I posted this on Tom Hartmann's substack before I listened to Jeffrey Sachs on an interview with Tucker Carlson. When I saw those two people together I must admit a I did a double take but being an admirer and follower of Sachs I listened to it. As I am a great admirer of Mr. Hedges I am looking to those of you who follow him and are muc…
I posted this on Tom Hartmann's substack before I listened to Jeffrey Sachs on an interview with Tucker Carlson. When I saw those two people together I must admit a I did a double take but being an admirer and follower of Sachs I listened to it. As I am a great admirer of Mr. Hedges I am looking to those of you who follow him and are much more intelligent than I for a reaction. As tech and I are not great friends I will try to post the link in another post. Can't figure out how to do it on this one. In case I fail I'm sure you will be able to figure out how to get it. It's an interview with Jeffrey Sachs and Tucker Carlson. It seems Prof. Sachs has been blackballed just like Mr. Hedges.
When is someone going to admit the Emperor has no clothes?! Our system is broken, dysfunctional, corrupt. The Dems can run around claiming they must win to save our democracy. We don't even have a representative republic anymore. The MAGAs are delusional in thinking Trump is their messiah. I often wonder if things would be different today if social media had been around when Granny D (Doris Haddock) in 1999 at 89 did her walk across the US for campaign finance reform. I won't be voting for just plain evil, The Orange One. Neither will I opt for a 3rd party. Nor will I not vote. I will cast my vote for Biden. Hoping against hope he and those around him will have the courage to address the real problems; money, Electoral Çollege and gerrymandering. Oh, did I fail to mention the military/industrial/political complex. Heaven help us!
I posted this on Tom Hartmann's substack before I listened to Jeffrey Sachs on an interview with Tucker Carlson. When I saw those two people together I must admit a I did a double take but being an admirer and follower of Sachs I listened to it. As I am a great admirer of Mr. Hedges I am looking to those of you who follow him and are much more intelligent than I for a reaction. As tech and I are not great friends I will try to post the link in another post. Can't figure out how to do it on this one. In case I fail I'm sure you will be able to figure out how to get it. It's an interview with Jeffrey Sachs and Tucker Carlson. It seems Prof. Sachs has been blackballed just like Mr. Hedges.
When is someone going to admit the Emperor has no clothes?! Our system is broken, dysfunctional, corrupt. The Dems can run around claiming they must win to save our democracy. We don't even have a representative republic anymore. The MAGAs are delusional in thinking Trump is their messiah. I often wonder if things would be different today if social media had been around when Granny D (Doris Haddock) in 1999 at 89 did her walk across the US for campaign finance reform. I won't be voting for just plain evil, The Orange One. Neither will I opt for a 3rd party. Nor will I not vote. I will cast my vote for Biden. Hoping against hope he and those around him will have the courage to address the real problems; money, Electoral Çollege and gerrymandering. Oh, did I fail to mention the military/industrial/political complex. Heaven help us!