The Biden regime would love to eviscerate the remnants of freedom of the press.

Most so-called journalists are entirely on board with this, for they are but smirking Renaissance courtiers, but without the feathers and velvet outfits.

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While I am on it:

"They are Israel’s unwitting and sometimes witting propagandists, stenographers for the architects of apartheid and genocide, hotel room warriors. Bertolt Brecht acidly called them the spokesmen of the spokesmen."

"*Sometimes* witting"? *Sometimes*? The number of truly unwitting tools here could be counted on the pads of one paw.

They damn well know the score and they either do not care, or they tell themselves comforting lies.

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Don't forget Israel has a big hand in this,  since they have indoctrinated the world to see them as victim which gave them the land of another after WW1, while  the Holocaust was used to make them look like the sole victims of Germany's prejudicial hate while other victimized  groups  like the gypsies, Poles, gays, etc,  dropped off the radar in that regard. Not to mention Russia's losses. They have used their victim status to implement many atrocities on the Palestinians, and have indoctrinated many to see any criticism of them as being anti-Semitic. I don't condone what Hamas did, although I do believe Israel knew about their impending attack, since they were forewarned, but let it happen and used her victim status to implement a genocide that they feel is totally justified.    


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Reports: Israel Police, NSC Warned of 'Unusual Activity by Hamas' Before Dawn on October 7 This was published in Haaretz


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True. Five million gentiles died in the concentration camps of The Third Reich right alongside the Jews. They were tortured, experimented upon, and liquidated in the same manner as the Jews, but their story has been systematically expunged by Jewish operatives for decades in order to keep The Holocaust front and center in the eyes of the unwitting public.

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Just the number of Poles and Russians who died tallied up to be some 5 million, not to mention how many died in the war. I think some 25 or more million Russians died alone. He also had an agenda for the Polish people whom he saw as quite inferior. He was going to clear out Poland and leave some 15 percent of the Polish people behind, more or less to become slave labor.

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In the US Immigrants of eastern and southern ancestry were thought of inferior and treated like crap!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most people don't know this.

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Agreed, but you forgot to mention that if Trump wins he plans to completely obliterate any media outlets that don't show complete fealty to him, and prosecute their employees for what would literally be Trumped up charges..

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Let us pretend that were the case. How did that work from 2016-2020? The press reveled in their role of "resistance", along with big corporations, the military, the FBI, NSA and CIA.

How does Trump plan to do this? Snap his fingers and expect it to happen? Hell, the man could not get a Team R Congress to repeal Obamacare, he is so incompetent.

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I said Trump plans on doing that. And he does. He wants that. Should he ever have all three branches and the Supreme Court, it will happen. What's to stop him?

Most mainstream media will be willingly assimilated into the Trump borg rather than be destroyed. But the independents telling the truth will be persecuted.

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P.S. I'll bet Hedges would agree with me.

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That is mighty vague. Tellus exactlyhowthat works. Again, much if the government from 2016-2020, including Trump’s own appointees, either ignored Trump’s orders that they didn't like or actively worked to undermine them.

Democrats and liberals have been telling us these lurid tales since Clinton's first term. Yet, today it's those same Democrats that are pushing for censorship. And I don't treat Hedges, or any human, as an oracle.

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I think you're in denial about Trump's intentions. I hope we never find out for certain. And I don't consider Hedges an oracle, either. I just said he'd probably agree with me. Dang, buddy, he wrote the article. Whatever experience you have in journalism, and I doubt you have any, Hedges can wave away without a care. We could do this forever, but I have a life live, so I'm done with this one.

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Every one of our God damn politicians should be charged with complicity in war crimers.

I just found out today that there's no chance of this happening because criminal cases must be brought by prosecutors. In other words the criminals have to charge the criminals. It won't ever happen unless we do something to change the law.

They have us at every turn and they know it.

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When I feel anger about the state department's failure to intervene at the Israeli monsters' mugging of American (genuine) reporter Jeremy Loffredo, that anger pales to a sigh compared to what Mr. Fish's art reinforces about this piece denoting a new pinnacle of censorship of the human mind and spirit. Not content to simply brainwash the mind or extirpate words from a webpage, it is so much easier to censor --- if your society is completely given over to criminal psychopathy --- by simply murdering the messenger directly. This goes a bit beyond even Orwell.

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This stringent media censorship will have a profound impact on the Western world. Our credibility on the global stage is rapidly diminishing, with the international community increasingly skeptical of our standing as a champion of human rights. If we’re not there already, a time will come when the rest of the world will laugh at our failures to protect human rights. After all, we are apart of this genocide.

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Nobody of influence and authority cares, as long as they can rely on naked force.

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I was in a Zoom virtual vigil last Thursday night for two executions scheduled for Texas and Alabama. It was a moving, powerful, and motivating experience.

It occurred to me that we need an on-going, non-stop, 24/7, every-time zone, virtual vigil for all the victims of Gaza, for what has happened on and since October 7, 2023. (Full well knowing it didn’t start then.)

There could be religious leaders sharing their rituals honoring the dead. We could read the names of everyone killed.

Invite musicians, poets, and others to share their artistry. I'm sure that there is much else that could be part of this.

It could have people from all over the world, all religious faiths, and leaders, all us atheists too. I am not claiming it will solve the issue, or that we should do this instead so all the other efforts, but it might help ease a bit of the pain, might help build community, show solidarity, and let us know we are not alone.

Is it a good idea? If so, who has the skills and contacts to do this? How can we make this happen?

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Any musician or poet that contributes will be blacklisted as anti-Semitic and not be able to work ever again. Happened to my friend's daughter (a musician) who volunteered at a small play in Australia! At curtain call she and the players wore a Palestinian keffiyeh. That was that. The Jewish lobby is super powerful EVERYWHERE!

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Correct. How many liberal Hollywood elites have had the courage to speak up? Virtually none for fear of never landing another acting gig in the Jewish-owned and controlled film industry. Natalie Portman was one who spoke up a few years ago and was savaged by them. Have you seen the massively talented Portman in a film lately? I haven't.

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This explains it to a great exent.

"Right now, US corporations eclipse everyone else in their ability to influence our politics through their investments in Australian stocks.

Using company ownership data from Bloomberg, I analysed the ownership of Australia’s 20 biggest companies a few days after the 2019 federal election in May. Of those 20, 15 were majority-owned by US-based investors. Three more were at least 25 per cent US-owned.

According to my analysis, all four of our big banks are majority-owned by American investors. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the nation’s biggest company, is more than 60 per cent owned by American-based investors.

So too are Woolworths and Rio Tinto. BHP, once known as “the Big Australian”, is 73 per cent owned by American-based investors."

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Thank you for never quitting!

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The presstitutes are rewarded while the journalists are killed covering Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians.

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Investigative journalism is dead. Killed by self-serving liars. The powers that be don't want an ugly, uncomfortable truth. They prefer a million pretty lies.

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Serious ongoing attention needs be given to the Teflon coated Congress and Executive to the People’s’ voice. Chaulking up the abyss that puts a wall of very thick sound proofing around the Congress persons simply to money lets them get away with murder - literally. Journalists shot while Congress people stuff bananas in their eyes and ears to avoid us, to avoid the intensity of the people’s’ righteous anger and more over the USA’s responsibility for our treachery in Gaza. Congress owes itself to us. Washington State's Cantwell and Murray refuse to demonstrate their Congressional Constitutional responsibility to us by ignoring citizen demands for Town Halls to hear and respond directly to us voters. I wonder how many citizens in other states experience the same? We must raise a relentless ruckus over this. No?

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While I love your fruit imagery, I despair of these narcissists refraining from pursuing what I believe they perceive as a valid career path: playing ball with the team, accepting various forms of largesse. I mean what the hell do they see coming from other professions? Rollicking self-interest, of course. Physician pampering by drug companies, business execs splurging on expense accounts. It a societal poisonous ethos, and hell, they're special, pulling in the votes of thousands of people. When AIPAC et al. wave cash or other percs, why should their especial butts decline. Sorry for the pessimism.

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You don't need hypnosis to convince Americans the genocide in the middle east is justified or continuing the slaughter of both Russian and Ukrainians is justifiable; the America public has been zombified by decades of USA propaganda. Our horrific war mongering death star of a nation is addicted to war. It nourishes the economy with bloodshed as blood nourishes vampires. Putting a stake in our politician hearts is required to put an end to our forever wars.

This November vote your conscience America.




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A great article.

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As I have stated time and time again, we are the monsters. You are fooling yourself if you don’t see that.

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The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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I appreciate your impassioned effort. But the thot of adding my name to anything sponsored by change.org means getting endless petitions for all the ails of the world coupled with on-going relentless effort to get them to unsubscribe you. A genuine headache.

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Thank you Chris for this detailed analysis of the war on journalism.

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Yes, there is a war on journalism. On war correspondents who tell the truth about neocons. On investigative reporters who tell the truth about neolibs. So not just about Israel's censorship, but the source--primary enablers within the current U.S. and W. Euro governments who admire19th C. empire. The same who decide what "information" about Ukraine is appropriate. Or about the econ system. Or about the environment.

Reporters who venture outside of official dogma immediately become anathema. They are censored and fired; if they persist, they are are at grave risk of being treated like Assange. Oligarchy cannot tolerate being unmasked as power mad fantasists. Certain their faith in empire justifies endless war and suspension of the Bill of Rights. Revealing how in no way are they the champions of freedom and civilized decency they want us, the masses, to believe they are.

Remember the folk tale about the little girl who pointed out the emperor had no clothes? If she were alive today, she'd be accused of treason, of being an enemy of the state, and of acting as an accessory to terrorism. Probably held in some remote location without being charged. But if she did come to trial, she'd be tried as an adult, convicted as a monstrous lawbreaker, and locked up in solitary for the rest of her life.

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Pretty dark times we live in, and have lived in it sounds like, since the end of WWII. The sorrow I feel is that it could have been quite different, we could have used the 78 years that I've been alive, to end inequality, educate all our children, and build a world more collaborative, collegial and interesting.

That the west chose power, and terror and the fantasy of the evil other, the enemy of the good we were without effort, has been a crime against humanity.

And it continues.

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whenever i am almost at a loss for words in the face of the settler colonists' unfathomably deep cruelty, their hypocrisy, their shameless lies, their so twisted and distorted 'truths', chris hedges and mr fish find words and genial illustrations, for me, for many other readers, viewers. THANKS to both of YOU and to quite a number of backboned colleagues of yours in what i decided to call beneficial brainstream media - opposed to today's shallow MSM - i feel (1) well-informed and (2) not alone in thinking that everyone on earth - not just the chosen few - deserves peace, justice, dignity [and a very healthy environment] to thrive.

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Alon says it SO well what Israel wants… terrible insanity we see only because those brave brave brave journalists report on the ground the insane horror.


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