Network for indepth news that the mainstream media won't touch. Much like how I search through media like Al Jazeera, EuroNews and other overseas media outlets. They tell a different side of the news that doesn't air on mainstream U.S. media. Thank you.

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