God has blessed you, Chris! Now that we know what shall we do? Nothing; in the face of murder and genocide, including women and children. Einstein said (paraphrasing) the world is not dangerous because of evil people, but rather because of people who ignore the evil giving tacit approval and there by become culpable. Is this lack of empathy sacrilege?
God has blessed you, Chris! Now that we know what shall we do? Nothing; in the face of murder and genocide, including women and children. Einstein said (paraphrasing) the world is not dangerous because of evil people, but rather because of people who ignore the evil giving tacit approval and there by become culpable. Is this lack of empathy sacrilege?
God has blessed you, Chris! Now that we know what shall we do? Nothing; in the face of murder and genocide, including women and children. Einstein said (paraphrasing) the world is not dangerous because of evil people, but rather because of people who ignore the evil giving tacit approval and there by become culpable. Is this lack of empathy sacrilege?